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Lenna's reign has ended.

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Gary Floyd


May 29th, 2007: Leena's reign of terror ends.


I'm suprised this happened, to be honest. Sure, she's been banned before (and will probably return) but I'm suprised she lasted this long. She was a pain in the ass, and nobody but Matt Young liked her. She was a female version of MikeSC, only occasionaly funny, and also prone to start arguments. She also was incredibly insecure, with no known "friends" outside of myspace and this forum (some poeple actually liked her...God knows why.) She posted pictures of shit in WP threads, which was still less upsetting than WP. She pissed off Carlito Brigante, which was always funny.


And now she's gone.


I personally won't miss her. I stopped caring about her a long time ago. I did defend her once, but that was just to get to Oblivious Heel (who was that anyways?) So anything about her stopped interesting me.


So yeah, good riddence, or good bye, I guess.

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she's ripping me a new one at the other place right now because I was making fun of her mental breakdown in that thread she made about the sports folder.


good times! :lol:

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nobody but Matt Young liked her.

Incorrect. Leena and I were good friends from April 2006 until December 2006, and we were friendly again from March 2007 until May 2007 (i.e., a few weeks ago).


(some poeple [sic] actually liked her...God knows why.)

She always replied to my MySpace messages and comments, and they were good replies. (She deleted her MySpace after we ended our friendship again.) She's also physically attractive.



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nobody but Matt Young liked her.

Incorrect. Leena and I were good friends from April 2006 until December 2006.

Ok then, nobody but Matt Young and Ortonsault liked her.




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