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Review: WCW Monday Nitro, 3/24/97, from Duluth, Minnesota.

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Waiting for the Kings to restart their season after the London trip really sucks, I just want to see my team play some games.



We're live (not) from Duluth, and Larry the Ax Hennig is there. I don't know why the guys so overdressed for the occasion, but whatever.


The first match is for the US Title, it's the challenger, Konan v. DEAN MALENKO. I don't know why Konnan is billed as Konan, but regardless, the match begins. The Dungeon of Doom guys were OVER as babyfaces, I've got no clue why. Dean does a nice reversal out of a Konnan armbar, and gives Konnan a stiff kick to the back. Dean slams him, but Konnan kips up and gives Dean an armdrag. What the fuck happened to the Konnan I'm watching in this match. Double feature time with Syxx and he cuts a TERRIBLE promo, about 5 times worse than the Undertaker one I watched 10 minutes ago. Konnan with a rolling clothesline and powerbomb for a two count. Whip to the ropes and Dean comes off with a leg lariat, but Konnan counters that with an elbow drop while Dean's down, and a la magistral rollup for 2. Konnan goes up to the top and misses a ________, then Dean gets the Texas Cloverleaf at 3:30 for the submission. Good while it lasted. *3/4.


Once Malenko exits the ring, he has some words for Eddie Guerrero and Syxx, as he believes the two to be in cahoots. He insults Benoit as well, and I sit stunned in shock that they actually mentioned his name on this channel.





We've got the MACHO MAN, OOOOOOOOOOOYEAHHHHHHH vs Prince Iaukea for the TV Title in the main event, because the NWO won the right to challenge for any title, whenever they want to challenge for it, at Uncensored. This unnamed guy appeared at Uncensored and attacked Glacier, well that guy is Wrath/Brian Clarke/Adam Bomb.


That ties into this match, as we have Mortis w/James Vandenburg v. Jerry Flynn. Let me say this, Mortis' entrance is the most awesome thing in the history of this very sport. James Vandenburg is Father James Mitchell and the Sinister Minister, in case you didn't know. Holy crap. Tony just called Mortis' kicks back leg front kicks. Wow. Both Flynn and Mortis kick each other for a while because they're both "martial artists," so this match picks up when Mortis jumps off the top rope and hits Flynn with a Rocker Dropper. Vandenburg beats up Flynn a bit from the outside and Mortis goes up to the top. Flynn hits him with a powerbomb from the 2nd rope (yeesh, these guys are busting out teh sick offense), Mortis lowblows him after the cover, and the Flatliner finishes at 4:55. The Flatliner is a samoan drop from the 2nd rope, FWIW. **, I got into it and these two busted their ass. I wonder what they'd do with more time. I really like Mortis, and I'm sure that has something to do with the rating.




Back from the commercial break and holy crap La Parka's in the ring. YESS!!!!! He's facing Juventud Guerrera. Juvi goes straight up and La Parka catches him on a crossbody attempt. This is La Parka, and La Parka loves to dance. He puts Juvi down for some reason once he's done dancing, and somehow Juvi gives him a rana off the top. On the outside, Juvi comes off the ropes and hits a HUGE crossbody to the outside after springboarding off the top rope. He flew! La Parka's back in, but Juvi's not. Juvi hits a springboard dropkick for a 2 count. Juvi does a nice 360 sell after a La Parka lariat, but unfortunately, La Parka blows a springboard moonsault. He pins Juvi and gets 2, but if I were Juvi I would have no-sold it. LP dumps the artist that would become the JUICE, and dives from the ring to the outside. Back in, and Juvi somersaults off the ropes and kicks La Parka. Juvi tries a rana off the top but gets superbombed (damn) and a somersault finishes the match for La Parka at 4:19. His music is obviously dubbed. *1/4. Didn't hold up when I watched it again.




Flashback to the Outsiders/Steiners feud, nothing of note here. Then they cut to the Steiners with Mean Gene, and Scott's taking up more than half my TV screen. The guy is on every steroid known to man at this point. Dare I say he looked bigger then than he did during his Big Poppa Pump days.


High Voltage v. Public Enemy. The PE are over as shit, they control High Voltage for the duration of the match and Rocco then puts one of them through a table with a tope over the top rope. The crowd asked for it, they got it. PE are more over than anyone else who appeared on this show, no joke. Jeff Jarrett runs out to the ring with Mongo's briefcase, hits Johnny Grunge in the back with it and HIGH VOLTAGE get the upset win at 3:46. *. Mongo's really pissed off at Jarrett and says, you shouldn't have done that. Whatever.




The Giant and Lex Luger are out with Mean Gene after the break, and they've got some things to say about Hollywood Hogan. Well, the Giant's wearing a bib. For some reason, I'm not afraid of a man that wears a bib.


Psicosis v. Super Calo is next and this match sucks balls. Super Calo looks like one of the PE's, therefore, he must do the job. He does the job at 4 minutes after a Psicosis guillotine legdrop. DUD.




The Faces of Fear are going to face Harlem Heat, who are accompanied by Sister Sherri.


The Barbarian tosses Booker T over the top rope to get started, and back on the inside, Booker gets a crossbody for two. Stevie Ray in with a scoop slam. Tag Meng, Meng poses and looks mean and shit. Once he's done with that, he backsuplexes Stevie, and then Stevie comes back with a big boot. Booker's in and he's heating up, scissor kick to Barbarian. Book tries it again, but gets crotched on the top rope this time. A double headbutt by the FoF gets a two count on Booker, and Meng gets a good looking backbreaker. Booker can't slam Meng and Meng gets two on the subsequent count. After that, Meng throws Booker into the head of Barbarian, as the Barbarian tags in. Sidewalk slam by Barb gets two. The Harlem Heat switch right in front of the ref and the ref allows it, and that's the first time I've ever seen a babyface team get away with that. And I've watched a lot of wrestling, folks. A Rocket Launcher by the Harlem Heat gets a two count, and Booker follows with the Harlem Sidekick. See, this is what you get when Booker does most of the work. A good match. Booker goes for a rana and gets a sitout powerbomb from Meng (wow, never seen him do that). Sherri's on the apron, Meng hits her and Booker rolls Meng up and grabs the tights at 8:32. **1/4, really good stuff. I thought it would blow at first.




Madusa faces a Japanese lady whose name I don't want to butcher. This is a terrible match, there's nothing to note outside of Madusa's german suplex finisher at 2:43. DUD. They blew quite a few spots, no doubt because of Madusa's fake titties.




On the road in Roanoke, yeah, yeah, yeah....


Renegade faces Jim Duggan in a Duggan squash, this match is completely useless and almost in -* range, but I'll give it a DUD to be nice. Duggan finished with a taped fist at 3:50. IF the match would have gone past the 5 minute mark, I would have neg star'd it.




The French-Canadians w/Col. Robert Parker (who I like) are going to take on the Steiner Brothers, as we come out of the commercial break. Jacques Rougeau wants everyone to stand up for Oh Canada, but the referee Randy Anderson steals the mike from the Canadians before they can finish. Scott Steiner does his double-underhook front suplex to start and Rick clears the ring. The FC's team up and focus on Scott, they give him some generic offense and a short heat sequence. Tag Rick and the Steiners clean house again, but Robert Parker swings the Quebec flag at Scott and misses. While that's going on, Rick Steiner gets a piledriver from Carl Oulette and Le Cannonball for the 2 count. I really thought the match was going to be over there, just like PE's v. High Voltage from earlier. Jacques grabs the boot of Parker and swings it at a Steiner but misses, and Scott gets the pin at 4:02. Not bad. *1/4.




Now, it's time for the main event of the evening...this match is for the Television Title! The challenger, accompanied to the ring by the NWO sans Scott Hall and Hollywood Hogan, he is the Macho Man RANDY SAVAGE OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH!. The champion, with me having no fucking idea why he has the TV Title, is Prince Iaukea!.


On the way to the ring, Kevin Nash gives the widely known Kilq sign and says, "this is for you HBK." Savage armdrags Iaukea and Iaukea gets a shoulderblock in return. Tony says this is the first time Savage has wrestled on TV since October. Sheesh. A springboard crossbody by Iaukea gets two and he slams Savage for a 1 count. He chops Savage and goes to the top, but misses a crossbody. Savage takes over and drops Iaukea across the top rope. He slams him and GOES UP TOP FOR THE FLYING ELBOW. Savage picks Iaukea up, seemingly planning to deliver more punishment. BUT DDP HITS THE RING, and DEY BE BEATIN EACH OTHA TIL DEY CAN BARLY WALK TONY, but the NWO comes in from the outside and it's burial time. DQ win for Savage at 3:16, which is an odd time considering the direct WWF reference 5 minutes ago. 3/4*. The NWO gives a straight out ass-whoopin' to Page as Iaukea just lies in the center of the ring. Powerbomb for Page from Nash. Elbow on Page by Savage. They then hold Page still as Bischoff karate kicks him in the head. Tony calls that a back leg round kick. Jesus. Spraypaint for Iaukea after a powerbomb by Nash. Iaukea gets the obvious, NWO tag. But Page on the other hand, he gets a 0 on his back, cause that's what Savage says he is. End show. I don't know why they buried the TV champ like that, but it's WCW. Iaukea should have got out of dodge once he saw them hit the ring.


They kept a lot of top talent off the show this week, so I can't in good conscience give a good rating. This show dragged more than any show I've ever watched. By the time it hit Hour 2, the show had felt like it's been going for an hour and a half. A good Faces of Fear vs. Harlem Heat was the highlight of this show, and I'll probably rewatch it again.



Rating: Decent.


If you miss the MNW show this time around, you aren't missing very much.

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