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7/16: #17, Sweet Feline Dreams

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kkk's Top 103 Posters




Number 17: Wildbomb 4:20


Some of you may not remember this guy, but I sure do. When Mr. Bomb first came on the scene, he actually tried to make valid, thought-out arguments. Peep this post regarding media bias.


The entire media is actually centered closer to the right, with a few extreme channels, namely Fox News. Hell, you know Fox is centered way right when they just teamed with the Boston F'n Herald to do a story. (For those that don't know, the Herald is the big-time Republican scandal sheet here in the city). CNN, as much as everyone wishes it were liberal, is just barely center, emerging from an era in the early 1990s where it was the most conservative. Not nearly as much as Fox News 2003, but still conservative.


To show why the media is centered to the right, the greatest example of this would be everyone's favorite radio group: Clear Channel Entertainment. Clear Channel is owned by Lowry Mays, the most conservative man in America, as he likes to call himself. He gave over $40 million to the Bush campaign in 2000. He also has everbody's favorite drug addict on half of his stations: the Republican, Rush Limbaugh.


But why is the rest of the media conservative, and not liberal, as everyone else thinks it is? Because of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. In 1994, after the Republicans regained the House of Representatives for the first time in 30 years, they asked the media pundits (who generously donated millions to all of their campaigns) what would be good for them. The result: Telecommunications Act of 1996. The act is how Clear Channel got its start: it could own 5 radio stations in a single market. TV stations can also own a newspaper. Although Clinton (who was a moderate with a couple of conservative ideologies) signed the bill, it was the result of the Republicans who became lobbyists that pushed the bill through Congress.


The arguments go on and on: ABC uses Republicans 90% of the time on its news shows for interviews, Hardball is known for only attacking Democrats with difficult questions while ignoring the problems with Republicans. The media is not liberal. For more evidence, I suggest Eric Alterman's book What Liberal Media? that shows the media slant during the 2000 Presidential elections, the four major media pundits, and how George W. Bush has not given an official press conference that allowed the media to ask questions spontaneously; rather, they all must be scripted in advanced and screened. Oye.


As if that wasn’t bad enough, here’s another post of his in the SAME THREAD talking about the economy.


The United States economy needs to be focusing on creating jobs at voalitile career fields, rather than having corporations looking at upsizing all fiscal profit in order to line their pockets some more. Enron anyone?


The manufacturing plants in the Northeast seem to be disappearing by the day. I know that at least in Massachusetts, manufacturers are looking to Mexico or overseas in order to produce their goods. Hell, Dunkin Donuts isn't even owned by Dunkin Donuts anymore; they sold out to a London-based company.


I feel like corporate America is more worried about making sure to take two-week vacations in Aruba, stay at the Ritz, and pick up the new Jaguar. Meanwhile, on Cape Cod, my home, homeless shelters are being closed down because these same corporate heads don't want the homeless in their pristine town. Manufacturers have left. Jobs are decreasing by the day, and people are getting low-balled for wages. Two years ago I started a job at $8.50 an hour. Now people that start make $6.25. The radio station I work for cut staff when it was merged with another company. People were forced to pick up and start all over again.


Most of the jobs available right now are not full-time positions. Many of the people that are currently unemployed don't have college degrees. Why? Because they weren't needed when they started at their position. Now, it appears like the only job you can get if you don't have a college degree is at a Wal-Mart. Heck, even college graduates aren't getting jobs in their respective fields. Why? Because people aren't hiring.


The economy will need to continue to grow in order for more jobs to be created. Two million more people are unemployed than before March 2001, which is when this recession started. I feel like right now the current status of the American economy is hurting the public it is supposed to support.


My main criticism with Bush has always been with the economy, and the lack of time and effort he appeared to set forth to it. I supported him for three months of my life: September-November 2001. And I think we all understand why. But after that point, he refused to address the economy.


The tax cut he introduced benefits the richest people in America, of which he and Dick Cheney are members of. Media consolidation has grown under his nose. Jobs are still not being at a quick enough rate to be of benefit. I just am extremely disenfranchised with our current President, and feel like a change needs to be made. I feel that the tax cuts need to be restructured so that the working class of America can benefit. Social Security is running out of money and that is an issue that needs to be addressed. Privitization of Social Security is not the answer. College loan and grant money has been cut by Mr. Bush. So has education in general. Bush has also cut public aid spending, leaving that to "religious-based charities" that he no longer supports as much as he used to.


I think I take this to such a level is because I am directy affected by both circumstances: I am a broadcast journalist, and feel the wrath of media consolidation, while also being forced to pay more taxes out of my pathetically piss-poor paycheck. I'm $60,000 in the hole because both my school and my government refused to help me out. Where does it end? I think that a change at the top is necessary.


Please note he’s not copying and pasting material someone else already wrote. This is all original thought. And you expect me to actually read all this? And what was my response to him after skimming through the latter post?


Move to Cuba -- they have free health care.


And the government will set ya up nice -- as long as you broadcast fluff pieces on the Top Dog there.


When another poster questioned why I just “refer to the very end of (the post), ignoring the meat of the information,” I had to remind him that I generally don’t read anything longer than two sentences (or three syllables) at this place. Besides, if I spent the time actually reading long, thought-out posts, you wouldn’t get such hilarity like what I posted at thread's end.


Welcome to McAmerica, can we take your order?"


Yes, I would like a #1 Outsource Value Meal super-sized and an order of Chinese Illegals without the pickles.


To go.


And I WILL be checking my order before I go because last time instead of Chinese you gave Mexicans.


Instead of CLEANING my hotel beds, they were SLEEPING on them...


Sadly, poor Wildbomb still gave it that old $120,000 college try by attempting to generate serious discussion, but he would usually came up short. However, because we were both in the communications field, we shot the shit quite a bit via PMs, and there were actually a few threads where there was somewhat decent banter. And what did many of these threads have in common? Wildbomb wasn’t going on 500+ word posts about how much he owes in school loans. Let this be a lesson to all aspiring TSM posters – nobody wants to read all that shit. Nobody cares. If you’re going to post something long, make it be from someone else and just bold selected text to make it appear like you actually read the whole thing while hoping there’s nothing contradictory that could shoot your premise down. Wildbomb finally caught on and realized that nobody at this place is going to significantly change his or her opinions because some faceless message board poster said something smart. I have no idea what he’s been up to in the last few years, but for his sake I hope he’s paying down that $60+k in school loans. The fact he doesn’t post much, if at all, anymore is certainly a good sign.


Ha. I just goofed on Wildbomb for making long posts and I’m already at the 1400+ word mark with this entry. Well, most of this text is from, surprise, other people’s posts. Besides, this is a blog, not some hippie thread. You EXPECT this kind of deep thought in these personal journals. Well, what you expect and what you get are two different things. And I got some bad news…

































It's PMD up in the sector

I wreck the microphonin

I'm quick to pull a Tek

and snap that neck

and leave ya moanin

Kid I'm zoning

it's on

and I'm back up on the block

(Aiyo, we represent the sewer!)

Son, I represent the dock


Plus I knock


niggas out the box quickly

Kid I'm strictly motherfuckin business

so get wit me

Yo Scratch hit me

so I can do my thing and blow the spot


Here’s some more bad news – this entry ain’t getting much better.


9 p.m.


• So when cats sleep, you can tell if they’re dreaming by their paws twitching. Once in a while one of our three might give a little chirp when snoozing; God knows what they’re thinking about. However, last night when Max was sleeping on the recliner he began meowing – loudly. At first I thought I was on his tail or something, but I wasn’t. He let out a few more meows and continued his slumber. Guess it was a nightmare or something. I know it couldn’t have been an imaginary girlfriend because he’s fixed. Then again, maybe he was pissed that nothing was going on down there in dreamland.


• So I was driving home through the hood today, and what was in front of me? This hippie van-thingy in front of me that was spewing so much exhaust I had to wind up the windows and turn on the air conditioner. And what kind of bumper sticker was on it? The kind that said, “Act Green” then something about how the earth appreciates it. Oh if Mrs. kkk only got me a camera phone. Oh who am I kidding? No way in hell I’d be able to figure it out. Damn kids and their fancy text messages. Actually, I think the whole point of texting is stupid because all people seem to say is…


“how r u”


“good u”


“good lol”


“where r u”


“work :(


" :( "






“cu l8r”




And there’s $50 right there.

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