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Review: NWA 1/4/86.

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It's really easy to review the squash matches like I did yesterday, so here. This'll only apply to squash matches on the PTW and NWA shows.



Ok, the show starts with Ole Anderson's leg being broken by Dusty Rhodes and the Road Warriors. It's awfully similar to Dusty's leg being broken after Flair's cage match with Nikita. That's the point, of course.


Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon cut a promo after we're told that Dusty won the National Title, and JJ tells Tony and David not to mention Baby Doll around them again. They say we'll see later.



It's the NWA Tag Team Champs, the Rock & Roll Express v. Thunderfoot and Jim Jeffers, and the R&R's finish the bout at 4:34 with a double dropkick. *1/2.



Back to Tully again, and he's really pissed off about Baby Doll. He says she cheated on him...well, after the break, we learn that the Horsemen want to destroy Jimmy Valiant. Why him? They show a clip from the syndicated show, World Wide Wrestling, and Tully straight out slaps Baby Doll across the face. David Crockett nearly jumps onto Tully and beats the shit out of him, but JJ Dillon holds him back. Dusty comes out and punches Tully, and says Baby Doll belongs to him now.


Now that is how you ditch a manager.



Back to the ring, and it's Harley Race vs. Tony Zane. I have no idea why Harley was at a JCP taping, but anyways...he pins Zane with a diving headbutt off the 2nd rope, at 3:26. *.


Promo time afterward, and it's Ivan Koloff with the 6-man tag title trophy. Yeah, a trophy. He and his nephew Nikita are going to beat Road Warrior.



Here's another surprise, because for some reason I forgot that Ron Bass was working for Jim Crockett, as Ron is up against Bill Tabb. Bass pins him with the CLAW at 2:27. DUD. Yeah, that wasn't very good. The difference between Bass here and when he went up north is astounding. He either hit the gym, or was on the juice a few years later.



Dusty brings Baby Doll with him to the promo area; Dusty says that Arn Anderson will be the next one to be put in the hospital. And now, we see the full video of Dusty breaking Ole's leg. Continuity? Revenge? That's what it was.



Ron Garvin faces off against Mac Jeffers in the 4th match, and Garvin just beats the shit out of Jeffers. Shit, you'd think Jeffers tried to steal something in the locker room. A FIST OF STONE finishes the bout at 4:01, for Garvin. *.


Harley Race has some words for us all, and he plugs his match in St. Louis which will take place in a steel cage, against Ric Flair. Makes sense. Him wanting to fight Magnum TA really doesn't, though.



The Road Warriors beat three jobbers in about 30 seconds. Nothing to see here, but it was pretty funny. It went so fast that I forgot to time it, and once I started, it was over. DUD. Handicap matches don't mean shit to the Road Warriors.


They want the 6 man tag team titles, but first, they have to find a partner. They don't have one yet.



The Ragin' Bull Manny Fernandez faces Larry Clark...yeah, that was probably the worst match on the show. Fernandez pinned Clark after a flying forearm at 4:26. DUD.


Ric Flair has something to say about Baby Doll, namely that she had the opportunity to ride SPACE MOUNTAIN WHOOOO, but Flair wanted no part of that. What a guy.



Arn Anderson beats Kent Glover with the gourdbuster at 2:47. *


Flair makes his way back to the promo area, and Arn joines him this time. We finally learn that the angle where Dusty broke Ole's leg occured at the Omni. Well gee, thanks. For some reason, Arn calls himself in-bred.




Baby Doll comes out and says Arn's next, and in response, Flair lays down on the floor and says Baby Doll will be like that when she gets off Space Mountain. That made the entire show, right there. Funnier than hell. Words don't do it justice, you have to see it. Unfortunately, I can't find a youtube video. So for those that can't see it, you're out of luck. Sorry.



Jimmy Valiant (whose gimmick I love, although his hair looks fake) faces off against an unnamed jobber, and pins him with an elbow drop at 1:11. This show is really being oversaturated by appearances of the Horsemen, as Tully came out during the match to the commentary area (same as promo area) and told Tony and David that Valiant was next. YEAH, WE KNOW THAT.


Jim Cornette has an interview in which he brags about winning the PWI Manager of the Year Award. I could listen to him ramble all day. We then see a video clip of the Midnight Express attacking the Rock & Roll's. They just wanted to make the R&R's unhappy.


And, to follow up on that, we have our first non-squash match, Lover Boy Dennis Condrey vs. Rocky King. I say King's not a jobber because he beat one on the last aired show. I mean, King's a jabroni, but for purposes of matches in the next few weeks, he isn't. You can tell its been a long time between TV tapings, because King has an afro going.


Condrey takes King down to the canvas, then dumps him out to the floor. As usual, Cornette goes to the commentary area and rambles for about 10 seconds, at random intervals. Condrey gives King a snapmare and applies a chinlock, which is fairly inexcusable. It's a 5 minute match, COME ON. Moving on, King gets up and is taken down again, and covered for a 2 count. Condrey elbows King on the top of the head, and dumps him to the outside. Condrey whips King off the ropes, and King blows whatever they were trying to do, so Condrey reapplies the chinlock. So that's why Condrey applied the chinlock in the first place. Rocky King sucks. Badly. Condrey gets a small package for two, and dumps King again. Condrey gives King a baseball slide, and an abdominal stretch once King gets inside the ring. Rocky starts a faux-comeback with a scoop slam and two dropkicks, but Condrey gives him a FUCKING BRAINBUSTER for 3 at 5:04. The brainbuster forced me to let out an audible "oh shit," and my mother told me not to cuss like that around the kids. I usually don't, and she hears me every single time, no matter where she is. Yeah, I still live at home. For now, anyway. *1/4.


Dusty and Baby Doll are back, and Baby Doll says, "why would I ride Space Mountain when I can have the whole park." You ain't kiddin', either.



In the "main event" of the show, we have the US Champ, Magnum TA, facing The Barbarian w/Paul Jones. I don't know if it's a title match, it was never specified.


Barbarian looks too much like the Road Warriors, namely Animal. Hopefully this is changed up. Harley Race is out to watch the match, which is little surprise. I don't know where JCP went with the Harley/Magnum thing, if they went anywhere at all. Barbarian applies a wristlock, and Magnum reverses to a hammerlock. Magnum kicks Barbarian over the top rope, and Harley wants the referee to disqualify Magnum. You know, because of the NWA's rule about disqualifying wrestlers who throw their opponents over the top rope. Back inside, Magnum gives Barbarian a backdrop and an armdrag. He applies an armbar, but Barbarian finds his way out. Barbarian misses a clothesline, so Magnum goes back to the hammerlock. For what looked to be no reason, Magnum started chasing Paul Jones around the ring, then through it, until Jones wound up in the spot he was in, before the chasing. Barbarian misses a charge into the corner, and Magnum reapplies the armbar. Jones says it's a moral victory that Barbarian has lasted so long with Magnum, and we go to a


commercial break


We come back from the break, and Barbarian has a chinlock applied. He gets a legdrop and a Hotshot, then picks Magnum up in a choke and drops him to the canvas. Barbarian gets a backbreaker for 2, and a thrust kick. A big boot gets 2, but Magnum avoids a kneedrop. Magnum gets a dropkick for two, and the momentum from the atomic drop he gave Barbarian leads to Barbarian running over the referee. Here comes the typical JCP screwy finish. Magnum gets the BELLY-TO-BELLY suplex, but there's no referee. Paul Jones hits Magnum with his cane, and Barbarian gives him a diving headbutt. Well, since there's no referee, Harley says that someone has to make the count. Might as well be him, right? He counts the pinfall at 8:37, to give Barbarian the 'win'. Obviously it's a no-contest. Magnum tries to fight Harley, Jones and Barbarian off, but he can't. Harley and Barbarian both give Magnum headbutts off the top rope, so the Rock & Roll Express have to come out along with Jimmy Valiant to save Magnum. Poor guy. **.


Harley comes back to say something, and says that there just had to be a referee. He didn't do anything to Magnum until the match was over, which is true.


The Road Warriors then give Tony a shirt. It said Weasel Slappers, but the spelling on the shirt was wrong.


Jimmy Valiant has an interview of his own, in which you can clearly see that the hair on top of his head is a hairpiece. If it's not, I'd be awfully surprised.



Sam Houston and Nelson Royal square off against Pablo Crenshaw and __________, didn't get the name, cause I wrote down Nelson Royal twice. Anyway, Sam Houston wins the match with the bulldog at 1:57. 1/2*.



Magnum cuts a promo, and he says, if Harley wants it, he can come get it. He ain't what he once was, no sir.




Rating: Good. The angles and recaps of what happened at the Omni were awesome.


Best Match: Magnum TA vs. The Barbarian


Worst Match: Ragin' Bull vs. Larry Clark


Loudest Sound: Whenever Flair made an appearance, and the R&R's.


No Sound: Every jobber, and Sam Houston. If I haven't made it clear, I don't like Sam Houston.



I don't know what I'll post next.

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