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9/7: Keep Criminals In, Keep Illegals Out

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11:45 p.m.


• This just popped into my head. The other night I was watching O’Reilly and he had some pro-invasion feminazi bitch on spewing the usual shit about “they’re not illegals” and all this other nonsense. She then started talking about how immigration cops ILLEGALLY storm into the houses of these undocumented employees. Yeah, doesn’t that suck when people illegally enter a territory?


• I was watching one of those “look inside at jails,” and normally I don’t tune into all that long to these shows. But this one featured Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, so I figured I’d give it a look. Jesus Christ. Whenever I hear people bitch about “overcrowed jails” and “where are we going to house all these people,” my response is “build more prisons.” No way in hell I want them living with me. Well, I’m from the suburbs. OK, so I don’t want them driving through my neighborhood and scooping out my house. My favorite pare of the show was some black guy bitching to Arpaio about how terrible it is to be a prisoner in Phoenix, (Joe has this extension of his jail that’s outdoors), and how the conditions were much better in a prison back in Kansas City. Joe responded by saying, “Well go back to Kansas City if you want to break the law.”


Ha. He's also not endorsing his state's senator John McCain. (Article's a bit dated.)


A controversial Arizona sheriff known for making his inmates wear pink underwear and eat green bologna turned his back on his state's favored presidential candidate, opting instead to join forces with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.


7 p.m.


• So now that the case is over, Mrs. kkk is telling me all about her time as a juror. Yes, she didn’t talk about her hippie case until it concluded. Anyway, it just reinforces the fact defense lawyers are scum. Long story short: some idiot robbed a store with a bb gun that looked real. He then went on a high-speed chase. From what it sounds like, he didn’t want to take a plea agreement, which would have probably required a bit of jail time. Instead, now he’s found guilty on all counts and is facing at least 5 years in the hole. Good for him. This incident took place more than two YEARS ago, and now his trial began on Wednesday and ended Thursday. The funny thing was the better half is guessing the defense lawyer picked her for jury duty because she is a Master’s graduate and dealt with family members that abused drugs. I guess he though she’d be all touchy feely when the defense team brought up the defendant came from a broken home. This lawyer couldn’t have been more wrong. Ha. My favorite part of the case, as was told to me by Mrs. kkk:


The criminal gets out of his car to flee on foot. The cops eventually get him. The criminal asks why the cops have their guns drawn. When the cops answer, the criminal says, “Didn’t you see me drop my gun back there (during the car chase in which I was going 90 mph in residential neighborhoods)?” I bet that plea agreement seems like a good deal now.

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