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11/1: 2 St00pid 4 Irack

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• So John Kerry, who at one time served in Vietnam, recently said the following to some students.


"You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."


Later on he said he was talking about the Bush Administration or something and that this line was nothing more than a botched joke. Botched joke? Well, I did find it rather funny. And for all the commies saying, “But he was talking about Bush and not the troops; stop being such a smear merchant,” shut the fuck up. Just grin and bear it – that’s what I do a lot of the time when W. opens his mouth. I must say that for as funny as Kerry’s remark was, it wasn’t as good as Dick Turban’s comment a while back about how not having enough air conditioning on (or turning it up too much) in a suspected terrorist’s cell was just like how the Nazis did their business back in the day.


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But now I'm starting to wonder if this whole thing wasn't pre-mediated. All day I've been hearing about how Democrats are now saying they don't want him attending their campaign rallies, and a few are even adding that his remarks were stupid and that he should apologize. Among those Democrats saying this are senatorial candidates in close races in Tennessee and Montana. Hmmm. Have some commie lib make a stupid remark and let those Dems in close elections try to show that they actually like this country by dissing their Vietnam hero, thus drawing some moderate fence-sitters onto their side in next week's elections. I actually have to applaud the mastermind who came up with this plan. Good job.


One final note. If Kerry really wanted to bring the house down, he would have substituted "end up in Iraq" with "end up waiting for the government to rescue you from an approaching hurricane with school buses that will never leave the nearby parking lot."


• While I’m in a political mood, here is reason #3240 why I hate polls. Last night I was flipping through channels and saw CNN with their recent poll showing Bob Corker, the Republican senatorial candidate in Tennessee, with an 8-point lead. A few seconds later, I saw on MSNBC that Harold Ford Jr., the Democrat candidate from the same state, had a 4-point lead.


• There’s a local race in my neck of the woods that has gotten rather amusing. There’s this Republican chick, Melissa Hart, battling some commie faggot, and this race is pretty close. The commie has started airing ads on the local RIGHT-WING RADIO station and is pimping the fact that MELISSA HART votes with GEORGE W. BUSH AND RICK SANTORUM 98 PERCENT OF THE TIME. Uh, OK. The commie faggot then adds that he SUPPORTS INCREASING THE MINIMUM WAGE. Uh, OK. Also, the liberal fishwrap known as the Shittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses this commie faggot. Talk about ad money well spent. Oh and in this ad there was also something about Hart RAIDING THE SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUND. I always get a good laugh whenever that line is whipped out.


• Ha. Drew Brees’ mom is running for some judge position and is using her son in her ads. The son wants these ads pulled. And their relationship “crumbled” when she wasn't hired to be his agent. Oy.


AUSTIN, Texas -- New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees has asked his mother to stop using his picture in TV commercials touting her candidacy for a Texas appeals court.


"I think the major point here is that my mother is using me in a campaign, and I've made it known many times I don't want to be involved," Drew Brees said.


Drew Brees called his relationship with his mother "nonexistent" after it crumbled six years ago when he refused to hire her as his agent.


"I love Drew very much, and I'm very proud of him. But sometimes when people are following a career path, they change," Mina Brees said.


• So the Miami Heat won last year’s NBA title, and how do they start the new season? By losing to the Chicago Bulls 66-108. Oh well, even they would have lost 107-108 it still counts as one loss.

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