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8/30: Pampered Pets, Pardoned Passengers

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12 a.m.


• So I’ve been watching a number of preseason games on the NFL network the last few weeks. What I find interesting are the broadcast teams and the way other places around the country promote their station’s local programming and stuff. I know I’m odd.


• Oh, man. Now I'm starting to like the terrorists.


United Nations officials found vials of dangerous chemicals, which had been removed from Iraq a decade ago, in a U.N. building in New York, but U.N. officials said on Thursday there was no danger.


• More people are making wills for their pets. So? What do you want them to do after you croak -- fend for themselves out in the wild?


Leona Helmsley's decision to leave $12 million to her dog so it could live out its life in luxury proved once and for all that she was not one of the little people.


But legal experts say that, size aside, Helmsley's gift to her beloved pet - a Maltese named Trouble - wasn't unique.


A growing number of people, not all wealthy, have been setting up trust funds or adjusting their wills to ensure that their pets are well cared for if they die, according to attorneys and animal welfare groups.


If anything were to happen to me and the better half, our three angels would be living at the in-laws house. I can't even imagine the chaos that will ensue from that, especially with the in-laws having a kitty of their own. I'm just glad I'd be dead and not have to worry about cleaning all those litter boxes. If you don't have a family member you can trust to take care of your pets after life takes care of you, I've also heard of nonprofit organizations that will work with you to care for your animals should you die before them. If I were to do this, I'd have to volunteer at the place for a while to see if they are indeed an honest organization.


5:30 p.m.


• Suspended for THIS?


A high school student who tricked football fans from a crosstown rival into holding up signs that together spelled out, "We Suck," was suspended for the prank, students said.


Kyle Garchar, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School in suburban Columbus, said he spent about 20 hours over three days plotting the trick, which was captured on video and posted on the video-sharing Web site YouTube. He said he was inspired by a similar prank pulled by Yale students in 2004, when Harvard fans were duped into holding up cards with the same message.


Here's the

Christ, when I was in school there were “problem kids” that would get into nasty brawls that would sometimes involve pummeling any teacher trying to break up the melee, and these hoodlums would be lucky if they got a day off school as a result.


• This country really is in trouble when you got TEXAS halting executions.


A man in the US was today saved from the death penalty just hours before his scheduled execution.


The Texas governor, Rick Perry, accepted a parole board recommendation and commuted the sentence of Kenneth Foster, who had been due to die via lethal injection this evening.


Foster, 30, was the getaway driver in a 1996 murder but his sentence had been criticised as he had nothing to do with the shots being fired.


He was convicted of murder and sentenced to death under the Texas law of parties, which makes non-shooters equally accountable for a crime.


Another condemned man was executed under the same statute earlier this year.


It is kind of weird that the getaway driver would be treated the same as the trigger person, but don’t mess with Texas. Well, I guess now you can a little bit.

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