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Quick entry - link to new photos from a road trip

Wow, an update. For those curious (by now, probably no one) the below situation involving work seemed to resolve itself, so everything is cool again. Also, one of the supervisors at another site quit and the person I suspected was behind some of the complaints took that job, so even better.   Moving forward with my first entry in over 6 weeks.... this is not realy an entry. This is one of those "I have a blog that as been neglected for over a month, but have a link to it in my forum sig and did not intend on letting it die yet, so here's an update" entry.   I just got back from a road trip to Kansas City last night, and here are the photos:   http://flickr.com/photos/sgray21/sets/72157594299808961/   Fun time all around, especially since the Tigers won both games (the second one in a blow-out). I will probably do a real blog entry about this trip, among other things, within a week... or two. Or whenever I get around to it.    

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Special "Wag of the Finger": Co-workers

One of the nice things about having your main blog hosted on a forum based on wrestling discussion is that people I don't know that well - let's say co-workers, for example - will probably never see it. I am one of those closet wrestling fans - the kind that only looks at the DVDs in a store when no other customers are around, and leaves the store quickly after making a purcahse, as if I had just purchased the most disgusting pornography commercially available. Basically, I'm not the wrestling fan that advertises his fandom to people I don't know are fans themselves, and as far as I know, none of my co-workers are wrestling fans (if they are, they hide it as well as I do). I used to have co-worker fans, but they are gone now.   I guess the very longwinded point I'm trying to make is, under the guise of DrVenkman, I can write an angry blog entry about the people I work with without them ever reading this, essentially venting steam in a wide open forum with little chance of it getting back to them.   Before I rant about the day I had yesterday, I should set the stage with the appropriate backstory: At work, I'm a shift supervisor. This is not a position I wanted, but last fall the former supervisor was leaving for the miliatary and the position needed to be filled. It's a crappy position with almost no pay increase and extra work, but people kept telling me to take it. I took it and for the past several months have been known - or I thought I was - as the supervisor who barely cares and will hardly, if ever, discipline people for minor policy infractions. Someone has to screw up big time for me to act. For a month, another shift supervisor at another work site and I had to switch (there is a previous blog entry noting I will be away for a month - that was why) as he basically has the same laid back attitude I do, and apparently it was thought changing out environments for a month would help us (more him than me) out. Another key point is I don't drive.   Yesterday I go into work to start my Tuesday-Saturday week and as usual I start my day by talking to my boss. We're pretty much talking about nothing and she then drops this bomb that if I haven't checked my company e-mail yet, to expect to find an e-mail she wrote detailing how I may be losing my rapport with my co-workers since I've allegedly been "power tripping" and "making decisions that are easiest for me and may not be best for everyone else". She also mentions someone complaining about me asking for rides. God, I know if the shoe was on my foot, I probably wouldn't be much different, but for such trivial nonsense as me "asking for rides", why can't people just tell ME about it? At the time, that was really the only part that bothered me. The idea I was "power tripping" actually amused me because it would mean that at least one employee thought I was actually exhibiting supervisory powers, something most people I work with don't believe.   An hour or so later I get a chance to read the actual e-mail she warned me about. The e-mail version of these complaints from my co-workers include the above mentioned "decision making that only benefits me" as well as stating I've been called arrogant. When I read that, I actually chuckled. The rides issue was thrown in, but she made sure to note that is not work related (she told the anonymous complainee that, but wanted me to know someone mentioned it). I respond to the e-mail (which I should also note says this is more of a "heads up" and is in no way a write-up or letter of discipline), noting that I have a sarcastic nature that is generally not meant to be taken seriously but that I will watch what I say. I also note that I have, as a rib, yelled at two co-workers to "do what I say, I am yoru boss!" but as both were friends and that I was joking, I assumed it was not an issue. I then went on to continue my work.   10 minutes later the whole thing sinks in and I am both terribly pissed and completely depressed. I became thankful that I have an inner monolgue capable of visualizing meetings with my boss where I yell and swear, calling the whole deal bullshit. Doing this mentally saves me from having to do it today. It really bothered me and I spent the rest of my shift kinda moping around, thinking about who these mystery complainants could be. What really got me mad was the fact she won't TELL ME what incidents are being referred to. You see, if she were to straight up say "this is the incident I received a complaint about that I agree with the complainaint about", I would work to fix that. But no, it's a vague "in one instance I agreed". How the hell does THAT help me? What is more important - me knowing what to fix, or giving me vague details about something that may not have even happened because if I am told the details, I can figure out who complained? I already have a suspect list as there are only two people that give me a ride home, and a third that used to but stopped (which kind of makes it a bit more obvious). I have a difficult time keeping stuff like this inside, and during a break ended up speaking with a friend of mine (since before he worked with me) about the situation. Unfortunatley another co-worker (who I suspected may have complained about something) came by and got caught up in my venting. Both of them had no diea where the arrogance thing came from, with the non-friend telling me that I know her well enough to know she's rather direct with people when something bothers her.   I thought about it and came up with a suspect list of who the jerk co-workers could be:   1. Pregnant Girl. Last Monday, I worked a day shift in exchange for not working an afternoon shift the Tuesday I was going to the SmackDown tapings. I was already in a bit of a mood that day and was dead set about getting myself the easiest job on the day shift. I told her when I came in she was being moved somewhere else and I was doing her job for the day, and she complained. I told her she is scheduled to do the other job the next day, and asked why today is a problem. She gave the "I'm pregnant and having pains today!" spiel and I apologized. Then, right in a front of her, I called someone and (in a very arrogant tone, but in a way I thought he would know I was joking) told him I was "pulling rank" and doing his job for the day while he got stuck with the crap one. He actually didn't mind, so it worked out. I told the PG I was sorry if I sounded angry or rude earlier and I meant nothing by it. As human nature is with most people, she said not to worry about it, but my thought is this IS the "doing things that benefit you and no one else" incident, as well as the arrogance incident. This person used to give me a ride when she worked afternoons, but that was her offer. It could be tied together, though.   2. Old Man. OM is very angry and hates every possible job he can be given at our work site. He considers everything to be BS and gets very mad at the smallest things. He often tells me of people at work that bother him but has never questioned anything I do. He is only a suspect because he gives me a ride home. I will admit the ride thing is entriely my fault - I should get a damn car - but I'm pissed that people aren't open with me about it. I'm a very shy person and hate asking people to go out of there way, but over the past 8 months I've become conditioned that things are ok now, which has led to me gradually becoming more demanding ("If I'm getting a ride, can we stop at the store on the corner for milk?"). In a certain light, I guess I could be the bad guy in this case, but the fact is I'm always very apologetic / meek when asking, "Do you mind / It's ok if we don't / don't worry about it / do you want anything from the store? / would you like some gas money?" OM's answer is always no, same goes for suspect #3 (well once he needed gas and I paid for it). Anyway, the only reason OM is a suspect is because he's angry. Generally HE offers ME the ride and I don't even ask.   3. Friend through work. FTW is someone I consider a friend, though we do not really hang out or anything outside of work. I talk to him over MSN, we talk all the time, he got me watching MST3K, and so on. Only a suspect because he gives me a ride to work (and picks me up, too) but this was an idea of his, not mine. He also has seemed slightly colder to me since I returned from my temporary work site, though that could be my imagination.   4. Girl that is friend of the boss. The main suspect. GTIFOB was friends with my boss before she started working here and at times hangs out with her outside of work. They often discuss their personal lives with each other at work. She is also friends with FTW outside of work as they play poker Tuesday nights. She often seems like a nice person at work, but, as my pre-coworkers friend described her, "has that 'can become a bitch' aura to her". She also voices problems with co-workers to my boss / her friend which sometimes are taken with more value than they should be, because they are friends. I don't recall doing anything that upset GTIFOB, but does anyone ever know when the upset a chick? Anyway, she had commented previously that if we both worked at a different site "straightening everyone out over there", I would even be able to get a ride home (said site is quite out of my way). She has also picked me up at home before going to early morning supervisor meetings. I thought asking her Friday if it was possible for her to pick me up for a day shift on Saturday was a harmless request she could turn down (and did, stating she would up late and would be rushing to work that morning), but right now I have to believe, because chicks are insane, it bothered her, she complained to my boss / her friend over the weekend, and hence I get an e-mail sent about it Monday morning.   In closing - wag of the finger to whichever of my co-workers are being whiney bitches (though it seems I just spent a large chunk of writing time and blog space being just that as well).   Sorry for boring anyone who read this - I just had to vent and let it all out. Thanks for putting up with it (assuming you did).

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Plugging my photos

I feel like advertising the fact I have a flickr account - why I'd think people are interested in pictures I've taken, I don't know, but none the less here are links:   http://www.flickr.com/photos/timpang80 - all my wrestling event photos go here   http://www.flickr.com/photos/sgray21 - general pictures I've taken and uploaded - NYC, Atlantic City, and a picture of a disturbingly patriotic snack cake box.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger - Credit Fraud!

A huge, pissed off wag of the finger to people who commit credit card fraud. I, like 330,000,000 or so other North Americans, assumed CC fraud happens to everyone but them. Well, apparently it really CAN happen to anyone, and I had to make the dreaded phone call to cancel my card, reverse the charges, and get a new card. Thankfully I only have one monthly subscription fee on it and this shouldn't be TOO much of a hassle. This really put me in a bad mood all the same, though. The worst part is I have not even learned a lesson in any of this. As soon as I get the new one, I'll be back to buying everything online and using my card freely at any store I walk into, which is how I figure I got into this mess to begin with. That, or the fact I throw out receipts and statements and people probably go through the garbage. I probably haven't learned a lesson about that, either.   However...   A big "Tip of the Hat" to the people I was staying with for the past month for introducing me to Cogeco Digital Cable and "Movies on Demand" from The Movie Network. It was enough to convince me to finally start shelling out for digicable at my own place and that should be a go in a few weeks (if only Cogeco had The Fight Network... someday, though. I guess I'll be a WWE mark and shell out the extra $10 for 24/7 too).   Also, I was just informed that Stephen Colbert would be on Conan tonight. When I went to NBC.com to verify this was happening and not a rerun from December, I saw that not only Colbert but Rainn "Dwight from The Office" Wilson would be on too! I am staying up for this one, no doubt about it.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


DrVenkman shoots, rips HTQ / MisawaGQ off...

So I figure I have a blog with a nice amount of views and a good rating, maybe I will join the "let people drop a name/thing to be commented on" craze. I'm not expecting this to go over as well as the other guys (I figure mostly just GQ asking things to get this rolling) but we'll see. Also, my responses may be slow since I'm still "away for a month".

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Random thoughts before I leave for a month

Didn't get around to talking about my trip or posting any pictures, but does any of that matter? I posted some Nintendo World museum pix in the VG folder (Comments thta don't warrant a thread) so that was good. I have a Flickr account as suggested by someone at work, so my masterpieces will all go there eventually. I guess I should say that when I was away, I bought a Dunder Mifflin / "World's Greatest Boss" mug from the NBC store. The Colbert Report taping was interesting, with the warm-up guy being pretty funny. He ragged on us for saying we were from Canada, good times. It was te 99th episode and the last one before they went on a two week hiatus. They showed "The Difference Makers" and while that was on, Colbert had broken character at the desk and was cracking up at those crazy Mexican hating Texans.   Anyway, due to a temporary supervisor exchange, I will be relocated for the next month. I'll have a net connection and all that, but it won't be me own dedicated connection so it's good to consider me postless for the next little bit.   I am looking forward to the ECW show tomorrow and hope the subsequent show revival is good. I'll probably go to the SmackDown / ECW show in Detroit at the end of July.   That crazy mySpace... I don't know how many of you are familiar with Sugar from YTV in Canada (cute, looks young but was born in 1980, high pitched voice, lent it to some anime) but she's pretty cute, and damn I found some nice pix on her mySpace page. It's weird knowing she's a kids TV host.   I approve of the rule HTQ set about pasting newsletters, etc. word for word. Ok, maybe it's because I get the WON in the mail (and usually a day or two AFTER it gets transcribed here, at that), but I always felt that it's awesome for subscribers to share news with the board, but to copy word for word what Meltz says is not cool.   Damn, I hope I am able to keep up to date on my WWE Fantasy roster for the next month. I want to place 1st (or at least top 3) in the TSM league, but one of our league members is a top 5er in the overall standings. This is a tough season with ECW involved.   Edit: Oh yeah, I got new glasses. People at work call them "Stylish" and say they look good. I like that.   Behave, everyone. I will be back.   Ortonsault, C.M. Punk, Sugar, Pam / Jenna, Ryan / BJ, and the rest: Thanks for the add.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Back home

This entry exists only to say I'm back home. Attending the Colbert Report was a great experience and all around a fun trip was had. More details (and pictures!) later, maybe.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Wrestling Events I've Attended: Part IV

In March of 1998 (I believe the day before, but possibly the week before WrestleMania XIV) I had the pleasure of attending what was one of the best house shows I've ever attended, and it wasn't even put on by me beloved World Wrestling Federation. No, this show was put on by the "bad guys" - the Sega to my Nintendo, the Pepsi to my Coke - yes, this was a house show brought to you by World Championship Wrestling.   Fortunatley, this was 1998. Wrestling popularity was very high and while WCW was certainly viewed as "the other guys" where I live, it was wrestling, and wrestling was hot. WCW vs. nWo: World Tour was also dominating my N64 playtime with the friends I went to the show with, so that helped make the idea of going to a WCW show seem less like a runner up prize and more like a first rate show. It also helped that we would be seeing some of our federation favourites like Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash (give me a break, I was 13 when Hall and Nash were at their WWE peak and only 16 at this show, and Hogan will alwyas be Hogan), and Bret Hart in action. Although the first event I attended was in 1991, and The Fed and WCW ran quite a bit in the Detroit market, this was only the fourth show I had been to - my first since the Federation's "In High Gear" tour in early 1995. I was a somewhat wiser fan by now, but still a mark at heart (compared to now, where I'm a wiser fan with an Observer subscription... but STILL a mark at heart). I didn't think the car ride home would have us discussing how we enjoyed a match like The Headsrinkers vs. The Blu Twins this time around. Nope, this time the post-show discssion would be about how awesome Hogan vs. Sting was!   Arriving at the show, it was immediatley evident that this show would be quite different than the two previous Federation house shows I attended here (the above mentioned In High Gear and October 1994's Hart Attack Tour - neither of them a show I've done an entry about since I wanted to make my first four parts about the four different promotion's shows I've attended). Previously, myself and the family I went with were driven there by their dad because he obtained box seats from his job. At both Fed shows, attendance was low and we could easily leave our booth and head to the lower bowl. Not this show - it was almost sold out. We were stuck watching from the high (but very luxurious) box seats at the top of the arena. There was another family in the box with us who followed WCW much closer than I did, but that's all I really remember about them, other than they wanted Booker T to beat Chris Jericho while I did not.   To start the night, we were informed of some card changes - Bret Hart vs. Kevin Nash and Ric Flair vs. Scott Hall were off. Instead, we were given Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig and Ric Flair vs. Scott Norton. I approved of these changes. I don't remember the card exactly, and unfortunatley I have not found a place that has a listing of it (oh how I wish at times a WCW site as comprehensive as Cawthon's WWF/E site existed). I do know that the first two matches were Psicosis vs. La Parka, and it was good. Much different than any match I had seen from the Fed live at that point in time. This was followed by a Chris Jericho vs. Booker T where both men cut promos before the match, and naturally Jericho's was awesome... I think. I don't remember, but it must have been. There were some stinkers in there, like a Goldberg match that wasn't any good but people were so into Goldberg that it seemed people were just happy to see him beat someone, and a Brian Adams vs. British Bulldog match. There was a hardcore tag match which I believe was DDP/Benoit vs Kidman/Raven, and we all enjoyed that. DDP got on the house mic after the match to declare that Raven was a fag, which seemed odd. Hart/Hennig was pretty good (but probably not early 90s Fed levels of good) and Norton/Flair was good if only because we got to see Flair win (I assume he would have lost to Hall).   The main event was a steel cage match between Hollywood Hogan and WCW Champion Sting. It was fought under those bizarre Hulk Hogan WCW Cage rules where they brawl outside the cage on the floor. I remember this match being good, but that may have been me being a mark for the star power / being there live. The finish was also very cool - Sting had Hogan set for the Scopion Death Drop, but The Disciple came into the cage and went for his version of the Stunner. Sting turned the Stunner lock up into a Death Drop, and I THINK he did a double drop on both men. If not, he at least did the nifty Stunner counter. Either way, Hogan laid down clean and was pinned. Hogan and Brutus the Disciple Beefcake sold the Death Drop by laying around forever while some fans tried to get garbage over the cage and into the ring - I think Hogan got nailed by a cup of Coke.   An amazing atmosphere compared to the previous Fed shows I attended to, some great matches, fun promos, and star power that most people don't eqaute with a WCW house show equalled a great time.   Speaking of having a great time, I'm gone until a week from Tuesday to do some gambling and hanging out out of town for the week surrounding my birthday (May 21st!). I look forward to getting into The Colbert Report and having an overal great trip. It's too bad ROH wasn't running a NYC show on this trip, but I can't luck out every visit.   Until then, thanks for reading.  

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger: May 6, 2006

Normally I like to make this entry piece a basic fluff piece that tells people what I like and dislike at the moment that only MisawaGQ, Monty Burns, and tigeraid comment on, however I must start this one off on a serious note.   I won't even call it a "Wag of the Finger" as it sounds like I'm just brushing it off, but I do find it seriously disturbing that two teenagers in my hometown, not too far away from my house, shot and killed a police officer for interupting a drug deal at a convenience store (according to the current information). We have never had a police officer murder here in Windsor, and many people here were shocked at the whole thing. A really sad state of affairs.   With that out of the way, I'll move on to the usual light fluff:   - A BIG Tip of the Hat to the Colbert Report. Not just because it was another entertaining way to spend 2 hours spread over 4 days, but because I received an e-mail yesterday telling me my request for tickets to a taping was accepted. I'm not thrilled about the "no guarantee" loophole, but it's a good start.   - A Wag of the Finger to Microsoft for having some lame update, the "Windows Genuine Advantage". Like I want to be informed with a stupid blue star and boot up graphic that I'm not using a genuine winkey. I bought this computer from someone two years ago, I don't know what the hell product code he used. And then to ask for $200 to get rid of this? Outrageous! But...   - A Tip of the Hat to AndrewTS and Leena for helping me solve the problem in the Computer folder. Thanks!   - A Wag of the Finger / Tip of the Hat combo to the WWE. Backlash was decent at best, Raw was ok, and SmackDown! was ok. Each show had a highlight (Triple threat match, Joey Styles promo, and Benoit vs. Finlay) but didn't offer much else outside of that. SmackDown! went a step further by continuing to push Mark Henry, and did so by giving him a win over the world champ (the same champ who made sure to point out in a promo that he was going to tap out and lose to Angle last week). I know Rey is not a long term champ and realistically shouldn't be booked to be one, but giving him SOME credibility before giving the belt to JBL in two weeks would not have been a bad idea. We will see what the rest of the build-up to Judgment Day offers. Getting back to the Styles promo, while many people (including myself) saw it that WWE seems to have some serious intentions with the ECW spin-off, I also couldn't help but think that the "Wrestling vs. Sports Entertainment" promo was the same message Paul Heyman had in a promo the week before The Alliance died at Survivor Series 2001.   - A Tip of the Hat to Dave Meltzer and the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. I love reading it, and that's about it.   - A Wag of the Finger tp Dave Scherer. The "Bad Dave" of wrestling "journalism" hasn't done anything really stupid lately, but this wag is long overdue for all the misleading headlines and ridiculous stuff that site tries to pass off as news. Upcoming spoiler for the PWI website: It will continue to suck.   - A final Tip of the Hat to the people who read and/or comment on this blog. Thanks!

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Wrestling Events I've Attended - Part III

Going to a WWE event in a big arena is exciting - the loud crowd, well known "superstars" from TV, the pyro, the production, the recognizable entrance themes. Being live at a TV taping for a show that isn't very good can often be fun all the same, just because you were there.   That said, the small setting of an indy crowd can be great, and perhaps even better at times. I already described my excellent experience at a Ring of Honor show in December 2005, but my first indy show experience was with local promotion Border City Wrestling. Now, technically this should be a 22 part series - there were two BCW shows I attended in 2004 at a nightclub that didn't seat many people, had a low roof so no one ever went off the turnbuckles, and overall were not very memorable. They were fine shows, I just don't recall much about them except a picture frame to the head spot gone wrong. A wrestler had stepped on the picture and broke the glass on the picture that was to be used in the spot, and when the spot happened, glass went flying. I got hit with a small piece in the leg, causing me to bleed. Post show I talked to the guys and we all had a good laugh about it. The other thing about those shows I remember is Zach Gowen wrestling and discovering Petey Williams girlfriend was a high school classmate of mine (not at the time, years prior).   The first big BCW show I attended was in January 2005, headlined by Mick Foley. Well, the main event was actually Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley for the BCW TV title (a title named as such because it dates back to the mid 90s and early 00s when BCW had TV on the local cable channel) with Foley as the referee, but the advertising was for Foley, and rightly so. Earlier in the day, a Foley autograph luncheon was held at a local sports bar, so I got an autograph there and again at the BCW show in the "Meet and Greet" line, which was kind of odd since I forgot to bring the DVD I wanted him to sign, but fun all the same. Jimmy Hart was also on hand and boy does he love interacting and talking with wrestling fans. A friend of mine was working as staff at the event (he was a student at Scott D'amore's Can-Am wrestling school) and told me Jimmy was probably one of the nicest people he met. All I did was tell Jimmy I thought Ted DiBiase's theme was one of the best in history, and not only did he thank me, but he went on to explain to me his theory on making wrestling entrance themes and how important he felt that the wrestler have lines in the song. He just loved talking to people. Foley also seemed nice, but I think the guy in front of me may have annoyed him by acting like a total mark and saying "IT doesn't matter what my name is!" and yelling like the Rock and such.   The show itself was ok / good. Re-watching it recently on DVD, you see not every match is that great, and a lot of what made the matches fun to watch was being there live. Jimmy Jacobs and local guy Phil Atlas vs Danny Daniels and N8 Mattson is good (those teams usually had good matches in BCW). There is a local guy named El Reverso who could be a really good small guy in the future, and I enjoyed his antics at the show. Abyss vs A-1 seemed great live but is "eh" to re-watch on DVD. It was funny that some little kid yelled "Go Foley!" at Abyss, apparently confused. I also got to see Trytan at this show before his brief sting in TNA... meh. He didn't do much though, it was mostly Petey Williams and Bobby Roode vs Chris Harris (James Storm did not make the trip). Harris cut a good heel promo on Canada prior to the match, 9 months before he actually became a heel. Before the main event, Foley cut a pretty good promo and was humorous when he spoke. He mentioned watching Raw on Monday (drew some boos.. even from me - it just seems appropriate to boo WWE at indy shows. I joined the very loud boos at the ROH show when they mentioned giving away tickets to Mania as well) and asked if people in Canada would really cheer Christian and boo HBK, hoping he would not be boo'd. The crowd started HBK and Foley chants at this point. Now I know there were probably some people in attendance from Michigan, but it's just werid hearing a HBK chant in Canada. Shelley vs. Sabin was an excellent match, and a highlight had to be a fan heckling Alex while he had a wrestling hold on Sabin, causing Shelley to yell "this is wrestling, dumbass!".   Post show I went backstage and just sat around, waiting for my friend to finish his assigned duties of cleaning up the place before we took a cab home. I didn't want to bug anyone so I just sat there and listened to them all talk. Most of them were discussing where to go after the show (I think they decided on a Chinese place). Someone also commented to "Patrick" (Shelley) that the tights he was putting away were ones that he wore in TNA. He proceeded to say he doesn't wrestle there anymore and they stopped using him, and he wanted his release / asked for his release and received it. Of course he's there now with a push, but things were different in early 2005.   Overall an excellent time with a large indy crowd. I do not know what attendance was, but word was over 1000, at least. There was a show that the Observer reported as having 1,900 fans at (which some people have said 1,600, and other BCW fans, including one who felt the need to exagerate attendance in a letter to Dave Scherer's PWI website based on someone complaining in a QnA that the NWA title changed hands in front of "100 people", who said over 2000) but that's for another time (despite the fact a blurb about the show is already on this blog).

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger: April 29, 2006

Tips of the Hat:   - This place. It's very important that people are able to know what crap I'm listening to (very rarely is it even an actual song that would be played n the radio or what have you). I don't know why, I just like the idea:     I noticed some mp3s don't seem to register, something about the "check file being tagged". I'll look into it. I guess I like checking track statistics when I see them posted on my profile, although some of them end up weird ("Bad Boy" by "Razor Ramon"... and oddly, people listening to that track only make up 80-some% of the people listening to tracks by "Razor Ramon").   - As usual, Stephen Colbert and The Colbert Report. Overall, this week was not as good as last, but this week's Better Know a District was top notch. Comparing the NFL Draft to slavery was, while quite absurd (as his his character's nature), very funny.   - NBC. I don't watch a lot of first run TV (especially since I work afternoons), but I happened to have this past Tuesday off and watched a show called "Scrubs" at a friends house. It was pretty funny. I also enjoyed this weeks new offerings of Earl and Office. That Dwight... always cracking me up.   - JBL. God, I would love to own an American flag jacket like that... and I'm Canadian. In general, I've been enjoying SmackDown! lately, much more than this time last year. I've even stopped reading spoilers.   - MisawaGQ, tigeraid, Monty Burns - thanks for the comments! Also, a tip of the hat to anyone who actually reads this (even if you're quiet about it).   Wag of the Finger:   - Montreal Canadiens. It's starting to look like 1996 all over again, and I really don't like that. Was I expecting them to win the cup? Realistically not. I did want them to leave the 1st round, though. I still think it can be done, but a 2-0 lead is a more comfortable buffer zone. 2-2... well that's just an even playing field, and I don't like that. Cam Ward proved to be a tough puzzle to solve on Wednesday, and it looks like Brin'damour is making things difficult for Montreal as well. Hopefully things turn around.   - The new ECW. I'm holding off judgment for now, and the idea of regional house shows with the ECW name is neat, the idea of being taped in front of the SmackDown audience and going on WWE.com is not a promising start. Things get trickier when you consider that, assuming the "ECW" folks are allowed to do things their way, you're running the risk of totally outshining SmackDown (to the live audience) before the show even begins taping. I also don't see how RVD (or Benoit, perhaps) can go from prime time wrestler to a full time internet show only guy. And would these guys have a title? If RVD were to beat Cena/HHH/Edge/Rey/JBL/Whoever at One Night Stand, is he robbing that brand of a championship so the internet show has one? Will they job RVD out at ONS? Will Vince eventually work out a time slot with the USA Network?   All you need to know: I don't hate the idea, but this is a pre-emptive "Wag" because there are too many question marks on the logistics of how this will work. I'll save proper judgment until after it actually starts.   - The Nintendo Wii. Not the greatest replacement name for the Revolution codename. I'm really only giving this a "Wag" because I don't think, at the moment, it's a very strong name. I have stated elsewhere, though, that I (and others) also hated the Xbox 360 name when it was first announced, but you don't really hear anything about that anymore.   All you need to know: If I don't get used to calling it Wii be November, I'll just call it "the Nintendo" anyway.   Next entry will likely discuss meeting Mick Foley before, during, and (kinda) after a BCW show in January 2005 (part 3 of a 20 part series on shows I have attended).  

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger: April 25, 2006

Tip of the Hat:   - The Montreal Canadiens: I was greatly pleased with the ass kicking they gave to Carolina on Saturday night, and while I felt they had an ok chance to advnace to round 2, that win gave me great confidence in them. My confidence in them continued last night as they were up 3-0 at the end of the first, but I became quite discouraged in them when it became 4-3 for the Hurricanes. They were all set for a wag of the finger for giving up such a lead. However, with an amazing bounce back to make it 5-4 and an exciting 2nd OT victory, I was no longer angry that they gave up the lead. To be honest, I was a bit upset that the game even needed to go into OT, but the fact is they are the 7th seeded team. They aren't "supposed" to win. This is the first time Carolina lost back to back home games since November. If Montreal could score 3 goals in a row, statistically Carolina could do the same. Yes, it's not great that Montreal turned a 3-0 lead into a 6-5 OT win, but in the end they won the game. That was a really exciting 1st OT period to watch, too. I don't think they will win the Cup or anything, but I would like to see them advance, and then anything can happen, I guess.   - The booking of the 3 way feud going into Backlash: I know some people are upset at the even-steven booking of the feud, but I think it's been a good build with some excellent promos. On paper, Backlash has a few matches that could be good, but generally looks weak. However, this feud has me really interested in seeing the show regardless of what is on the undercard, and that's what a main event is supposed to do. Part of that may be the interesting crowd dynamic between the three of them and the fact that WWE is always changing their mind on who will be the champ.   - Youtube: The more you search for obscure stuff, the better that site becomes.   - SmackDown!: Not long ago I was always reading the spoilers, and it was really hit or miss on whether I decided to tape / download the show (I work while it's on) and watch it. These days, I love the show. I really love JBL's character these days (I was starting to come around in early 2005), and the US title is a great fit.   - Kingdom Hearts II: Beat the game Sunday night, and that is one hell of a final boss battle.   Wag of the Finger:   - Matt Hardy vs Booker T: It was a good match and I enjoyed that it made booth men look good, but my problem is that it went 20 minutes. From where I stand, as a King of the Ring 1st round match, that means both men lost for going over the 15 minute time limit.   - The Colorado Avalanche: Stop copying Montreal. Yeah, I know you guys are originally the Quebec team, and based on a current pattern, you will probably aquire Cristobal Huet in 2016 when he demands to be traded, but get your own routine! The "being a 7th seed team that blows a 3-0 lead but won back the game in OT" angle was taken last night, Avs. However, I will give you guys credit for winning early in first OT and getting Raw on the air, only about 10 minutes after it's scheduled start time of 12am.   - Sunday's episode of "The Simpsons": With the exception of the episode where the 3rd act was Hamlet, ending with Homer thinking the story was "Ghostbusters", complete with the music, I hate those "let's tell stories and put Simpsons characters in them". Sometimes there are a few funny jokes, but overall it's a waste of an episode and a waste of time. This isn't coming from someone who stopped watching the show in 1999, either, this is from someone who still watches loyally, knowing there is still some good in the show.   - Diet Coke: I just don't like it. Diet Pepsi is good, Diet Dr. Pepper is good, Diet 7-Up is tremendous... why must Diet Coke taste so smooth and bland? I know some people love it, but I just can't get behind it. Diet Vanilla Black Cherry is ok, though.   - People who don't get, like the last line of the Board Rules say, this is just an f'n message board. Who cares who our "leader" is. Am I guilty of joining some of this drama in the past? Probably (that should cover my ass if someone digs something up and calls me a hypocrite). Will I get caught up in the future? Perhaps, I'm only human (more CMA). But it's important to remember this isn't real life - though I guess the people that post really exist and we are discussing real issues... ok, that's not a good example... point being... hmmm.   It's just a freakin message board, people. Post, reply, read, move on. Don't like someone? Complain about it in your blog. I also don't think we need 28 threads about Leena in HD, but that's another issue.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


What's Entertaining Me Now - April 20, 2006

Tip of the hat:   - The Colber Report (as usual) is causing me to crack up with laughter nightly. Monday's episode was really good, and that knock knock joke about the San Fransisco Earthquake of 1906 (it killed 3,000 people) was just so bizarre, especially the crowd reaction, but I loved it. The rant about tax and dimes and more hilarious comments about bears has made this a good week for the show, and I hope tonight's episode caps it off well.   - WWE Fantasy. People on TSM are joining the league, and there seems to be more buzz than usual (although that doesn't mean much, really). The thing about WWE Fantasy is you end up loving Masterlock challenges or hoping Big Show has and wins a match.   - Charlies Haas, welcome back. Hope you get to work a full program with Shelton in the future.   - Kingdom Hearts II has become a game I've just been enjoying more so as I progress. Most of the bosses are fun to fight (although Jafar was kind of weak, though the carpet was neat). I think I'm almost done, and look forward to solving my game tape. A lot of people on GameFAQs are talking about how they couldn't beat a boss named Xaldin, but I'm not sure what the big deal was. Annoying, yes, but just keep using your Cure magic and you'll live.   Wag of the finger:   - Last night's South Park episode. That was not even worth the 10 minutes or so it took to download from mininova. Just so awful and terrible, and it seems most people on the TV/Movies forum agree.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Wrestling Events I've Attended Part II

With Part I of this 20 part series focusing on the first wrestling event I attended, I thought I would skip right to the most recent event for this installment:   One day into a trip I took to New York City, I remembered reading that a wreslting show was going to be held around the time I would be there. Using the internet kiosk at the Times Square Visitor Center, I confirmed that there was a show taking place on the upcoming Saturday. On December 3, 2005, I attended my first Ring of Honor show - Steel Cage Warfare.   The venue was a place known as "Basketball City". It seemed like an odd place to go to watch a wrestling event, although from the outside (and even inside, when all the normal lights were on) it had this weird "Mini Trump Plaza" look to it, looking a bit like being at WrestleMania IV or V. I believe they were supposed to let people in for 6:30pm to watch some pre-show matches by guys from Pro Wrestling Iron. I arrived to the building at 5pm, very anxious to get a ticket as I was not familiar with how well ROH pre-sales go. While waiting in the "Lobby" area with several other people, wrestlers kept entering through the door with their bags. Samoa Joe was fairy cool, giving everyone a "hey everybody enjoy the show!" greeting was he walked through. For the most part, it was not like the typical crowd that I waited around with for a show to start. These were people reading copies of the Observer and discussing why they didn't like WWE at the moment. The glaring exception to this was a couple that looked like they came straight from the trailer park, with the guy wearing an Ultimate Warrior t-shirt and his lady companion asking any individual that walked by if they were a wrestler (except when Austin Aries or even Samoa Joe walked by, she said nothing, then asked people around who she heard talking to them if they were wrestlers). Finally, a bit later then scheduled, they began to let people up the only stairwell to the ring area, and after a few minutes I found that not only could I get a ticket, but I could get a 2nd row ticket (I think they just added more chairs for peopel willing to pay more money than the advertised ticket cost). I was very happy at this point.   Before the show even began, I found myself being a mark for being part of a NYC wrestling crowd. I saw Vlad the Superfan and Green Lantern Fan! I couldn't believe it! During intermission and before the show I ended up talking with people I was sitting around - a good bunch of people. One of them was telling me how he enjoyed seeing Joe/Kobashi but the venue was a dump, and that he gave up on WWE when Jericho left. The crowd seemed pretty hot for everything, although there was this smartass near me (who admittedly was amusing at times) that kept yelling "take it home" and some smarkish lingo during the opening match. There was another guy who would yell "Green Lantern Sucks!" during a lull, I guess if he noticed GLF was doing something for attention. The crowd reaction during the Joe/Lethal match was great, and although it was split at the beginning, people really got on Lethal after his heel turn mid-match.   The main event in the cage between Generation Next and the Embassy was pretty good. Jack Evans' dives were amazing, and a lot of people around me were crying foul at his somewhat quick elimination after his big spots. I didn't care, really... he did his spots and got eliminated, which seemed perfect for Evans. I've enjoyed Alex Shelley's work since seeing him at a BCW show, so I was happy to see him in the main event, putting on a good match. I've really came around to liking Abyss in 2005, too.   Overall, a fantastic night that made me happy to be a wrestling fan. While I've enjoyed being a part of all the big budget WWE TV tapings and PPVs I've attended, and seeing the "big name" superstars wrestle at house shows in large arenas, going to indy shows throughout 2005 was a great experience, but there will be more on my independant experience when I talk about Border City Wrestling shows in future installments.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Wrestling Events I've Attended - Part I.

Welcome to the first installment of what is currently a 20 part series (and is oddly enough my 20th blog entry), "Wrestling Events I've Attended".   This chapter looks back at the first - and in retrospect, possibly crappiest - wrestling event I attended. It was a cold November Wednesday (November 28th, to be exact) way back in 1991. The event? The 5th annual Survivor Series, a "Thanksgiving eve tradition". The location? Joe Louis Arena - The Fightin' Joe - in Detroit, Michigan.   As a 10 year old who had only been watching wrestling for a few months, the idea of going to a mega event where I would see the wrestlers I loved and hated battling each other in big matches instead of the Nobodies (the term we used for jobbers, since we did not know such a term already existed for them) on Saturday afternoon was quite exciting. Could Hulk Hogan beat Undertaker with just one leg drop? Would Berzerker losing in an elimination tag match effect his undefeated record (I do not know why I thought he was undefeated)? How badly was Roddy Piper going to beat Ric Flair?   Well, of course, Flair won and was the sole survivor, I didn't care what happened to Berzerker, and Hogan lost his title thanks to the dastardly Flair. While my younger cousin and friend said they found some of the results, sepcifically everyone being disqualified in the opener, to be total b.s., we did have a good time and enjoyed the show. The only real downer was that we thought Macho Man would take Sid's place in the main event, but they just made it a six man tag and saved Roberts vs. Savage for the Tuesday in Texas PPV.   That was almost 15 years ago and time sure has been unkind to this show. As a kid, I loved the opening match. As an older, arguably wiser fan, I still love the opening match. It's really the only match worth watching on the show. Slaughter/Duggan/and whoever vs 4 jobber heels was nothing, Hogan/Taker, while exciting live, is terrible. Rockers/Bushwackers vs Nasty Boys/Beverly Brothers is ok and the main event of Bossman/LOD vs IRS/Disasters is weak. During the actual show, we were not in our seats for the Rockers match. We returned just as Marty Jannetty made a mistake that caused Michaels to be pinned. Even then, at 10 years old and not being a fan for all that long, I knew The Rockers were breaking up. I don't remember HOW I knew that, maybe the Fed was just heavily telegraphing it on commentary lately (plus the WWF Magazine cover story after the Survivor Series).   My specific memory of the show is being amazed at being at an event live and in person and thinking that Ric Flair's belt was really shiney (somehow from my seat in the upperdeck, I didn't notice it was just a tag title) and a lot of people in my section laughing at some move Big Bossman did - but I don't remember what, just that it involved the turnbuckles.   So, did the event suck? You bet.   Did I love every minute of it when I was there live? You better believe it.   Despite the fact I don't recall a whole lot about my expeirnece there, it is still, for the most part, an experience I will never forget.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


What I'm (not) doing at the moment.

This entry is kinda (largely) stolen from something I saw my good pal MisawaGQ write, but I'm not necessarily following the same format. It is worth noting it was that simple "here are a list of things I like and dislike right now" entry was what made me think it was time to start updating this thing again.   What I'm playing: Kingdom Hearts II. I'm glad the only reviews I heard about were people spouting off on the forums about being bored by cutscenes and IGN giving it a review below 8, because when I picked the game up on a whim while shopping in the states, I expected to be let down. Well, so far I'm loving the game and I haven't even been to the Tron or Steamboat Micky levels. I then found out pretty much everyone who wasn't IGN loved the game (10/9/9.5 from EGM, 39/40 from Fatsimu, and so on). I think a lot of might be mark out value, like seeing Scrooge McDuck wandering around the same town as Yuffie and Sid (FFVIII). The battle against the Hyrdra on the Hercules world is also pretty awesome - the creature is just so big and awesome looking with the "reaction command" you use to fight it being fun. Tip of the hat to Square Enix on this one (as it stands, anyway). Here's hoping for a Duckburg level in KHIII... and hey, since it's Square Enix now, maybe throw in some Dragon Warrior/Quest references, even if it's just a slime (arguably the most recognizable icon of the DW/Q series... in fact, to be honest, that would probably be the only thing I would recognize). I'd also like to mention the blue bar cage and WMIX arena in SmackDown vs Raw 2006 rule.   What I'm not playing: My Xbox. Good system, and I like the games I have (I really want to finish KOTOR) but for whatever reason the beheamoth just sits with my GameCube, not hooked up to the TV with money being wasted on a XBL subscription I never use. I'm thinking I might solve two problems at once and hook it up through an old VCR on the TV near the computer, thus making changing the wire connected to the modem a less annoying task (or I could just get a router, but that's unlikely).   What I'm watching: My Name is Earl, The Office, Fox Sunday nights, Showcase Sunday nights (Ali G and Curb Your Enthusiasm), Conan O'Brien, and The Colbert Report. I had seen a bit of the Colber Report at the end of 2005 but didn't put much stock into it, but a co-worker brought it up and I've been a loyal viewer ever since. The odd thing there is the guy that brought it up doesn't seem to watch it often, he just saw two episodes and thought they were really good. I LOVE "Better Know a District". The offshoot "Better Know a Founding Father" where he interviewed Ben Franklin was pretty damn awesome too. As I mentioned in my last entry, the recent "War on Easter" graphic with shots being fired at the tomb, with Jesus peeking out and firing off a few more rounds, is great. The best "District" segment had to be the one with Chakah Fatah - just too many quoteable things to mention (Colbert's argument with Chakah about the white house is my favourite part, though). As for The Office, that just happened to be "the show that was on after Earl while I'm trying to read the Observer" back when I worked days, but as I decided that I loved the show, I determined I like it more than Earl most weeks. I had a chance to watch Season 1 this week when I took it from the above mentioned co-workers portable HD (he wanted me to transfer two seasons of mst3k I downloaded - something I started watching thanks to him also) and the "Basketball" episode is tremendous.   What I'm not watching: Reality TV, American Idol, 24, Sopranos, House, Prison Break, Arrested Development. I tried watching the much lauded AD once, but I was put off by the fact that seemingly 90% of the dialogue in the 2 minutes I watched was being narrated to me. Perhaps someday in rerun land I'll give it a chance. The rest of the shows (outside of Idol - no way, ever) are just cases of drama not appealing to me on TV (I'm more of a "TV exists to make me laugh" unless it's anime but even then I like funny stuff like Strawberry Eggs). I'm sure they are fine shows - people tell me enough times that they are - but I just never got around to devoting time to watching them. I might try 24 on DVD though to catch myself up and see what I've been missing.   What I'm reading: EGM and WON. I really enjoy reading Meltzer's opinion on things. It's one of those things were even if I see something incredibly stupid on TV, it makes me happy because I know I'll be reading Meltz make some funny, witty remark about it. Before becoming a subscriber, I had this odd fear that reading it would make me "too inside" and I would start to dislike watching stuff on TV or I would know too much, but if anything it gives me a better understanding of what's going on and helps me look forward to things a lot more. If I can make a criticism (other than the fact many people I talk to feel his star ratings can be off base) it's that he needs a proofreader. I know he has a strict deadline, but it's just odd seeing things like "HHH was dressed like Konnan" (I don't recall HHH coming to ring dressed like a street thug with a bandana) and "OVW star Colt Cabana was a druid" (obviously should be ROH... unless he was making an offhand remark about the E signing Colt, who seems to be working a lot of job spots lately. Interesting).   What I'm not reading: A lot. Never got into the whole book scene. My loss, I guess.   Feel free to comment.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


Stupid blog

So, I decided the other day I wanted to start blogging again... and then I couldn't. I had that stupid Canadian skin on, which was only there to say "Hey everyone I'm Canadian", and clicking the entry menu didn't do anything. Well, today I looked at the settings (again) to see if there was something I was missing. I saw an option under "Look" to always show entry options. When I selected it, the blog turned over to the default skin (which works out well) and suddenly clicking "Entries" actually did something! I wish I knew how to permenantly change the blog skin so I didn't have to worry about it flipping back to the Canadian one, but in due time.   Now I am free to share with everyone just how funny I find "The War on Easter" graphic that they use on The Colbert Report... but later.

DrVenkman PhD

DrVenkman PhD


R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero

I have nothing to say at the moment except how stunned and saddened I am by this news. I'll probably have more to say about Eddie tomorrow - matches, moments, etc., but not today.   Rest in peace, Eddie.




Street Fighter Movies.

Last night I was bored, but it was poorly timed boredom. Didn't feel like foruming it up, that's what got me bored by 9pm (Eastern) in the first place. Nothing I wanted to watch was on TV. I didn't have time to watch a DVD movie or PPV because the syndicated episodes of "King of Queens" I enjoy so much were going to be starting in about an hour.   Then I realized I own video games and that this short period of time between things to do or watch was the perfect place to use them.   Basically all I did was put in Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection and play around at the extras screen, watching the various SF openings and listening to the various sounding versions of music.   I also skipped around the chapters on the SFII animated movie. I've owned this movie on VHS for 10 years now and have loved it. It's been a bit since I've last watched it, though. One thing that still stands out 10 years later is how awesome the scene where Chun-Li does her lightning kicks to Vega followed by kicking him through a wall. Tremendous stuff.   Why did the live action movie have nothing like is? Why did it have to be so bad?   While it won't win any awards, at least the first Mortal Kombat film offered up things that were game like and overall was, to me, an enjoyable film.   One thing I will give the live action SF movie is the ending freeze frame where everyone does a pose... I knew they were all doing a pose from the game, but did not realize (or knew, but it slipped my mind until last night) that it was actually a frame (almost) directly from the ending screen of Super Street FIghter II/Turbo.   I'm just rambling now, though.




Next BCW Show

So apparently the NWA title will be defended in my hometown for the first time since the 1960s in one months time. I'm no big Jarrett fann but having him at a BCW show with Raven is pretty exciting, and it sounds like AJ Styles will be at this show too (and he was just awesome at the last one). The whole concept of this show sounds great (Canada vs. USA challenge with PEtey Williams, AJ Styles, AMW, Alex Shelley, and other involved) with Raven vs. JJ for the NWA title.   I already bought my front row ticket and look forward to another packed house (Observer says the last show had 1,900 people there - I thought that figure sounded high for a one floor room but my pal who set up the chairs says it's not totally out of question) and fun show.




BCW and the Blog

Well as with everything I've ever done in terms of online writing, I foudn an outlet, wrote some things for it, then got bored and stopped. I imagine this blog will be updated fairly infrequently from here on out.   However, I must say I really enjoyed last night's Border City Wrestling show. It was cool to have Bret Hart sign my SummerSlam 1997 box. The opening Six Man Scramble match (Johnny Devine vs Ryan someone (he was good but I don't recall the name) vs. El Reverso vs. Some guy from Chatam that I found out was there because he paid $500 vs. Kris Chambers vs. Derek Wylde) was a great spot fest. Kris Chambers messed up a spot with Devine so Devine stiffed him. I laughed. I heard that Johnny was mad he didn't get the Ryan character's Reverse Rana spot sold 100% correctly but it was still insane to see attempted and it still looked cool. They also did the Pyramid spot with the man on top taking a rana... nice.   The main event was Petey Williams vs Alex Shelley vs AJ Styles vs. Chris Sabin in an elimination match. Really enjoyed this one. It came down to AJ and Petey and that started dueling "Let's Go AJ / Petey" chants. Williams won with the variatio nof the Canadian Destroyer he used on one of the TNA PPVs where he starts the motion on the 2nd turnbuckle (after the first normal one didn't finish the match).   Good show all around.




Fantastic Four

I enjoyed it. While I can certainly see why people wouldn't like it (slow build - as a reference, the movie started at 7pm and, not counting the logner than usual set of commercials and trailers, the first villian vs hero conflict occured at approx. 8:40pm), "Hulk" had the one of the slowest, brutally boring builds in comic movie history and a lot of critics loved it. My thoughts on that film are basically that if I could sit through THAT, I'm game to watch any superhero movie. Obviously it wasn't Batman Begins or even a Spider-Man or X-Men, but it had it's moments and the character interaction was good and often times funny.   Bit jarring to see a microphone that said "City TV" and what appeared to be split second shots of a MuchMusic VJ whose name I don't know and Ben Mulroney on screen though. Why not just put the CN Tower in as well?   I've never really read any comics but I enjoy knowing about their storylines and watching shows based on them on television. That said, I especially enjoy going to comic book movies with a friend of mine that has read several comics and have him explain character points to me and go over differences, what he liked, what he didn't, etc. He did enjoy the film, btw.   Returning home, I received an e-mail from another friend stating "The vomit scene was the funniest thing ever and that rant by Stewie was classic. " so I guess I should go watch my Family Guy tape.




Fomer wrestling fans and their quest to annoy

SmackDown was fairly good last night, all things considered.   With the formalities out of the way, a small thing bothers me. I'm not going to name names (though there is one specific person I'm thinking of) but if you don't like something, what are you proving by keeping yourself up to date with the going ons and posting in threads where many people do enjoy it? I don't go into the "OAO American Idol Thread" and call it crap.   I'm not just talking about people saying "well that Raw sucked" or "I'm getting tired of this"... that's normal. I'm talking about the people that stopped watching in 2002 and feel the need to chime in with "Well I stopped watching X years ago because of this crap and obviously <current thing people dislike> is just more of that crap".   Oh screw the not naming names...   metr0man: WE GET IT. YOU DON'T LIKE WWE AND HAVEN'T WATCHED IN YEARS. THERE IS NO NEED TO CHIME IN WITH THE EXACT SAME RESPONSE (WITH SLIGHT MODIFICATION) ABOUT HOW YOU STOPPED WATCHING 3-4 YEARS AGO, EVERYTHING IS CRAP, AND SOMEHOW A CURRENT HAPPENING, MATCH, WRESTLER, OR ANGLE VERIFIES IN YOUR MIND THAT YOU DID THE RIGHT THING.   You have very valid comments and god discussion contributions in comic, movie, and game threads. It is best you stick to that.   And while I'm at it...   cabbageboy: "SMDN" (SmackDown) is, by far, the WORST ACRONYM EVER given to a TV show.   Am I being a whiney bitch? Yes. But it gives me an excuse for content.




Unoriginal Raw thoughts

How original, thoughts on Raw.   Anyhow, while the WWE mark in me gives them a free pass for a boring show by saying they booked it uneventful for the Holiday, the realist in me can't help but think the show would have been booked that way any other Monday.   Not withstanding, the HBK heel turn was quite surprising and I look forward to it's follow up and future developments.   Small things that bothered me about Raw:   - Making it sound like Dupree has never been on Raw before, or at least not referencing that. He also didn't dance.   - Edge still having his breifcase. After the draft lottery was announced (but prior to it starting), Todd Grisham had an interview with Edge where he brought up the possibility of the draft voiding his World title contract. The draft has ended and the World Championship is on SmackDown now. This was not addressed at all on Raw but, due to Edge still having the briefcase, one would assume it just carried over to a WWE title match.   - Marc Loyd still doing Live Event News on Canadian Raw. WAsn't he released? Must have been a pre-tape.


