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8/28: Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Bathroom

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10 p.m.


• Guess Larry the Cable Guy's "fake money/fake titties" idea isn't so good after all.


A man who authorities say used his computer to make fake $100 bills to buy lap dances at a strip club has pleaded guilty to counterfeiting charges, federal prosecutors said.


Strippers at Deja Vu in Nashville were suspicious of the bills and called police after Damon Armagost spent $600 of the fake money April 16, authorities said.


• Remember that post yesterday about the South having the most fatties?


The entries in this year's Big Tex Choice Awards could entice State Fair visitors back to the deep fryer for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


There are Deep Fried Lattes for a morning jump-start, plus fried chili pie, fried guacamole, and a range of crispy desserts including Fried Cookie Dough.


The third annual Big Tex Choice Awards contest on Labor Day tests the fair grub ingenuity of State Fair of Texas concessionaires. Past Big Tex awards have offered nonfried options, but none of this year's seven entries escaped the fryer...


Michael Levy will debut his family's new Deep Fried Latte, which is a fried pastry topped with cappuccino ice cream, caramel sauce, whipped cream and instant coffee powder.


"We have gained about 10 pounds trying this. I'm not kidding," Levy said. "I've probably eaten 300 of these trying to get it right."


Concessionaire Allan Weiss is offering up Zesty Fried Guacamole Bites, a variation on the Fried Avocados he created last year. The bites are a scoop of guacamole, breaded, fried and served with ranch dressings or salsa.


Gigi White invented Country Pride Peach Cobbler on a Stick, which is a peach cobbler with dumplings rolled in pastry dough and fried, and then covered in brown sugar and cinnamon and skewered. It's this year's only entry on a stick...


The other entries include Fernie's Fried Chili Frito Burrito, Mama's Fried Sweet Potato Pie and B.W.'s Original Fried Banana Pudding.


"I'm not sure we have another Fried Coke," Black said, referring to the smash hit of last year's State Fair. The dish has been imitated at fairs across the country.


7 p.m.


• Looks like JJ might have a case of feline acne. We’ll find out Saturday when we take him to the vet. Oh he’s going to love that. Of course having said that the crap near his chin is probably some advanced form of cancer.


• So Mrs. kkk is pissed because the grocery store pulled a fast one on her. She thought she was getting a deal with these hippie melons at 99 cents a pound when they normally retail for $4.99. However, I questioned if this fruit was on sale because the weekly circular advertising this sale said the “golden” melons were on sale, and she was scanning “regular” melons. Turns out I was right. In fact, these magic melons were nowhere to be found; even the “weekly special” special tags weren’t on display. Conspiracy. That’s OK, because I had the audacity to talk to a woman later on in the shopping trip that was easy on the eyes, which of course means I was trying to bang her. It wasn’t that I was asking if she had seen this particular item that the better half had been spending THREE WEEKS trying to find and this person had several boxes of this item (in a different flavor) in her cart and was looking for more. No, that couldn’t have been it. I was trying to get those digits. After all, with me in my five-year old Wal-Mart t-shirt and black shorts I’m sure I looked like a real catch. Then again, I’d rather hear her bitch about this than that goddamn tv dinner with the egg roll.


3 p.m.


• So I was just at this meeting and my idiot boss was talking about preparations for an upcoming seminar. The question was when should it be held – in the fall or next spring. Now I’ve said before in this blog that this moron lives the mantra, “That’s what the last minute is for,” so he was telling those in the room that if a seminar was to be conducted in the fall that there wouldn’t be much time to prepare. So when it was decided that the seminar would take place in April, he said, “Good, now we can push this off to the side,” adding that this gives him more time to prepare. Yeah, and seven/eight months from now you’ll be frantic about how this project snuck up on you. I got to get the hell out of this place.


• Idaho? You da ho. I've been waiting all day to say that.


U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, an Idaho Republican, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in Minnesota this month after being arrested by a plainclothes police officer investigating complaints of lewd conduct in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.


Actually, this brings back the memory of an ebonics joke about why there can never be a Miss Ebonic pagent. Nobody wanted to be a certain state known for it's potatoes and crappy movies.

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