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Benoit v Regal looked to be good stuff, but the flow was definitely ruined by the two commercial breaks, so it's hard to give it a fair rating. It didn't appear to be at the level of their 2000 Pillman Memorial match, but when I get to see the match without the breaks, I'll be able to say for sure.


The happenings surrounding the debut of The Boogeyman at a Smackdown house show were classic divine comedy. God had to be pissing on the gimmick, which I think most of us mere mortals will be doing should it hit the screens without some serious tuning up.


The initial buy rate for Vengeance is in, and it's a little higher than the first returns for ONS. Naturally, there are those who are gloating over this, which is both missing the point, and missing the fact that it didn't blow ONS out of the ballpark either, which is what I'd be most concerned about. I also note that some people are saying that the Cena v Jericho v Christian match drew more of the buys than Hunter v Batista. Quite how a major gimmick match between two of the biggest stars of Raw, complete with main event level push, would draw less buys than a match between one star and two perennial midcarders, without the main event level push, I don't know, but I guess you can't expect everyone to know what they're talking about.


Speaking of which, someone expressed the opinion that WCW having the better in-ring quality than WWE is a myth. I guess they missed out on WCW having a far better undercard than the WWF for 1996-1998, and some undercard matches that blew away most of what the WWF was putting out, even some of Bret, Shawn or Austin's work at some points. Main events aside, which were usually average to horrible, WCW had a more well-rounded and far superior in-ring product to WWF for a most of the late 90's.


I'm really looking forward to NOAH's Dome Show this weekend. The undercard is a little hit-and-miss, but the top three matches should be something else, if only from a spectacle standpoint. Naturally, the most anticipated match is the main event, with the first Mitsuharu Misawa v Toshiaki Kawada match in over five years, and their first ever match in NOAH. This will easily be the most heated and intense match of the night, and with Kawada being a free agent, I'm betting on him to get the win over Misawa, to set up a run against the top NOAH names, likely ending with a singles bout against Kenta Kobashi. Kobashi will be taking on Kensuke Sasaki, in what will be a hard hitting match, and I expect Kobashi to get the win there.


ROH shouldn't have used Matt Hardy. Their fanbase should be smart enough to know that Hardy is just there to further a WWE angle, and that is the absolute last thing that ROH fans want to see at an ROH show. And then to have Hardy make Chris Daniels tap out? Even with the interference of CM Punk, that one was just stupid. Sapolsky must be smoking something low grade if he agreed to that, not least because Daniels isn't getting his heat back from Hardy.


Cena v Edge? Cena right now, but I don't see him sustaining this level of overness for more than another year or so, so I would keep Edge strong so he can be the one to get the belt after. Of course, that doesn't take into account the fact that Hunter will want the belt not long after he returns, regardless of how over Cena is at the time, and so Edge is unlikely to be more than a transitional champion, like everyone not named HHH, even if he should be more.

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Cena v Edge? Cena right now, but I don't see him sustaining this level of overness for more than another year or so, so I would keep Edge strong so he can be the one to get the belt after.

But do you think Edge can retain his heat that long? A lot of his heat is due to the Hardy/Edge/Lita "thing", which is bound to die out sooner or later (say, after he's done his program w/ Matt?). I agree that Cena's heat won't have a long shelf life, but I also don't think Edge's will, either.

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When does RVD return? Because an RVD/Hardy team (not tag team, though that would be fun, but more of a partnership) would be very NWO-ish. They both have expressed distain for the WWE (RVD at the ECW PPV, Hardy on RAW), both have their fanbase, and I think together they could get further up the card than apart.

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ROH shouldn't have used Matt Hardy. Their fanbase should be smart enough to know that Hardy is just there to further a WWE angle, and that is the absolute last thing that ROH fans want to see at an ROH show. And then to have Hardy make Chris Daniels tap out? Even with the interference of CM Punk, that one was just stupid. Sapolsky must be smoking something low grade if he agreed to that, not least because Daniels isn't getting his heat back from Hardy.


Considering ROH got almost 1,000 fans for their show, that Hardy was over, that the Hardy v. Daniels match was over, that CM Punk became a heel because of it, and now everyone really wants to see Punk v. Daniels- how can you say they shouldn't have used him?


Daniels took tons of punishment from Hardy, kicked out of his Twist of Fate and only lost because of Punk. Daniels came out of the match looking great.


Hardy did his usual disses of Edge and Lita, and got a fuck Johnny Ace chant going, but then put over ROH on the mic and proceeded to have a good match.

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ROH shouldn't have used Matt Hardy. Their fanbase should be smart enough to know that Hardy is just there to further a WWE angle, and that is the absolute last thing that ROH fans want to see at an ROH show. And then to have Hardy make Chris Daniels tap out? Even with the interference of CM Punk, that one was just stupid. Sapolsky must be smoking something low grade if he agreed to that, not least because Daniels isn't getting his heat back from Hardy.


Considering ROH got almost 1,000 fans for their show, that Hardy was over, that the Hardy v. Daniels match was over, that CM Punk became a heel because of it, and now everyone really wants to see Punk v. Daniels- how can you say they shouldn't have used him?


Daniels took tons of punishment from Hardy, kicked out of his Twist of Fate and only lost because of Punk. Daniels came out of the match looking great.


Hardy did his usual disses of Edge and Lita, and got a fuck Johnny Ace chant going, but then put over ROH on the mic and proceeded to have a good match.

Short term, yes, they got something out of it, but when tickets went on sale for a return date, with no Matt Hardy, they didn't shift a whole lot, so how did that benefit ROH?


They got a lot of people to come, which is good, but those extra people came because of Hardy and weren't exactly beating down the doors to come back for a card without Hardy so, again, I have to ask how that benefited ROH? If those fans were jazzed by what they saw and were eager to see more ROH, then it would be good for ROH, but all they got were a lot of extra fans for one event, and that was great for the short term, but not so for the long term.


I'd argue that they could have gotten Punk more over as a heel, and he was really over strong already, by having Punk help an ROH wrestler beat Daniels, which in turn could have led to a program between that wrestler and Daniels, which would have benefited ROH. As it is, he helped an outside wrestler, who isn't going to be returning the favor, and isn't going to be someone that Daniels can get revenge on, which he could if it had been an ROH wrestler.


If it had been a pinfall loss via the cheating of Punk, then it wouldn't have been that bad, but Daniels tapped out. Even passing out would have been better than having an outsider, who Daniels won't get his heat back from, making Daniels tap.


Ultimately, it was a WWE angle getting put over with a WWE wrestler being put over on an ROH event at the expense of an ROH wrestler and an ROH angle. Explain to me how, in any way, it benefits ROH to more or less advertise that they Vince's latest small time affilliate, when that is the absolute last thing their audience wants?

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Cena v Edge? Cena right now, but I don't see him sustaining this level of overness for more than another year or so, so I would keep Edge strong so he can be the one to get the belt after.

But do you think Edge can retain his heat that long? A lot of his heat is due to the Hardy/Edge/Lita "thing", which is bound to die out sooner or later (say, after he's done his program w/ Matt?). I agree that Cena's heat won't have a long shelf life, but I also don't think Edge's will, either.

I think he could retain some heat that long, and what heat he loses could be restored quite easily if they put some thought into it. I think the difference with Cena and Edge's heat is that while Cena's peak is far higher than Edge's, when Cena's heat drops, it's going to drop hard, because it's more of a fad deal than a personality and character that people can identify with. With Edge, while his heat can't match Cena's at its peak, it's more sustainable at that secondary level, and I think it's going to be easier over the long term to be able to get it up to the level where he can be a main event player. With Cena, once his heat drops, and drops hard, it's going to be hard to get it back up to that level where he can be a serious main event player again, and I don't see Edge having that problem.

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But I could see a situation where the fans just turn on Cena, and I'd wager he'd then a more-over heel than Edge. Kind of a win/win situation for Cena.

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But I could see a situation where the fans just turn on Cena, and I'd wager he'd then a more-over heel than Edge.  Kind of a win/win situation for Cena.

Not really, because the heat from fans turning on a fad babyface doesn't really translate into the heat that will get people to pay to them get beat up. Once the fad wears off, and people realise what they were cheering for, they're not going to want a reminder of that, which means I don't see them paying to see him get beat up.

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