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Street Fighter Movies.

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Last night I was bored, but it was poorly timed boredom. Didn't feel like foruming it up, that's what got me bored by 9pm (Eastern) in the first place. Nothing I wanted to watch was on TV. I didn't have time to watch a DVD movie or PPV because the syndicated episodes of "King of Queens" I enjoy so much were going to be starting in about an hour.


Then I realized I own video games and that this short period of time between things to do or watch was the perfect place to use them.


Basically all I did was put in Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection and play around at the extras screen, watching the various SF openings and listening to the various sounding versions of music.


I also skipped around the chapters on the SFII animated movie. I've owned this movie on VHS for 10 years now and have loved it. It's been a bit since I've last watched it, though. One thing that still stands out 10 years later is how awesome the scene where Chun-Li does her lightning kicks to Vega followed by kicking him through a wall. Tremendous stuff.


Why did the live action movie have nothing like is? Why did it have to be so bad?


While it won't win any awards, at least the first Mortal Kombat film offered up things that were game like and overall was, to me, an enjoyable film.


One thing I will give the live action SF movie is the ending freeze frame where everyone does a pose... I knew they were all doing a pose from the game, but did not realize (or knew, but it slipped my mind until last night) that it was actually a frame (almost) directly from the ending screen of Super Street FIghter II/Turbo.


I'm just rambling now, though.

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One thing that still stands out 10 years later is how awesome the scene where Chun-Li does her lightning kicks to Vega followed by kicking him through a wall.


You mean Balrog. Jerk.

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MisawaGQ is making a humourus comment about elitism in society, wildpegasus. Balrog = Vega as far as the original (and therefore true) SF is concerned.

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I was extreamly sure it was Vega. Doesn't she even call him "Vega"?



Chun Li > almost anything.  One of the best movie scenes of all time.


Balrog is the original (and true) name of the Spanish bullfighter in Street Fighter II. Me and DrVenkman are buds, so I was just teasing him about using the American name.

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