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Happy Labour Day

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Gary Floyd


-Yeah, happy labour day. Just don't whine over it and enjoy it while you can.


-Anyways, since it's labour day, all the stores and such on campus are closed. I'll be headed to a store later on (probably Meijer) to get an alarm clock. Oh, and classes start tomorrow, so wish me luck.


-Hugo Chavez is starting to win my heart, though not because of his policies or the fact that he's pretty much going to fuck up Venezuela. It's because he's insane to the point of comedy. Really, at this point, he comes off more as a goofy cartoon villain, and it's a riot. He's like some kind of heel you'd find in pro wrestling. Here's a great quote from the Something Awful forums:


Hugo is the Carlos Zambrano of leaders. Uneven, insane, and always grabbing at his crotch.


-The new Halloween is the top movie in the box office. I saw it in a preview screening, and it's pretty much a disaster. You can read about my thoughts on it in the Movies & TV board. Anyways, what the fuck were ya thinking Rob? The Devil's Rejects was an impressive little movie, yet you fucked this up. Oh, and why the fuck did you make Michael Myers more human? He's not supposed to be that way. He's supposed to be an evil, unstoppable, unreasonable force. He's the boogieman, not just another serial killer.


Yeah, that's all for now. Next time: the 5 worst/lamest forms of pornography today.

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