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11/11: Thinking Outside The Lines With NFL Pickkks

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10 a.m.


• Oh God. So I'm listening to this hatchet job ESPN is doing on the RACIST Delaware program and it's the typical PC bullshit that ESPN can produce oh so well. Long story short, the white school doesn't want to play the black school and they're near each other. Uh, oh. RACISM~! Wait a second. These two schools play each other in other sports, which was glossed over in this report. Uh.... OK. Now there must be other reasons, right? No, it must be...















Say, Penn State no longer wants to play Pitt in football. Pitt is in an urban area while State College is white as snow. What does this mean? JoPa is a, all together now...


















• Time for this week's pickkks:


Atlanta @ Carolina (4.5)

Have I mentioned that I really hate the Panthers? When I pick them to lose they win. When I pick them to win/cover they stink up the joint. I'm expecting a 30-point blowout.


(3.5) Buffalo @ Miami

Miami has to win SOMETIME, don't they?


Cleveland @ Pittsburgh (9.5)

Yeah, because picking against the Steelers when they have a near double-digit spread works out so well for me. Pittsburgh will score 27


Denver @ Kansas City (3.5)

Gag. I know I'll be wrong either way I go. If I go with Denver, they will show me how bad they really are. If I go with Kansas City, Denver will show me theyr aren't as bad as I really think they are. I'll go with the Chiefs with that whole "bad Denver running defense" thing.


Jacksonville @ Tennessee (4.5)

Crap. Both quarterbacks don't look good on paper (is Gerard sitll out?), but I'll go with the Titans anyway. And big deal regarding Vince Young's "Super Bowl" comments a while back. What do you want him to say? "Maybe we'll reach .500 this year -- how's that, guys?" Can't nobody tell Vince Young nothing what he can't do.


Minnesota @ Green Bay (6.5)

The Packers beat the Vikings at Minnesota. I'll go with Green Bay again.


Philadelphia @ Washington (3.5)

I loved the talk this week about how McNabb's is getting blamed too much for the Eagles' woes.


St. Louis @ New Orleans (11.5)

I'll ride the Saints' jock until they crap out.


Cincinnati @ Baltimore (4.5)

Hmm, I don't know where to go with this one. Oh what the hell, I'll go with the Bengals


(3.5) Chicago @ Oakland

That Hester guy will score on a return and the Bears will win 7-0.


(1.5) Dallas @ N.Y. Giants

I don't care for the Va-Giants. Go Cowboys.


Detroit @ Arizona (1.5)

From what I seen of the Lions schedule, they better win this one because it's going to get tougher.


(3.5) Indianapolis @ San Diego

I think Indy will rebound from last night's SUPER BOWL 41 1/2 loss.


San Francisco @ Seattle (10.5)

Man, whatever team gets to play Seattle in the second round of the playoffs (Seattle will win its first-round home game), will be like getting a two-week bye.


9:30 a.m.


• AHAHAHAHA. I just heard an "Outside the Lines" teaser about why Delaware won't play Delaware State in football. "One school is made up of white students. The other is black." Gee, I wonder what's coming up? Do I even need to answer this one?

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