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3/5: Quickie Birth, Returning Baller

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6:30 p.m.


• So Ann Coulter said something wacky again, this time questioning the sexuality of the pretty boy, err, John Edwards. Apparently, being a bit on the prissy side qualifiies someone as being a "faggot." Odd, I would have questioned his pitching/catching status based on his wife.




I mean, when compared to Elizabeth Edwards, Arianna Huffington looks like a trophy wife.


• Scottie Pippen wants to play again in the NBA.


With injuries taking a toll, the Los Angeles Lakers are looking for help, and on Sunday both coach Phil Jackson and Scottie Pippen said they have had preliminary talks about Pippen's interest in coming out of retirement to play for the Lakers.


Pippen, 41, hasn't played since the 2003-04 season. But he said he's been working out in hopes of playing again and will make a decision in the next week or two.


"I've got a couple of teams that (merit) strong consideration," Pippen said by phone. "LA is one of them. Kobe (Bryant) is a very attractive player to play with."


When it comes to athletes, I’m a pretty apathetic guy. I don’t generally despise pro athletes, but there are three I can’t stand. One is Barry Bonds. The other is Racist Dusty. The third is Pippen. Just so long as Pippen doesn’t have to play the final 1.8 seconds of a close game, I’m sure he’ll do well in Tinseltown.


2:30 p.m.


• Looks like the Pens might be headed to Kansas City. Ha.


The Penguins have declared an impasse in negotiations with government officials over construction of a new arena and will aggressively explore relocating the team to a new city.


I so can't wait until a new arena gets built and there's no hockey team to fill it up 40+ times per year.


• Here’s why I love Neal Boortz. Earlier on his show today he goofed on those “My child is an *insert school name* Honor Student.” He said the only thing that bumper sticker shows is that you have the audacity to put your kid in a government school. Awesome.


• I heard earlier today that some chick popped out a kid at the Quickie Mart I used to work at. Thank God I wasn’t there for that; childbirth assisting was never in any job description of mine.

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