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7/12: #18, A Straw Man Argument About Bilking Banks

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kkk’s Top 103 Posters




Number 18: Bravesfan


There’s not much to say about Bravesfan. Hell, I didn’t even bother doing some fancy intro or anything. I’ve known him for a while at this place. Years back he had some pick 'em football contest and I think it eventually drove him mad. He’s lived in Hawaii, moved to the Northwest to attend college, and that’s when I stopped keeping score. He still posts under some hippie name, but he’ll always be Bravesfan to me. God, this was a lame entry. Oh well, I still put more effort into it than he did with his most recent foray into the kkk Bowl postseason.


8:30 p.m.


• Well no shit.


A federal law that requires people to supply their Social Security number when applying for a marriage license has forced thousands of couples around the country, particularly illegal immigrants, to put their wedding plans on hold.


Come on, illegals, invade this country. And bring a few towelheads with you. All I ask is that you blow shit up in San Fran, Berkley and Greenwich Village. Oh, and State College, too. Fuck that place.


• And this goddamn chat link at the top of the page is already getting on my nerves. I've mistakenly clicked on in four times today already.


• I might vote for Mike Huckabee in the Republican primary for thisquote alone.


"Frankly, Michael Moore is an example of why the health care system costs so much in this country."


Sadly, with the way Republicans have been acting, voting for someone because they made a Mikey Moore fat joke actually does seem like a good reason.


6 p.m.


• So I just took 20 minutes off of my life by going to Burger King. Hell, it's no worse than the two hours I lost due to some fagtard getting into an accident on the Parkway East this afternoon. Anyway, I tried one of their new Oreo shake things. It was there, but what gave me a hard-on was the straw it came with. Yes, the straw. Seriously, this thing is f'n HUGE. You don't have to worry about sucking on some plastic hole for 20 minutes in the hopes of getting some dairy delight. This bitch will suck up Oreo chunks like it's no problem. That's all I got.


7 a.m.


• A while back I mentioned the 1997 Pirates team that captured the heart of the city by hanging out at the top of the NL Central for most of the summer. Problem was, this was a sub-.500 team that got knocked off by a much better Astros team that decided to show up late in the season. I always found it funny that this "freak show," as it was dubbed by the Shittsburgh faithful was the most exciting time for baseball in the region since 1992. How sad is that?


Well, here's what's even sadder. The local media is doing a four-part series on this magical summer of '97. I linked the last in this series, and I'm not posting any of this shit. Go find it and read it yourself.


• Oh, no. My state's climate could be more like Alabama's if we don't get our emissions under control.


Without major reductions in heat-trapping gas emissions, Pennsylvanians can say goodbye to ski resorts, snowmobiles, brook trout and eastern hemlocks, and expect many more heat-related health problems by the end of the century, according to a study on the effects of climate change on the Northeast.


So says the UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Who comes up these names? I want to hear the report from the Right-to-Work State of Don't-Give-a-Fuck Scientists.


• Speaking of commie institutions, here's another one.


Consumers are being bilked out of $17.5 billion annually by banks and credit unions through abusive overdraft protection programs designed to generate enormous fees, a report by the nonprofit Center for Responsible Lending contends.


Bilked? Here's a wild thought. Maybe if the customers had the money in their accounts they wouldn't be subject to overdraft fees and all that other shit. Jesus Christ, what is so hard about having a little cash cushion in your bank account?


It used to be that when consumers swiped a debit card but didn't have enough money in their account to cover the purchase, the transaction simply was denied.


Now, many banks allow the transaction to go through, but charge a "courtesy" overdraft fee averaging $34, the CRL said.


Fees quickly can balloon into hundreds of dollars, even for minor purchases. A $2 Coke and a 50-cent candy bar each can end up costing $30 or more with fees, for example.


If you don't have enough money to cover a 50-cent candy bar, then you shouldn't be using your debit card in the first place. Actually, I have a funny story regarding this subject. When I was 16, I was at the mall and bought the Geto Boys' "Til' Death Do Us Part." After buying this album, I wanted a Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger from the food court. I needed to take some money out of the ATM. I couldn't. There wasn't enough in my account to make the minimum $10 cash withdrawl. It was right then that I said to myself, "WTF, I don't even have enough for a 99-cent cheeseburger?!" (Actually, I had $8-9, but you get the point.) From that moment I've been the kkk-stein you've all know and love. Of course, if I had a debit card and used that, my 99-cent cheeseburger could have costed $30 with the draft fees, but let's just say I still would have learned my lesson. And besides, I was 16 at the time, and that is the best time to learn these financial survival skills –– not when you're an adult living on your own or trying to raise a family.


I still have that Geto Boys tape, and "Bring it On" still ownz all ur azzes.

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