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11/14: I Know That You'll Like This Entry

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9 p.m.


• So I haven't been much of a fan of the "It's Comcastic" ad campaign, but some of these ads featuring people trying to change history because they are on a NEW COMCAST PHONE LINE do get a chuckle out of me. "You tiger now." "Sorry, you're still going to lose your leg." Well, it's better than most of the shit on TV. But here's the reason I really like these ads. Well, not "really like." How about "think are OK." That's better. Oh, yeah. Shiny object.


Back in Ohio I worked at a place that had projects. If you didn't make it to training for a project, you didn't get put on a project. You didn't get put on a project, you didn't work. Simple enough. Well, I remember this one guy (I forget his name) who was signed up for a project and didn't show up for the two-three days of training. He came in the next day expecting to get one-on-one training. Ha. What made this all the funnier was seeing my one boss explain to him that he wasn't going to be working for the next month or two because of this. Here's how the conversation went down. For the sake of the discussion, I'll call the guy Mike.


Boss: "Mike, you didn't show up for training. You can't work on this project."


Mike: "I know that, but can't you get someone to show me how to do this one?"


Boss: "No. They are all working with the people who showed up for training. You didn't and if someone doesn't show up for training they don't work on a project."


Mike: "I know that but I have come on other projects midway through."


Boss: "That's because you were in a group that was going to assist with a project and your whole group got trained."


Mike: "I know that but I've come in when you people asked me to."


Boss: "But that doesn't matter. You aren't going to be working on this project because you didn't show up for the required training."


Mike: "I know that but..."


And on and on and on. God was it hilarious to hear him reply after every exchange, "I know that." I never heard from this guy again. Oh well.

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