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9/21: #10, Slinging Mohammad Toons

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I don't know what's worse: The fact I have to do 10 more of these or the fact I've already done 92 of them. Who's left? Who's gong to be placed where? Oh the drama...


































kkk's Top 103 Posters




Number 10: Jobber of the Week


What I like about Jobber is that even though he’s for oodles of commie shit, he tends to be more sensible when the socialist utopias (or Michael Savage fans) creep up in his neighborhood. I wouldn’t consider Jobber a limousine liberal because a limo lib would want everyone to drive on solar-powered cars with lawn-mower engines while they fly around on private jets to and from trans-Atlantic weekend getaways. Jobber just doesn’t want the invaders to get driver’s licenses. And if he would be as fiscally responsible in Congress as he says he is at TSM, then I wouldn’t mind if some of his treasonous ideas got through the cracks. Besides, he has posted many a picture that was worth 1,000 posts. This would be the point where I bust out the “Tecmo Bowl’d” graphic, but sadly it’s no more.


6:15 p.m.


Uh-oh. Didn't we learn anything from the Mohammad cartoons from a while back?


Authorities in Bangladesh on Tuesday ordered the arrest of a cartoonist and confiscated copies of a major newspaper's weekly supplement for publishing a "blasphemous" caricature.


"The government has confiscated the issue as the cartoon hurt the religious sentiment of the people. Moreover an order was issued to arrest cartoonist Arifur Rahman," an official statement said, referring to the weekly caricature supplement "Alpin" of the Prothom Alo newspaper.


The mass-circulated daily, however, immediately apologised and announced withdrawal of the cartoon.


A group of people torched copies of the paper after publication of the cartoon yesterday and several Islamic groups protested, saying the drawings ridiculed prophet Mohammad and his close aides.


They demanded "exemplary punishment" of the paper's editor and the cartoonist.






* Boy, what is your name?

- My name is Babu.

* It is customary to mention Muhammed before the name.


* What is your father’s name?

- Muhammed Abu


* What’s this in your lap?

- Muhammed cat


You know who really gets pissed when stuff like this happens? Yep.




Jihads for everybody.


6 p.m.


• Oh boy. Time for another crack-whore sister-in-law story. For those not keeping score at home, thanks to a lifetime of doing drugs and abusing alcohol, the crack-whore is now collecting disability and getting free health care, courtesy of our tax dollars. A few nights ago, the crack-whore visits my mother-in-law’s workplace begging for $50 so she can get a sling for her arm, which supposedly had something wrong with it. The mother-in-law kicks her out. The next day, the crack-whore comes in, her arm in a sling, and begs for $50 because her and her boyfriend need gas for the car. When the question of “I thought you needed $50 yesterday for a sling,” came up, the crack-whore’s one remaining brain cell went into overload. And the best thing about all this – she’s in her 40s~!


So the next time some left-wing faggot in Congress starts whining about DRACONIAN cuts against the POOR, just remember: If we don’t keep pouring more money into this Great Society of our, my crack-whore sister-in-law will be sling-less. :(


7:30 a.m.


• So I get lots of spam at work, and if I'm not being given sales pitches to claim millions in Nigeria then I am being told how I can enlarge my penis. I've shown some of these ads in the past, but once in a while you get a headline/message that's just as funny. Here's one from this morning:


one-eyed monster charger for u!


Be a supermacho!


Charge your sausage for 110% and have a lifetime fiesta with Ur chick.


This is the one and only remedy which works flawlessly


Ask me why? Just because it's the Original thing!


You can Order it here: http://cwrpromotions.com


P.S.: Guaranteed lightning speed worldwide delivery and prices from manufacturer.

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