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7/7: What's Worse -- Hippie Concerts Or Family?

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11 p.m.


• Haven’t paid attention to the hippie Save-the-Planet concerts, but I figured someone would bring this up:


A Daily Mail investigation has revealed that far from saving the planet, the extravaganza will generate a huge fuel bill, acres of garbage, thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions, and a mileage total equal to the movement of an army.


The most conservative assessment of the flights being taken by its superstars is that they are flying an extraordinary 222,623.63 miles between them to get to the various concerts - nearly nine times the circumference of the world. The true environmental cost, as they transport their technicians, dancers and support staff, is likely to be far higher.


The total carbon footprint of the event, taking into account the artists' and spectators' travel to the concert, and the energy consumption on the day, is likely to be at least 31,500 tonnes of carbon emissions, according to John Buckley of Carbonfootprint.com, who specialises in such calculations.


Throw in the television audience and it comes to a staggering 74,500 tonnes. In comparison, the average Briton produces ten tonnes in a year.


The concert will also generate some 1,025 tonnes of waste at the concert stadiums - much of which will go directly into landfill sites.


Moreover, the pop stars headlining the concerts are the absolute antithesis of the message they promote - with Madonna leading the pack of the worst individual rock star polluters in the world.


But that’s OK. Because it’s all for a good cause.


Rock fans on Saturday shrugged off criticism of Live Earth for booking jet-setting pop stars to preach action on climate change, insisting the worldwide concerts would have a positive impact…


Organisers hope the gigs will "make climate change sexy", according to Steve Howard, the founder of the "We're In This Together" environmental campaign.


"We hopefully will capture their hearts and minds on climate change," he told AFP, speaking of the crowds packing out stadiums around the world, and the two billion people expected to be watching on television and over the Internet.


He conceded that "yes, there has been some pollution caused by flying people in."


"But that's what we needed to do -- it was a calculated investment to say, 'We need to do this because we need to grab two billion people' rather than just me going on stage and nobody watching."


Howard said the majority of acts at the London event were either already in the city for other performances, or in the area, thereby reducing the carbon emissions from their travel.


Live Earth organiser Al Gore, former US vice president turned green campaigner, answered criticism of Live Earth's stars in British newspaper The Independent on Saturday.


"We are in a transition time in history when the only way we can get to where we need to be is by starting from where we are," he said.


"If we simply spend our time criticising one another for where we are, that will further delay our departure for where we need to be."


Organisers of the London leg were trumpeting environmentally-friendly measures being taken at the concert.


All burger boxes at the north-west London venue have been made of sugar cane and reed pulp, making them fully biodegradable, and all grease from concession stands is to be converted into biodiesel.


Some 80 percent of the waste generated at the concert was also set to be recycled, and the use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on stage apparently led to a 50 percent reduction in energy used through lighting.


Electricity, meanwhile, was being supplied by biofuel generators, while the programmes for the London event were produced on recycled paper by a publisher using electricity garnered from renewable sources.


Elsewhere in the audience in London on Saturday, Jayme Fine, 32, said fans could take measures to compensate for the energy used at the concerts.

"People leaving their lights on at home when nobody's there is going to eat up electricity," he said.


"If we all just remember to shut those off, it's OK for us to have an event like this."

You know, Al, instead of holding hippie concerts to tell us all how to live our lives, I think your time would be better served answering your critics.


• This was also on Drudge, but what's better than the actual article...


BABYSHAMBLES singer Pete Doherty could be facing legal action after he lit up on stage at T in the Park last night.


The musician flouted the smoking ban by puffing on a cigarette during his 6pm set on the NME stage.


The star ignored signs which state that smoking is banned in any enclosed space, including portable buildings, dressing rooms and stages in tents.


Councillor Alan Grant, convener of the Perth and Kinross Council environment committee, said Doherty could face prosecution.


He said: "The point of the legislation is to protect the public's health and I would expect performers not to smoke on stage, though where the stage is open it is a moot point.


"The idea is not to put other people's health at risk and I am afraid in these circumstances Mr Doherty would be doing so."


Grant said it would be up to the police to decide whether to take further action.


A spokeswoman for T in the Park said that all performers were told about the anti-smoking legislation.


She said: "He is not immune to the ban and every artist that comes to the event is told that the smoking ban is in operation.


"Smoking is permitted in any outdoor space at the festival however, in line with legislation; it is banned in any enclosed space on the site, including stages in tents and so on. Main Stage and Radio 1/NME Stage come into the no smoking category as they are substantially enclosed public places."


...was the in the comment section after the article. El Duderino, my n*gga.


So the once Great Britain, erstwhile ruler of the waves, has been reduced to a scold, prosecuting a fagged out knacker. Impressive. Don't you have anything better to worry about, like domestic Islamic terrorists trying to blow up your airports?


No, they don't have anything better to do. Dealing with domestic Islamic terrorists is one of the worst things you can do to a Muslim male.


2:30 p.m.


• So I went to bed at 3 a.m. after watching that Insomniac special hosted by David Attell. Wasn’t too bad, actually. I’d rank the performances as Giraldo, Attell, Rouse and … ugh … Cook. What is the big deal behind this guy? I’ve seen two performances from him and I think I’ve only chuckled once, maybe twice – but that was because two of my cats were wrestling in front of the television at the time. Anyway, I went to bed and woke up at 1:30 p.m. today: a ten-and-a-half hour nap. Haven’t had one of those in a while. It brought back memories when I was living in Sappy Valley.


I lived at that shithole from January ’99 through August of ’00, and for my last several months I had an apartment to myself. The future Mrs. kkk went back home after she graduated from Penn State to work for a few months, and I stayed because I had steady work and it was easier to do that than go back to the Shittsburgh region, look for work for three months, and them move again to Ohio, which is where we were headed for that August. I worked 60+ hours/7 days per week, and there were several days when I put in 12+ hour shifts. There were some days when I got in and slept for 17 hours straight. And it was great. Christ, when you awaken from one of those slumbers you feel like you’re ready to take on the world.


Oh, yeah. Here was my Friday night. The test-tube welfare family I have talked about in the past stopped over for the first time to get our old screen door for their casa. And they brought their two test-tube kids. Gag. I’m sorry. I do not like these people. It mostly stems from the fact they purposely had two kids via artificial insemination when they do not have the money for this. Many people would feel bad for a family of four if they collected welfare because the dad and mom got laid off from their job, or an accident/illness befell one of them. However, these two people were on the public dole BEFORE heading off to the sperm clinic. (Note: Due to the seach function seemingly being out of order, I can't link up previous entries talking about these people to give some background info to any n00bs reading.)


Anyway, it was funny to see their reaction to our house because they were AMAZED at how nice it was. Yes, these people own a HOUSE. A house, which I learned last night, needs ductwork because the previous owner built new shitty walls to cover up the shittier walls from prospective buyers. Oh, yeah. The previous buyer didn’t install any new ventilation ducts to allow the hot air from circulating throughout the house; basically, the hot air just stayed in-between the two walls. The test-tube family didn’t realize this and just kept turning up the heat this past winter, resulting one month in a $700 bill, which I’m sure the taxpayers footed the bill for. Their house also has, according to the better half, uneven floors that allow someone to roll objects from tables and countertops with no effort. There were a few other fix-em-ups that this piece of property needs, but I can’t remember what they were. I guess those $300 mortgage payments (which they are several months behind on) proves the adage, “you get what you pay for.”


So as I sat there listening to them talking about how the matriarch of this family can’t work more than two days per week or else they wouldn’t be able to get welfare, I was doing everything I can to not include any commentary of my own. What job does this person work? She cleans her aunt’s house (the aunt whose house I attend every Memorial Day for that annual family cookout), and by “cleans” I mean “sits down all day and watches television with the rest of the public assistance leeches.” Then I heard that they were thinking about bringing a THIRD human being into this world. Oh hell no. Keep watching the Braves game, which was on to keep their kids somewhat distracted, and this will be all over with soon enough. WTF? The White Sox game was 20-14? Back to reality, the younger of the two kids says, something that struck fear into me.


“Daddy, I went poopie.”


OH HELL NO! With as droopy as that diaper of hers is, you get that brat out of this house. Sure my three cats will launch the occasional turd from one of their litter boxes and bat it around on the floor, and Dessa will infrequently pee on the carpet sometimes just to be a bitch, but they're cats. And, more importantly, they're my cats and are much less maintenance overall than a fledging human being. When these people finally left, with the screen door tied down to the top of their car and the glass part placed in the back seat (which is where their two kids were also sitting), I grabbed the can of Oust from the bathroom and started spraying the living room. Mrs. kkk and I then exchanged the following words. Figure out who said what yourself.


“What are you doing?”

“Getting the ‘poor people’ smell out of our house.”

“That is so not right.”

“Then why are you laughing?”

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