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I'm so uncontent.

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I need to find work. I need a job where I come in contact with a lot of people, because the lack of contact that I've had with people over the last few months due to not having work or class is driving me crazy. I'm probably going to work at the grocery store or some shit so that I can save enough money for this ghetto JuCo up the street. It's not like I have to pay a car payment or an insurance payment, because I gave my older, already paid for car to my brother so that I wouldn't have to pay the insurance. I don't pay rent either, only for my food out of money that I earn doing odd jobs.


I'm broke as fuck, and not really liking my situation right now. It's not like I'm some fat slob that's just sitting here on the computer all day doing nothing, I'm a healthy guy that has been doing stuff every day in order to curve my boredom. That stuff costs, and I'm out of a way to pay for it. It's not like there's something wrong with me that's keeping me from getting a job, but for some reason, I don't have one. I've looked for work constantly. I'm pretty fortunate to be where I am right now, with people that care about me, but I need to find something for myself. I feel kinda empty. If this sounds like some angsty rant, well, it probably is, because I'm tired and pissed off at myself right now. After all, that's what blogs are for, pissing and moaning.

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Get a job, hippie.


I need a job where I come in contact with a lot of people, because the lack of contact that I've had with people over the last few months due to not having work or class is driving me crazy.


Ha. I'm the opposite. I do feel you though; it sucks when you're unemployed and feel like a total loser. I've been there.

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You're in Cali. It can't be that hard finding a decent job.


And jobs where you have to deal with people suck. I'm very happy sitting in my cubicle.

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It's kinda hard to find a decent job here that isn't extreme manual labor. I want to deal with people because it helps to pass the time at work.

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I'm broke as fuck, and not really liking my situation right now. It's not like I'm some fat slob that's just sitting here on the computer all day doing nothing, I'm a healthy guy that has been doing stuff every day in order to curve my boredom.




It's kinda hard to find a decent job here that isn't extreme manual labor.


What do you have to offer to an employer that doesn't involve working outside?

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That's the problem I have in the interim. :(


I can get a job at Target or Best Buy, but I'm looking around more before I do that.

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