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10/11: Longing To Be Fenced In

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Now this is rich. Mexico is threatening to take the U.S. in front of the United Nations if we decide to build a wall between our southern and their northern border. Talk about a threat; I’m about ready to shit my pants in fear. Why, I’m sure America will get at least four warnings by the U.N. before getting a really mean letter sent to the White House by the Secretary-General. Hey, Mexico, you don’t like us building a wall between our border with you? I have an idea – let’s implement the same immigration policies our friends to the south have for those who aren't Mexican-born that live in their country. Some highlights to what I linked above.


According to an official translation published by the Organization of American States, the Mexican constitution includes the following restrictions:


* Pursuant to Article 33, "Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country." This ban applies, among other things, to participation in demonstrations and the expression of opinions in public about domestic politics like those much in evidence in Los Angeles, New York and elsewhere.


* Equal employment rights are denied to immigrants, even legal ones. Article 32: "Mexicans shall have priority over foreigners under equality of circumstances for all classes of concessions and for all employment, positions, or commissions of the Government in which the status of citizenship is not indispensable."


* Jobs for which Mexican citizenship is considered "indispensable" include, pursuant to Article 32, bans on foreigners, immigrants, and even naturalized citizens of Mexico serving as military officers, Mexican-flagged ship and airline crew, and chiefs of seaports and airports.


* Article 55 denies immigrants the right to become federal lawmakers. A Mexican congressman or senator must be "a Mexican citizen by birth." Article 91 further stipulates that immigrants may never aspire to become cabinet officers as they are required to be Mexican by birth. Article 95 says the same about Supreme Court justices.


In accordance with Article 130, immigrants - even legal ones - may not become members of the clergy, either.


* Foreigners, to say nothing of illegal immigrants, are denied fundamental property rights. For example, Article 27 states, "Only Mexicans by birth or naturalization and Mexican companies have the right to acquire ownership of lands, waters, and their appurtenances, or to obtain concessions for the exploitation of mines or of waters."


* Article 11 guarantees federal protection against "undesirable aliens resident in the country." What is more, private individuals are authorized to make citizen's arrests. Article 16 states, "In cases of flagrante delicto, any person may arrest the offender and his accomplices, turning them over without delay to the nearest authorities." In other words, Mexico grants its citizens the right to arrest illegal aliens and hand them over to police for prosecution.


* The Mexican constitution states that foreigners - not just illegal immigrants - may be expelled for any reason and without due process. According to Article 33, "the Federal Executive shall have the exclusive power to compel any foreigner whose remaining he may deem inexpedient to abandon the national territory immediately and without the necessity of previous legal action."


Seems only fair to me that we follow Mexico's lead on this issue.


• So it seems Randy Moss didn’t take to kindly to what Howie Long recently said about him.


"He had his turn when he played," Moss said of Long on his weekly radio spot on Fox Sports. "Of course, I know he's an (Fox-TV) analyst and it's his job to stir up controversy, but for him to take a shot at me and say that I don't have a passion for the game, I love the passion for the game. If I don't have that much passion, you tell his (BUTT) to come out here and put on some pads on and go at me."


Long referenced comments made by Moss on Fox Sports radio Oct. 2 in which Moss said: The Cleveland Browns game "was a bad game for me. It really got to me knowing that it's hard for me to get into the game physically, to get myself going out there, to get a sweat. I mean, you have games that it's hard to get up for them."


When reached by phone, Long said his comments were in response to the ones Moss made Oct. 2, that he has "never questioned Randy's ability or questioned his passion for the game."


On Monday, Moss said he and his NFL colleagues face a different set of challenges today from the ones Long encountered during a playing career that spanned 1981-93.


"For Howie Long to say something like that is kind of bad because he knows, as a former NFL player, what it takes to get up for a game every Sunday," Moss said. "You got to practice week in and week out. Back in them days, he was probably popping pills and tablets and all that to get them up and going.


"But nowadays with the drug testing policies and the performance-enhancing policy, then it's hard for a player to just go out there with just himself and go out there week in and week out."


Uh, Randy, this former Raider is a Super Bowl champion, multi-time Pro Bowler and member of the NFL Hall of Fame. Pick your battles more wisely.


• And now it’s time for the Dr. Laura call of the day (or whenever I feel like doing this). This guy who has several young kids from a previous marriage got hitched with this chick. His wife said to him before the wedding that she had been molested as a kid but it was only until after they got married that she told him the molester was a family member. Seeing how the caller is bringing several small kids into her family, he asked her who was the pervert. She refuses to say who violated her childhood but she insists that “he’s gotten over it,” adding that he only molested two family members.

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Randy was fair game for critisism ever since he publicly said he takes plays off when he played for The Vikings. Now he plays for The Raiders. 'Nuff said.

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But to be fair, Randy is on pace to be an even bigger Hall of Fame member than Long could ever dream of being.


Moss is a great talent (when he wants to be), but I'd rather have Long on my team than Randy.

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And now it’s time for the Dr. Laura call of the day (or whenever I feel like doing this). This guy who has several young kids from a previous marriage got hitched with this chick. His wife said to him before the wedding that she had been molested as a kid but it was only until after they got married that she told him the molester was a family member. Seeing how the caller is bringing several small kids into her family, he asked her who was the pervert. She refuses to say who violated her childhood but she insists that “he’s gotten over it,” adding that he only molested two family members.


Maybe this woman is related to Mark Foley?


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