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10/17: Tribes Of Cleveland Unite

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9 p.m.


• I’ve said before that I really don’t have a favorite MLB team. If forced to pick one from each league, I’d say that my favorite AL team would be the Angels and the NL team would be the Cardinals. However, I really don’t care. But come playoff time I generally pick a team or two and hope they do well. The odd thing was I didn’t really know which team to pick. I’d go with the Angels, but I had a feeling that they’d get beat early. I was right. I wasn’t too keen on the Rockies, because they seemed like the popular pick, so I passed. Oh what the hell, the Indians haven’t won shit in a long time. Go Tribe.


• So when Mrs. kkk bitched about yesterday’s “Book Fund” incident, she was annoyed. Today, she was pissed. She got a memo from university HQ telling all employees that they must “donate” to the United Way. Not only does the better half hold this nonprofit in high regard, but she’s pissed that the money collected would go to the United Way in Allegheny County, not the county where we reside. What did she do? She threw the memo away because when she went to fill out the online form there was no way to put $0.00 in the “donate” field. Baby, I love you. Personally, I would have donated $0.01, but what might be a better idea is to donate to some extreme right-wing cause, like saving unborn babies from being murdered, and then sending the receipts to university HQ.


Oh, yeah, she also got a human resources document about the university’s authoritive blacktion policy that said “IF YOUR RACE HAS CHANGED IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, PLEASE INDICATED WHAT YOU ARE NOW.” I told her to put down “Eskimo.” They need representation.


• Speaking of universities, you know what I love about these institutions of so-called higher learning? The way they openly embrace points of view.


Hamline University has suspended a student after he sent an e-mail suggesting that the Virginia Tech massacre might have been stopped if students had been allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. Student Troy Scheffler is now required to undergo a mandatory “mental health evaluation” before being allowed to return to school. Scheffler, who was suspended without due process just two days after sending the e-mail, has turned to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help.


4:30 p.m.


• So the idiot boss got a call from someone he was to interview for this job in the office. Now they’re going to pay this person $8/hour, so naturally the responses to this opening have been, well, let’s say “less than overwhelming.” Anyway, this person asked the idiot what the “salary range” is. The idiot’s response? “It depends on the qualifications.” BWAHAHAHAHA~! Yeah, if she has more than 10 years experiences, she might get $8.25. Surprisingly, after that the person never came back for a second interview.


• I think I found a way to counter those people that drive around with the booming bass systems in their vehicle. Yesterday we were beside one of these people at a red light, so I cranked up the treble in our car where all you could hear was the singer’s voice. Worked out pretty well, if I do say so myself, even though my ears were ringing for a few minutes afterward.

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A job at my place of employment. The funny thing is the idiot had more than a dozen interviews already and NOBODY is taking it because it's paying just above minimum wage in the state of PA. Like I've said before, I thank God I'm two floors away from all this and my contact with this dipshit is minimal. This place spends nickels to save pennies. For the record, I make quite a bit more than what we offer the general office staff.

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My co-worker and I have a theory that they only look for candidates from battered women's shelters. When I found out my vacant "assistant" position was only going to be offered the same amount, I didn't bother trying to fill it because I'd be embarrassed interviewing someone with a college degree for a part-time $8/hour job. I, of course, in my one report to the board mentioned what my boss was offering as a wage, and that went over real well. The next workday I was brought in to the boss’s office and I proceeded to rip him a new asshole when he tried to strong-arm/intimidate me. It was quite fun to do, and now he hasn’t talked to me outside of meetings for about 10 months. Good times.

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