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3/25: Tax Man Cometh, Tax Man Joketh

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8 p.m.


• Looks like the winter season is over in my part of the country. This weekend was the first this year when the windows were opened throughout the house. I like the seasonal transition from winter to spring because it’s not too hot where the AC needs turned on and it’s not too cold so that the better half will bitch about being cold – well at least not bitch all that much. Too bad in a few months it’ll be hotter than shit. Then again, it beats snow so I’m not complaining. However, this weather means that pretty soon I’ll have to start mowing the lawn again. In addition, I’m going to have to rake the leaves in the backyard, too. The last two years I raked the leaves in the autumn right before the snow, but this past season I was sick and didn’t get around to doing so. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


Payback is a bitch, mother fucker.


Attorney in Duke Lacrosse Case Dies


Wait a second.


Kirk Osborn, a lead defense attorney in the Duke lacrosse sexual assault case, died early Sunday, a fellow defense attorney in the case said. He was 64.


Sonofabitch. It wasn’t Mike Nifong. Wow. Never thought I’d live to see the day where I feel sympathy for a defense lawyer. Then again, if I should ever get dragged into court I’ll probably be showering my Jew lawyer with praise.




Customers at some suburban pizza parlors are getting something extra with their pepperoni and mushrooms—wanted posters for parents accused of failing to pay child support.


The idea came to Cynthia Brown, executive director of the Butler County Child Enforcement Agency, while she was ordering pizza.


"It suddenly dawned on me that most people running from the law don't eat out, they order pizza," said Brown, whose county is north of Cincinnati.


Why do I think this is funny? Because Middletown, Ohio, my former residence, is located in Butler County. Oddly enough, there is a Butler county in the southwestern Pennsylvania area, too. It's the county just above Allegheny county (which is where Shittsburgh is located). For those that don't know by now, my county is to the east of Allegheny. While I’m on the subject of Middletown, I remember this story from two years ago, and I don’t think I've mentioned it here before.


MIDDLETOWN, Ohio (AP) -- Taxes are no laughing matter.


The city's tax superintendent has been suspended without pay for a week for trying to inject some humor in the city income tax filing instructions.


The attempt at humor by Linda Stubbs was called "misguided" by city Finance Director John Lyons.


The forms -- with such lines as, "If we can tax it, we will," -- were sent last week to all Middletown businesses and residents who pay city income tax.


City officials didn't laugh at lines like: "Free advice: if you don't have a profit in a five-year period, you might want to consider another line of work."


Lyons said revised forms were sent out immediately at a cost to taxpayers of about $5,500.


During my limited time living in Middletown, I never had a problem with the local tax people. Actually, I’ve never had a problem with any local tax people anywhere I have lived. Well, last year my local tax man didn’t cash my April check until the end of May, but whatever. It's local government.

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I'm already pissed that it's warm again (it was 83 degrees today!). It's going to be miserable this summer. I don't get the love for humid summer afternoons. I work outdoors a bunch, I don't get the comfort of a AC'd building anymore.


You'd think I'd have something witty about Middletown but no.

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