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9/4: Jury Duty -- The Return

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7:45 p.m.


• kkk Bowl V is under way in the sports folder. If you have a team, make your picks (don't forget the Thursday game). If you don't and want to play along, just do so in the thread. Remember, anyone without a team that goes the entire season making picks gets first shot at claiming an open team next year.


• Bwahahaha. She got picked. And even after she told the legal people about her crack-whore sister and niece. When she asked me how she could have gotten out of jury duty, I replied that she should have commented on how these experiences have tainted her opinion of the legal system whereas her crack-whore sister doesn’t see a lick of jail time for all her law violations but Mrs. kkk could be held in contempt by saying she thinks jury duty is nothing more than a waste of time. In a way, I’m looking forward to my next stint just for the fact I will be using the terms “red diaper doper baby” and “lawyer dressed in a robe.” I also want to share my thoughts on how the justice system is so broken that if anyone breaks into my house I will do my best to make sure they don't get out alive because I don't want some scumbag defense attorney trying to convince a dozen of my so-called peers that just because the perp's mommy didn't give him iced animal crackers as a kid he should be allowed to roam the streets as my equal.


2:45 p.m.


• So the better half is at the local courthouse trying to get out of jury duty. She just phoned me and said the government workers asked her group if anyone knows someone who was convicted for robbery and/or is a heroin user. Oh man, this will be a cakewalk.

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