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9/17: Deity Defendants

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9:30 p.m.


• Thanks to Al Keiper for reminding me of this.


So the Mexican welfare family on the better half’s side of the family will have its patriarch soon celebrate his 57th birthday. And the welfare household whose annual Memorial Day cookout is an annual event I completely dread will be having a surprise party. We got an invitation. Uh, no. But that’s not where this story ends. We also got a notice that there is a Wal-Mart gift registry for this event, and Mrs. kkk and I had to see what was on this list. Five and a half pages worth of stuff. Here are the highlights:


Motor oil.

Metallic-looking boxers.

Rose-petal bubble bath.

Pressure washer -- $100.

Various kids gifts.

Lavender bubble bath stuff.

Windshield wiper fluid.


Computer virus protection.


Even though we’re getting these people jack shit (they already get a gift from us on the first of every month), I was seriously considering getting several family members together to chip in for a bottle of Pennzoil.


9 p.m.


• Let’s see, what’s going on. Got an interview for Thursday for a resume that was received today. Has potential, but whatever. Let me stress again that the best time to look for a job is when you already have one. Sure it would be great to burn your bridge whenever you’ve had enough of your workplace situation, but unless you live with mommy and daddy, you got bills to pay. Something tells me this could be another “you’re overqualified” experience, but there’s nothing wrong with polishing up your interviewing techniques. I remember reading a while back former Bears great Mike Singletary, now an assistant coach, was asked why he wanted to interview for a head coaching job he had no chance of getting and was called only because of the NFL’s hippie “interview a token minority” candidate. He replied that the opportunity to interview was reason enough. More power to him. For the record, my place of employment, which has had an opening for several months now, will be calling people that sent in resumes back in July for interviews. You gotta love organizations that do this sort of thing. Any candidate with half a brain will realize that a place which calls you in for an interview regarding a resume you submitted months back had several preferred candidates flake out. If the candidate has three-fourths of a brain, he/she will figure out that there’s probably some reason the preferred candidates chose not to work at this place.


• Oh, man. No wonder the liberals love Hugo. Now he wants to take over private schools.


President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to take over any private schools refusing to submit to the oversight of his socialist government, a move some Venezuelans fear will impose leftist ideology in the classroom.


All Venezuelan schools, both public and private, must submit to state inspectors enforcing the new educational system. Those that refuse will be closed and nationalized, Chavez said.


A new curriculum will be phased in during this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen," added Chavez's brother and education minister Adan Chavez in their televised ceremony on the first day of classes.


And just what will the kiddies be learning?


But one college-level syllabus obtained by The Associated Press shows some premedical students already have a recommended reading list including Karl Marx's "Das Kapital" and Fidel Castro's speeches, alongside traditional subjects like biology and chemistry.


The syllabus also includes quotations from Chavez and urges students to learn about slain revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara and Colombian rebel chief Manuel Marulanda, whose leftist guerrillas are considered a terrorist group by Colombia, the U.S. and European Union.


Venezuelan officials defend the program at the Latin American Medical School—one in a handful of state-run colleges and universities that emphasize socialist ideology—as the new direction of Venezuelan higher education.


And just how is this any different from the government schools and universities in the U.S.?


• Well many people thank God when they score a big touchdown or receive some award. Why not sue the guy upstairs?


The defendant in a state senator's lawsuit is accused of causing untold death and horror and threatening to cause more still. He can be sued in Douglas County, the legislator claims, because He's everywhere.


State Sen. Ernie Chambers sued God last week. Angered by another lawsuit he considers frivolous, Chambers says he's trying to make the point that anybody can file a lawsuit against anybody.


Chambers says in his lawsuit that God has made terroristic threats against the senator and his constituents, inspired fear and caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."


The Omaha senator, who skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticizes Christians, also says God has caused "fearsome floods ... horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes."


He's seeking a permanent injunction against the Almighty.


But this part caught my eye, too.


Chambers said the lawsuit was triggered by a federal suit filed against a judge who recently barred words such as "rape" and "victim" from a sexual assault trial.


The accuser in the criminal case, Tory Bowen, sued Lancaster District Judge Jeffre Cheuvront, claiming that he violated her free speech rights.


Chambers said Bowen's lawsuit is inappropriate because the Nebraska Supreme Court has already considered the case and federal courts follow the decisions of state supreme courts on state matters.


• I swear to Christ if I hear another "It's the mirrors" ad one more time I'm breaking one of those "mirrors" and slashing the throats of everyone involved with producing this tripe. And while I'm at it, I'll take out a few people who thought up this godawful "Caveman" show. I don't care if it hasn't aired yet. Some public airwave conceptions should be aborted in their first trimester.

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