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Tiresome Political Drivel

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EVIL~! alkeiper


Since my dad sent something out on my outbox, I occasionally get emails from the HRCC of Pennsylvania. That's some Republican lobbying group. Got this one in today.


Represenative Carroll Still Pushing I-80 Tolls


State Representative Mike Carroll, working side by side with Governor Ed Rendell (D-Philadelphia), continues pushing forward a scheme to deliver nearly half of a billion dollars to help bail out Philadelphia's mismanaged public transportation system by taxing drivers on Interstate 80 and increasing the current PA Turnpike rates by 25 percent.


Additionally, Rep. Carroll has voted in favor of a three percent rate increase on I-80 and the Turnpike each year for the next 20 years. This means that realistically, drivers in Monroe County who use both I-80 and the Turnpike could be facing 10-15 dollars in tolls just to get to and from work each day.


The negative effects that this will have on the citizens of Monroe County will be much great than simply additional tolls. This will cause a chain reaction of increases in prices on almost everything you can think of. For example, the tolls will be imposed upon trucks bringing goods into the area, thus forcing the trucking companies to increase their rates to make up for their loss. Once the local stores start paying the trucking companies more to get the goods, they will be forced to increase their prices on those goods. Eventually this could even drive jobs and businesses out of the area.


On Monday, November 19, there will be a public hearing at the Notre Dame High School in East Stroudsburg starting at 5:00 p.m. to give people a chance to voice their concerns on the tolling of I-80. If you cannot attend the hearing, please call State Rep. Mike Carroll, at 570-655-4883, and tell him to vote to repeal the tolling of Interstate 80 and stop using dollars from Monroe County residents to pay for Philadelphia mass transit before it’s too late.


Paid for by HRCC


If you want to lobby for your cause, that is perfectly fine. Politics is all about that. In this case, I agree with them on the merits of the issue. I am against putting tolls on I-80. Principally, it is a national highway and if New Jersey hasn't put tolls on it, no state should. What bothers me is when they try arguments such as the one bolded above. Trucking companies are charging less than they have to currently because there are no tolls on I-80? Putting that aside, gasoline prices have risen 300% in the last eight years. Let me make a quick count of the business lost. Certainly doesn't seem to stop developers from putting up a shopping outlet featuring a Best Buy, or a waterpark themed resort, or a brand new Casino and resort.


Honestly, how stupid do you think I am? If you want a good argument, state that drivers will clog already crowded side roads to avoid toll plazas. That's a good argument, and it will carry further appeal to the citizens. It's direct.


And on a side note, I'm tired of their "OMG big cities will eat your money" cry that they seem to bring out on every issue.

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I've heard about this I-80 issue. Of course, the extra money will do nothing but feed more cash into the beast. A few years later we'll be in the same problem. Of course we can't actually properly manage the roads, could we? Nah.

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