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3/23: Baby-Eating Indians Aren't (k)Impossible To Imagine

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7:45 p.m.


• What's this?


Mel Gibson exchanged angry words with a university professor who challenged the accuracy of his film…


Please let it be a Jew bitching about the “Passion.”


…"Apocalypto" at an on-campus screening.


Oh well. Maybe next time.


Gibson was answering questions from the crowd at California State University, Northridge, Thursday night when Alicia Estrada, an assistant professor of Central American studies, accused the actor- director of misrepresenting the Mayan culture in the movie. Gibson directed an expletive at the woman, who was removed from the crowd.


Good for Mel. Too bad he wasn’t drunk. It would have been more entertaining.


Estrada is demanding an apology, "not only to me but to the Central American program at CSUN, to the university and most importantly to the Mayan people and Mayan community."


Oh shut up you fucking bitch. “Your people” did some crazy shit – all cultures do. Deal with it.


Human sacrifice among the Mayans has been well-documented in recent years and is accepted as fact by most anthropologists, knocking down a previous theory that the culture did not take part in such bloody rituals.


However, there are some scholars and Indian activists who still believe the human sacrifice accounts are false or overblown, and an attempt by RACIST scientists to paint the culture as violent.


Here’s my favorite part.


"This isn't the Mayan culture," Juan Tiney, leader of the National Indian and Farmer Committee, Guatemala's biggest Mayan organization, told the AP. "Although it might be part of it, there was also culture, economics, astronomical wealth and language. ... It discredits a people to present them in this manner."


For the last fucking time – THIS PART OF THE WORLD WAS FUCKED UP BEFORE WHITEY CAME ALONG AND TOOK ALL YOUR GOLD! Say, this reminds me of my Quickie Mart days. There was this hippie chick that I used to work with. Well, actually, “hippie,” doesn’t do her justice. She was one of those wiccan moonbats who really believed all that shit, and this was before “Charmed” made wicca cool: or at least showed some practitioners with nice tits. Our magic moment came when I told her Indians weren’t these holier-than-thou pacifists and that they could tear shit up with the best of them. I also mentioned the Aztecs would sacrifice and eat their babies to appease the Sun God, or one of those things they worshipped. Did the Aztecs actually do this? I don’t remember, but I probably heard that they did, so it must be true. This chick then said that she followed this one tribe which roamed the Great Plains and lived off what the land provided for them. She then commented that one day they mysteriously disappeared, to which I replied, “That’s because the baby-eating Indians came up and kicked their asses.”


Boy did that sure piss her off. Hey, a quick Google search shows that my baby-eating remark may have legs (and arms, too, depending on Chief I-Sold-New-York-For-A-Bag-Of-Beads-From-The-Dollar-Store's appetite).


Skeletons found at an unearthed site in Mexico show Aztecs captured, ritually sacrificed and partially ate several hundred people traveling with invading Spanish forces in 1520.

And this is from Informationliberation.com – THE NEWS YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW! :o :o :o :o :o :o


• So Eminem, who has bitched in the past about CENSORSHIP, is trying to silence his ex-wife. (They're now divorced? That's right. Today's Friday.)


Eminem is taking his ex-wife to court to force her to stop talking trash about him.


The rap superstar, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, is scheduled to appear in Macomb Circuit Court on Monday after filing a motion intended to prevent ex-wife Kim Mathers from disparaging him in ways that he believes could harm their 11-year-old daughter, Hailie.


Oh you got to be shitting me. This can’t be serious.


The motion seeks to prohibit Kim Mathers from making "derogatory, disparaging, inflammatory and otherwise negative comments" about him in public, because, the motion claims, her comments would harm Hailie.


Kim Mathers, who lives in Macomb Township, has recently granted television and radio interviews in which she has claimed Eminem is "slacking very much when it comes to the kids" and that there is "nothing positive" between Eminem and his daughter, according to the motion, filed last week.


"Complicating the situation for the child is the fact that her father is an internationally known public figure," the motion reads. "It is simply impossible for her to be shielded from the kind of media campaign currently being waged by (Kim) against (Eminem)


"For girls in the 11 to 14 age range, personal embarrassment is one of their most powerful and painful emotions," the motion said. "If by some chance the child missed a particularly pungent insult about her father by her mother, it is all but certain that her friends and her friends parents are aware of it and that it will be shared with her.


"This Court must enter an order to protect the child from further harm by requiring that (Kim) desist from any further behavior likely to expose the minor child to humiliation and hostility," the court document said.


Hey, what is this? Why, it’s the lyrics to one of Eminem’s songs.



Aww look at daddy's baby girl

That's daddy baby

Little sleepy head

Yesterday I changed your diaper

Wiped you and powdered you.

How did you get so big?

Can't believe it now your two

Baby you're so precious

Daddy's so proud of you

Sit down bitch

If you move again I'll beat the shit out of you



(Eminem as Kim)


Don't make me wake this baby

She don't need to see what I'm about to do

Quit crying bitch, why do you always make me shout at you?

How could you?

Just leave me and love him out the blue

Oh, what's a matter Kim?

Am I too loud for you?

Too bad bitch, your gonna finally hear me out this time

At first, I'm like all right

You wanna throw me out? That's fine!

But not for him to take my place, are you out you're mind?

This couch, this TV, this whole house is mine!

How could you let him sleep in our bed?

Look at Kim

Look at your husband now!


I said look at him!

He ain't so hot now is he?

Little punk!

(Why are you doing this?)

Shut the fuck up!

(You're drunk! You're never going to get away at this!)

You think I give a fuck!

Come on we're going for a ride bitch


Sit up front

(Well I can't just leave Haley alone, what if she wakes up?)

We'll be right back

Well I will you'll be in the trunk


1-So long, bitch you did me so wrong

I don't wanna go on

Living in this world without you


Repeat 1


You really fucked me Kim

You really did a number on me

Never knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt me

But we was kids then Kim, I was only 18

That was years ago

I thought we wiped the slate clean

That's fucked up!

(I love you!)

Oh God my brain is racing

(I love you!)

What are you doing?

Change the station I hate this song!

Does this look like a big joke?


There's a four year old boy lyin' dead with a slit throat

In your living room, ha-ha

What you think I'm kiddin' you?

You loved him didn't you?


Bullshit you bitch don't fucking lie to me

What the fuck's this guy's problem on the side of me?

Fuck you asshole, yeah bite me

Kim, KIM!

Why don't you like me?

You think I'm ugly don't you

(It's not that!)

No you think I'm ugly


Get the fuck away from me, don't touch me




How the fuck could you do this to me?


How the fuck could you do this to me?


Repeat 1 (2x)


Come on get out

(I can't I'm scared)

I said get out bitch!

(Let go of my hair, please don't do this baby)

(Please I love you, look we can just take Haley and leave)

Fuck you, you did this to us

You did it, it's your fault

Oh my God I'm crackin' up

Get a grip Marshall

Hey remember the time we went to Brian's party?

And you were like so drunk that you threw up all over Archie

That was funny wasn't it?


That was funny wasn't it?


See it all makes sense, doesn't it?

You and your husband have a fight

One of you tries to grab a knife

And during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam's apple sliced


And while this is goin' on

His son just woke up and he just walks in

She panics and he gets his throat cut

(Oh my God!)

So now they both dead and you slash your own throat

So now it's double homicide and suicide with no note

I should have known better when you started to act weird

We could've...HEY! Where you going? Get back here!

You can't run from me Kim

It's just us, nobody else!

You're only making this harder on yourself

Ha! Ha! Got'cha!


Ha! Go ahead yell!

Here I'll scream with you!


Don't you get it bitch, no one can hear you?

Now shut the fuck up and get what's comin to you

You were supposed to love me

{Kim choking}




How DARE that bitch say Em is "slacking very much when it comes to the kids." That would make any baby daddy mad enough to kill ... or at least write a song about it.

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