11/14: #48, Hating My State/Loving My County
KKK’s Top 103 Posters
Number 48: Hoff
For all you people bitching about what happened to this countdown, I’m posting the following … in ANGER! There’s nothing much more to say. I like him. He likes me. (Although not as much as Carnival, it seems.) And it’s man-like, not hot-BUTT-sex-like. Besides, I doubt he would find me all that appealing. I'm still sure he spent $10.39 in Eden Prairie, MN, on a hooker. Then again, it could have been a male hooker.
And now a word or four from the expert panel I've assembled to comment on the people I've listed.
From Lovecraft:
Ah Hoff, what ever happened to that guy. Also, his old "Gay Points" thing was amusing
From Black Lushus:
I miss that fat fuck! fun poster!
From Carnival:
He's a grammar nazi. but I loved one of his gimmicks.....loved when it died! HEEL TURN.
From Cancer Marney:
• So not even a week after getting re-elected as Pennsylvania’s governor, Fast Eddie’s Transportation Funding and Reform Commission suggested the following:
The final report from Gov. Ed Rendell's nine-member Transportation Funding and Reform Commission, released yesterday, concludes that another $900 million is needed for roads and bridges and another $760 million should be earmarked for transit systems each year.
Already, the state provides close to $3 billion a year for maintenance and construction of roads and bridges and nearly $1 billion for transit.
The money to pay for better roads and to repair bridges rated among the nation's worst would come from an increase of up to 12.5 cents a gallon in fuel taxes and a $15 hike in annual motor vehicle registration or driver license fees.
The money would provide a long-sought dedicated source of funding for public transit and would come from a new Transit Trust Fund, combining a mix of existing streams of revenue with a new 0.9 percent state realty-transfer tax.
Locally, the Port Authority would be required to raise fares, and the county could increase the realty transfer tax by 0.5 percent, the earned income tax by 0.2 percent or the sales tax by 0.25 percent to provide $1 of local money for every $3 the state would provide.
Well golly gee, I’m shocked this was announced right AFTER the 2006 elections. Couldn’t this blue-ribbon panel have worked a weekend or two in order to make this announcement in time for voters to hear of this dire news before voting on the cocksucker who will end up being a multi-term governor? I’m also equally sure a certain casino that poured money into Fast Eddie’s re-election war chest will be getting a slots license in the Shittsburgh region, but I’m not going to comment on that until Swindell officially makes his announcement. Another question, Fast Eddie, when you previously raised gas taxes, I thought that was supposed to solve our transportation crisis? I’m stunned beyond words taxes are going to be raised again in order to support wasteful bureaucracy, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
• A short while ago I mentioned this local business posting the sign, “Liberalism is a mental disorder. Vote Republican.” Well, now their marquee reads, “Sheeple.” Rock on. All you need to do now is include the phrase, “Red diaper doper babies,” and I will mark out.
• Here’s why I love my county – a Sunday article in my local paper showed the number of people per county in the southwestern Pennsylvania region who have concealed carry permits. And my county ranks first in most concealed carry permits per capita.
• Finally, a footnote relating to my bouncing wedding ring that almost ended up flushed down a toilet (read yesterday's entry for more details). Later on in the day I discovered that our building had no water pressure. Hey, I peed in a urinal, so it was no big deal. I was also leaving for the day, so it's not like this affected me all that much. This morning when I entered the building, I heard a toilet flushing ... for several minutes. A toilet in one of the women's stalls was going nonstop. Oh well, I guess it's better to have a toilet flushing nonstop than not at all.