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11/9: My Post-Post-Election Not-So-Spectacular

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Yeah, I know. More election shit. Too bad.


• Maybe Fast Eddie’s re-election as Pennsylvania's governor might be a good thing. Well, it won't be a good thing for my paycheck, but I'm talking about in terms of entertainment value. You see, should a Democrat win the presidency in 2008, there’s a good chance Fast Eddie would join that administration. For all the grief I give this asshole, I have to admit he seems to be a popular guy in Philadelphia, the city in which he used to be mayor. With him possibly heading off for greener pastures, that means our second in command would take over. And who is this person? It’s Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker Knoll.


IPB Image


God help us all.


Who is Catherine Baker Knoll? She is some crazy old bitch who gained fame last year for appearing uninvited at the funeral of a marine killed in Iraq and offered her condolences by telling the marine’s family that "our government" is against the war. Needless to say, her behavior pissed off the soldier's family, and the fallout provided for some great RIGHT-WING RADIO for the next few weeks. Oh please let her run this state for a few years. Please please please please please.


• While Lynn Swann got creamed in my state's governor race, he won a majority of votes in my county. Rock on. And what was the reason for Fast Eddie not getting 50+ percent in Westmoreland County? According to Westmoreland County Commissioner Tom Balya, it's the RIGHT-WING MEDIA. From Richard Scaife's Tribune-Review


Democrats insist Swann's victory in the county does not reflect local voters seeking change or an ideological shift toward conservative values. Instead, party leaders blamed a media bias for distorting voters' perception of Rendell.


"I don't think it was due to incumbency. It's the influence of your newspaper and its four-year bashing of Ed Rendell," Balya said.


Oh give me a fucking break. First off, if we're going to whine about media bias, I could point to quite a few politicians on my side that have over the years felt the wrath of southwestern Pennsylvania's liberal fishwrap -- the Shittsburgh Post-Gazette. And besides, if this county is full of Democrats, why would they read a conservative newspaper when a commie one is available for purchase? Also, why then did Junior defeat Santorum by the same margin Swann defeated Rendell when the Trib heavily endorsed Rick over Junior and refused to endorse either gubernatorial candidates? Oh, and the Trib also endorsed John Murtha, for those keeping score at home.


• I find it odd that after it was announced Democrats were going to take Congress, I didn’t hear a peep about faulty voting machines and police dogs chasing away blacks from urban polling places. Wow, it’s nice to know all the voting irregularities that occurred during the past six years were magically resolved. I wonder if a Republican wins the White House or if the GOP re-takes Congress in ’08 if these machines will be on the fritz once again?


• Oops, I spoke too soon.


Republican auto dealer Vern Buchanan narrowly beat Democratic banker Christine Jennings in Tuesday's race for U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris' district, but the contest appeared headed toward a recount and legal fight because it was so close.


With all the expected vote counted, Buchanan had 50.1 percent to 49.9 percent for Jennings - a 364-vote margin. Recounts automatically occur under state law when the difference between two candidates is less than 0.5 percent.


Jennings lawyers said touch-screen voting machines malfunctioned in Sarasota County, where thousands of ballots didn't register a vote for Congress but did for other big races. Local elections supervisor Kathy Dent couldn't explain why that happened, but told the Sarasota Herald-Tribune the electronic equipment worked fine.


When I first heard the words “recount,” “voting machines malfunctions” and “Katherine Harris,” I thought that there must have been a shitload of busted devices to put her back in contention for her failed Senate bid.


• Great. As if losing Republicans in Congress wasn’t bad enough, the ones who managed to hang on are getting leukemia.


Wyoming Senator Craig Thomas has been diagnosed with a form of leukemia ... While he was hospitalized, Thomas was elected to a third term with 70 percent of the vote.


• Hmm, I’m starting to run out of stuff to say about Tuesday’s events. Oh, there was Rumsfeld’s resignation. Last night I heard some commentary about it on the cable news networks and the left-leaning folks seemed to be “shocked” that it was just a week ago Bush was saying what a great job his Secretary of Defense was doing. Well no shit. What was he going to say in the days leading up to an election? It’s just like when pundits who know their candidate or Party has no chance at victory but still goes on and on and on and on and on about how great their chances of victory are in the upcoming election.


• Finally, can we not talk about the 2008 elections until at least after this year’s crop of new politicians set up shop in D.C.? Pretty pretty pretty pretty please with sugar, sprinkles, Oreo cookie crumbles, and whipped cream on top? Sonofabitch.


Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a centrist Democrat seeking an early edge in an all-but-certain crowded presidential field, launched a long-shot bid for the White House Thursday.
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