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Review: WWF Monday Night Raw, 4/21/97, from Binghamton, NY.

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Not in a good mood tonight, so time to pound this review out.



Pictures from Revenge of the Taker, which was the previous night, and after the usual pyro which opens the show, Steve Austin makes his way to the ring for an interview with Vince McMahon. He says he whipped Bret Hart's ass last night, and he wants Bret in the ring, now. He gives him a minute, Bret doesn't come to the ring, so Austin's gonna comes look for him. Bret comes on the TitanTron, and says that the Hart family is too good for the American public. That causes Austin to get on his highhorse and run backstage. Really good segment, IMO. The only problem is, Austin isn't getting the crowd behind him. Dunno why, really. Is Bret that hard to boo?



Anyway, our first match of the night is The Sultan w/The Iron Sheik vs. Ahmed Johnson.


Sultan starts the fight with some blows to the head and back of Johnson, but Johnson comes back with an axe kick and scissor kick. The Sultan gets a superkick, and a piledriver for 2, after beating up Ahmed in the corner. Sultan goes to the chinlock, and then, Ahmed comes back with a front suplex for 2. Ahmed gets a spinebuster and goes for the PEARL RIVER PLUNGE, but the Nation of Fucking Domination decides to let their presence be known, at the top of the aisleway. They make their way down after the Sultan rams Ahmed into the ringpost, and the Nation makes their way to the ring. Ahmed grabs his 2x4 from under the ring, and hits the Sultan with it, getting disqualified at 4:43. Well, the Nation won't be making their way any closer, they're a little scared. He hits the Sultan with the 2x4 again, and chokes him with it, and well, commercial break. Way too heelish from Ahmed, IMO. *1/4.



The cameras have found Austin, as he's beating the shit (well, if that applies) out of Bret's lockerroom door, until Bret Hart finally says, send him to the ring. So, we're going to get a match out of this.


Ken Shamrock will be taking on Vader at A Cold Day in Hell, as they reference Vader being held hostage in Kuwait. Remember, he tried to beat up that guy who asked him if wrestling was fake. Anyhow, Ken Shamrock talks about how much he hates bullies, personally, I don't give a fuck what he thinks, and it's funny to hear that talk coming from an Ultimate Fighter, but as it went on, he challenged Mike Tyson to a fight. OK. He stuttered throughout his promo, which basically solidified the fact that you can't let the guy talk on live television. Taped promos are his friend.



Austin's at the ring again, and acts like he's going to fight Vince, of course he's not going to, though. Bret won't get in the ring, and we soon find out why, as the British Bulldog and Owen Hart attack Austin. Shawn Michaels comes out to attack all three members of the Hart Foundation, but the only one he can't hit with his chair is Bret Hart. Oh well. He chases Bulldog and Owen to the back, and now, the match starts. Bret gives Austin a piledriver, and grabs a chair. He tries to "Pillmanize" Austin's ankle, but he misses his jump off the top rope. Austin hits Bret in the leg with the chair, hard to boot, now Austin's tearing Bret's knee up with the chair. He laughs at Bret, as Bret's hurting pretty bad, now Austin's hitting him all over the place. Austin applies the SHARPSHOOTER, and all the road agents/officials/referees are trying to get Austin to break the hold. He doesn't do it for a while, and he finally does, as we go to a commercial break. Honestly, can't rate the match, that's what it was, remember, and I didn't time it either. Didn't know where to start. Hot, hot sequence that makes me feel like Nitro couldn't attempt to be the better show this week.


Back from the break, Davey, Bret and Owen are in the ring, as Bret's being loaded onto the stretcher. Backstage, Gorilla Monsoon tells Austin he needs to get his ass out of the building. Yeah, he really said that.


It's hour #2, and the WWF decided to follow that great segment with...Salvatore Sincere vs. Tiger Ali Singh. You have got to be kidding me.


Sincere gives Singh a chop, and Singh comes back with an avalanche and belly-to-belly suplex. Tiger gets a bulldog, then Sincere gets some offense, after countering a suplex with a northern lights suplex for 2. Sincere gives Singh a falldown slam, and then an elbowdrop off the top, in Vader Bomb-ish fashion, for 2. Tiger comes back with a sunset flip for 2, and Sincere gives Singh a clothesline for 2. No flow at all, here. Sincere gets a jawbreaker for 2, and Tiger gets a backslide for 2. The crowd really doesn't like this match. Well, finally, Tiger gives Sincere a spinning heel kick, which gets him the win at 4:41. Boy. DUD. Like I've said before, Singh is my least favorite wrestler of all time.



Ok, we all know what happens here. Bret Hart's being loaded into an ambulance, and once the EMT tells his driver to go, Austin comes out from the drivers seat, and says "we're going straight to hell." Best line EVER. Bret gets the shit beaten out of him by Austin, until Owen Hart saves him, and gets in a couple shots of his own. After the commercial break, Owen and Davey are trying real hard to find Austin. As we segue to...



This is the feud that ignited the WWF. Fuck that Hart/Austin stuff. Who are those guys? This is Jesse Jammes vs. Rockabilly. Yeah, you heard me.


Rockabilly hits Jammes a whole bunch, but misses a big boot, so Jammes gives him a hiptoss for 2. He gives Rockabilly an armdrag, but only gets 1 on a sunset flip. I forgot, Honky Tonk Man's at ringside, as Rockabilly's manager. But I'm sure everyone knows who the manager of the Federation's biggest star is. Rockabilly rakes Jammes eyes, and then does Honky's little dance. Dear Lord. Rockabilly gives Jammes a suplex, as JR and the King go into this little bit about Honky, and JR asks, "what is he, your cousin?" The King goes, "maybe." Funny stuff. The only thing good about this match, in face. Rockabilly chokes Jammes for the LONGEST TIME, and then applies a chinlock. Jammes starsts his comeback, with a crossbody for 2. He rams Rockabilly into the buckle, then clotheslines him. Rockabilly gives Jammes a hotshot, and then gives him the SHAKE, RATTLE and ROLL for 3 at 8:47. I'll say this. I really, really had to think about giving this negative stars. Brutal stuff. But, the line on commentary caused me to be nice, and give it a DUD. Had I went negative, I had -*1/2 in mind. Honky busts his guitar over Jammes head after the match, in an attempt to get Rockabilly some heat. TRUST ME, nothing is going to get either of these two a bit of crowd reaction. They've been dead since the ambulance thing, and that's unfortunate. In fact, they've been dead ever since Austin started his push a few weeks ago. WHY?



Austin's arguing with Shawn Michaels now, mainly because Austin doesn't want his help. Good argument, but I didn't get much out of it.


Mankind is on the TitanTron, talking about Paul Bearer's burning flesh and the like. He's the best thing on either RAW or Nitro, honestly. And, as we move on, obviously, since Mankind was on the Tron, we must have...


The Undertaker vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna, in a non-title matchup.


Taker attacks HHH in the aisle, and Chyna doesn't want any part of the fight, as she backs away. Inside the ring they go, and Taker rams Helmsley into the turnbuckle. Taker gives Helmsley a choke toss, then a big boot and clothesline, which gets a 2 count. A Taker legdrop gets one, and now, it's time for OLD SCHOOL. Cover gets 2, and then Taker goes to the chinlock. He throws Helmsley out afterward, and rams him into the steel steps. Helmsley comes back inside the ring, and gives Taker a few punches to the face. Helmsley pushes the referee away, but no ref bump here. Remember, Taker has a "bruise" or whatever you want to call it from Mankind burning his face, so Helmsley continually rakes his hands across it. HHH gets a kneedrop for 2, then puts his head down in an attempt to backdrop Taker, but Taker jumps up and legdrops him, Fameasser style. Taker whips Helmsley into the buckle, and Helmsley goes upside down, like usual for him at that point in time. Taker goes to the chinlock, but he gets dumped to the outside, and Helmsley rams him into the stairs. Helmsley courtseys inside the ring, then gets on the apron and jumps down, delivering an axhandle to Taker. Helmsley applies the chinlock, and uses the 2nd rope for leverage. As we pan out, Dustin Rhodes and Terri are in the crowd, and yes, that's exactly how they were referred to. Surprising, at least to me.


commercial break


And we're back, as Taker gives Helmsley another choke toss. A right puts Helmsley out, and Mankind is making his way to the ring. With a FUCKING BLOWTORCH. Taker chokeslams Helmsley, and Mankind jumps in the ring, and hits Taker with the bottle that's connected to the blowtorch. Obviously, HHH is DQ'd at 12:12. *3/4. Mankind tries to ignite the torch, but it won't ignite. It finally does, as Taker begins to choke Mankind. Quite simply, those two just brawl to the back. But the cool thing is, Dustin and Terri come out of the crowd and beat up HHH and Chyna. Terri chokes Chyna with her purse and all, but we go to a commercial break once all four are separated.



Austin's with Vince again, in the ring, and he heels on the crowd a little bit. Why, exactly? He says he'll whip Vince's ass if he doesn't leave him alone, and says Taker's going to have the Coldest Day in Hell. I like how he just says, I don't give a crap what day or where it is. Don't get the heeling, though. Owen and Bulldog run out and attack Austin, Vince tries to stop them, but Owen keeps him from doing so. HBK's back to the ring, and he chases Owen and Bulldog to the back. We have a bit of a delay, and all of a sudden, BRIAN FUCKING PILLMAN comes out of the crowd, and beats up Austin with a chair. But again, HBK saves Austin, and the show's over. Why is he doing this, exactly? Guess we'll see soon.



Rating: Great. The angles on this show, are quite simply, awesome. The dead period in the middle doesn't bother me all that much, because we got to see a Hart/Austin match off PPV.


Best Match: Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart. DUH.


Worst Match: Jesse Jammes vs. Rockabilly. Unfortunately, I have a feeling we'll be seeing those two a lot in this slot.


Loudest Sound: Mankind, The Undertaker, HBK, Bret Hart, and the surprise return of Brian Pillman. Caught everyone off guard, including me.


No Sound: Jesse Jammes, Sal Sincere, Tiger Ali Singh, and the Sultan. Rockabilly got a bit of heat when Honky hit Jammes with the guitar, so, off the list he goes.



Nitro's next, but since it's Thanksgiving, I'm not going to do much typing today.

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