Does this generation have it's own music identity?
So this is it, my first TSM Blog.
So I was driving along the road and I heard rock music being blasted out the car next to me. Nirvana. Yeah, Nirvana is still getting as much play on the radio today as it did in 1992. Now, personally I have nothing against Nirvana, I was a young teenager in their heyday, and I listened to them, however at 26 and almost 15 years older, I have to think to myself, what the hell are they still doing getting hourly spins on the radio?
With the boom of the internet it was my hope people would not be simply downloading the "hot music of the hour" but actively seeking out bands you don't hear on the radio. Doesn't have to be what I happen to like, I can care less, but I guess my dissapointment is that either the music of today is so bad that there isn't enough quality to fill up the radio for a couple of hours OR the industry itself is so tedious and petty that just want to rehash music from a previous generation onto the next generation of teenage angst. Or Both!?!
I have never been one to say you can't like this or that, or the one to argue that what I happen to like is the best, but there are some things in life that I do feel the need to speak out about and one of them is the absolute shit quality of music today. Now I am sure people will reply to this with so-and-so and how awesome they are, but even if that is true, I am willing to bet they are the exception to the rule.
With the internet entering more homes everyday, and highspeed costs coming down(somewhat) My hope is that one day the monopoly that is currently held on corporate radio can be broken by the will of the people. I hope for a day when most people just flat out turn off FM Radio for good and seek other venues for music. That is when the search for true Artists will begin.
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