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11/3: Pulpit Perv, Diddy Double

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• Well who didn’t see this one coming?


Evangelist Ted Haggard admitted Friday that he bought methamphetamine and received a massage from a gay prostitute who claims he was paid for drug-fueled trysts by the outspoken gay marriage opponent


Wow, and he's not Catholic. Well he wouldn't be; the other guy isn't nine years old.


Talking to reporters outside his house Friday, Haggard denied the sex allegations but said that he did buy meth from the man because he was curious.


"I bought it for myself but never used it," he said. "I was tempted, but I never used it."


Oh did you now?


Jones said he decided to go public because he was also upset when he discovered Haggard and the New Life Church had publicly opposed same- sex marriage.


"It made me angry that here's someone preaching about gay marriage and going behind the scenes having gay sex," he said.


"I just want people to step back and take a look and say, 'Look, we're all sinners, we all have faults, but if two people want to get married, just let them, and let them have a happy life,'" said Jones, who added that he isn't working for any political group.


Just what the hell has gay marriage got to do with any of this shit? It sounds like to me the good reverend didn’t want to get hitched with you.


Jones claimed that Haggard, 50, paid him to have sex nearly every month over three years. He said he advertised himself as an escort on the Internet and was contacted by a man who called himself Art, who snorted methamphetamine before their sexual encounters to heighten his experience.


Jones said he later saw the man on television identified as Haggard and that the two last had sex in August.


He said he has voice mail messages from Haggard, as well as an envelope he said. Haggard used to mail him cash. He declined to make the voice mails available to the AP, but KUSA-TV reported what it said were excerpts late Thursday that referred to methamphetamine.


"Hi Mike, this is Art," one call began, according to the station. "Hey, I was just calling to see if we could get any more. Either $100 or $200 supply."


Lies. All lies. I’m sure they were talking about Bibles. Damn you liberal media.


I’m a bit of an odd bird when it comes to religion. On one hand some of the biggest hypocrites and two-faced shitbags I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting came from places of worship. On the other hand I strongly support people and their right to worship. I think the best way to describe my opinion on this subject is that the only thing I hate more than a Jesus freak shoving a Bible in my face is some atheist fuck who wants to hold an entire community hostage because of some harmless Nativity scene. I really don’t care about the Pat Robertsons or Jerry Falwells, but I think that’s because they get vilified enough by others in the media that I don’t feel like piling on. I save my bile for assholes like the Fascist Barry Lynn, who I’ve mentioned before is one of these separation-of-church-from-everything-remotely-public assholes that just flat out gets on my nerves. I love how some people’s concept of religious tolerance is forbidding 99 people to sing “Silent Night” at some school concert because one person isn’t Christian. To me, the tolerance would be that one person shutting up and letting the other 99 do their thing. It’s not like they’re taking turns sodomizing the heathen with a broomstick. And, yes, I practice what I preach. Even though I’m a confirmed Lutheran, I don’t consider myself a religious person. Hell, I don’t know if I’m even all that spiritual. Is there something up there or down below? I have no clue. But if I’m in a group that says a prayer before some meeting or event, I don’t go OMG QUIT TRYING TO SHOVE YOUR PURITAN VIEWS DOWN MY THROAT!!!! I just bow my head, close my eyes, and let the rest of the people around me do their thing. Now is that so goddamn hard?


• Oh what the hell now? I was never a Sean Combs/Puff Daddy/P. Diddy hater, but now he’s starting to get on my nerves a bit.


P. Diddy announced at the MTV Awards that he has given up bling – because he is too famous to need to show off.


The hip-hop mogul turned up to the awards in Copenhagen in a three-piece suit and just one diamond earring.


He told me: “I’ve gone beyond bling. I’ve got nothing to prove with jewellery. I am at a level all on my own now.”


P Diddy later donned a black T-shirt and single gold chain at his lavish after-show party, where he downed bubbly from a giant bottle.


Oh no you didn’t.


Hip-hop star Diddy, formerly known as Puff Daddy, has said that he would love to play James Bond.


Speaking at the MTV Europe Music Awards, he said: "One day the time will come for a black Bond and hopefully I can audition for it."


"It's a dream of mine to play a great role like that," the singer said.

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At least Diddy isn't talking about running for office anymore. It's not like Bond has meant anything in the past decade, so who cares who plays the guy.

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