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6/15: Resistance: Slapping A Judge

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8 p.m.


• Oh get over yourselves.


Sony Corp. apologized Friday to the Church of England for a violent computer game that features a bloody shootout inside an Anglican cathedral.


The church had demanded withdrawal of the game "Resistance: Fall of Man," which includes a gunbattle between an American soldier and aliens inside a building that resembles Manchester Cathedral in northwest England.


The cathedral's dean, the Very Rev. Rogers Govender, said he had received a letter from Sony.


"It was not our intention to cause offense by using a representation of Manchester Cathedral in chapter eight of the work," the letter said. "If we have done so, we sincerely apologize."


A Sony spokesman confirmed the letter was genuine and said it included the offer of a meeting between Sony representatives and church officials. Govender said the cathedral would accept the offer. He thanked Sony for the apology, but underlined the church's opposition to violence, "and especially the gun violence seen in this portrayal of the cathedral."


I’ve never played this game, but I’m sure including this cathedral in the game isn’t meant to mock your precious cathedral. Jesus Christ. In fact, I’m sure this is the only time most of the people playing this game have seen the inside of a church.


Well lookie here at the next paragraph of this story.


He said the church wanted to discuss its outstanding demands, which include withdrawal of the game and a donation to the church's education department, which works to fight gun violence in Manchester.


What if you fight the aliens with gamma blasters or laser arrows instead of guns -- would that be OK?


7:30 p.m.


• Good. Fuck you and your $54 million pants.


The boss of Roy L. Pearson Jr., the administrative law judge whose $54 million pants lawsuit has turned the D.C. legal system into a punch line on late-night talk shows, has recommended that the city deny Pearson another term on the bench, D.C. government sources said Thursday.


In a letter to the three-person commission that will decide whether Pearson gets reappointed, District of Columbia Chief Administrative Judge Tyrone T. Butler said Pearson does not deserve a 10-year term to the post, which pays more than $100,000 a year.


“My sense is that the commission will not reappoint him,” a D.C. government source said.




Nashville Predators' fans are fighting back to hold onto their beloved team. The threat of relocation has hung over the Predators since Craig Leipold announced May 24 he was selling to Canadian billionaire Jim Balsillie.


The co-CEO of Blackberry makers Research in Motion Ltd. told NHL commissioner Gary Bettman he didn't intend to move the team but now is taking season-ticket deposits in Hamilton, Ontario.


Nashville's best hope?


Sell more tickets—quickly—to keep whoever ends up owning the Predators from escaping because of poor attendance.


This guy was about to buy the Penguins when the sale fell through at the last minute. Looks like Shittsburgh dodged a bullet, at least when it came to keeping its hockey team here.


• Can we sue parents for making their kids fat?


Kellogg Co. has agreed to raise the nutritional value of cereals and snacks it markets to children.


The Battle Creek, Mich., cereal maker avoided a lawsuit threatened by parents and nutrition advocacy groups worried about increasing child obesity. Its decision is to be formally announced here Thursday.


The company said that it won't promote foods in TV, radio, print or Web site ads that reach audiences at least half of whom are under age 12 unless a single serving of the product meets these standards:


* No more than 200 calories.


* No trans fat and no more than 2 grams of saturated fat.


* No more than 230 milligrams of sodium, except for Eggo frozen waffles.


* No more than 12 grams of sugar, not counting sugar from fruit, dairy and vegetables.


The last time I checked, kids don’t spend their allowance on Frosted Flakes. Parents do. Jesus Christ, the health Nazis have already begun its initial blitzkrieg. Do I advocate fat kids? No. But it shouldn’t be the job of the business to play parent. Hell, with these cereals supposedly being “more healthy,” I’m sure a number of parents out there will feed their kids TWICE as many Rice Krispies servings as before.

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