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Review: WCW Monday Nitro, 4/28/97, from Norfolk, Virginia.

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In reverse order. This was the one that aired second, but since I was watching the Kings game, didn't get around to finishing until about 11:30, my time. So, the shorter one will have to do, won't it. 1 hour, unfortunately.



Flashback to Starrcade '93, since Flair's coming back as a wrestler soon, and all. My feelings on that match are known. Tony, Larry and Bobby are the announcers this time. No Mike Tenay. Roddy Piper and Ric Flair come to the announce table, and tear into the NWO. They're both sick of the NWO, and want to fight them tonight. Flair goes into his dancing routine, and we cut away, to the show's opening video.



In typical WCW fashion, we get a US Title defense to open the show, it's Prince Iaukea vs. Dean Malenko, the guy that probably would open the show even if he didn't have the title. Jeff Jarrett joins us in the split screen, and mentions how he's proved himself to Benoit, Flair and Arn Anderson. And at Slamboree, he'll be bringing back the US Title to those guys, after beating Dean. So he says.


Dean gives Iaukea an armwinger, then pulls him by the hair down to the canvas. Iaukea kips up, but Dean applies an armbar. Dean gives him a droptoehold, and Iaukea decides to give him an armdrag, and droptoehold of his own when he gets up. Dean misses a charge to the corner, and then misses another, and Iaukea gives him a superkick for 2. That was kinda strange. Iaukea gives him an ugly backdrop for 2, and we go to the finish. Dean comes back with a powerbomb and rolls on top of Iaukea for a count, but he reverses it, and Dean does the same, before winding up in the ropes. Dean rams him into the buckle and gives him a powerslam, before the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF finishes at 3:01. *3/4. Typical "Dean on Nitro" fare, but Iaukea sucks, and nearly dragged down the match with his presence alone. Damn, they moved him down the card awful quick, too.



We're jumping quickly from segment to segment, and this one is Juventud Guerrera vs. Syxx for the Cruiserweight Title. Syxx is NWO 4 LIFE BRAH, but none of his buddies showed up. Where's the love?


Juvi gives Syxx a flying headscissors, so Syxx bails to the outside. When he comes back in, he's given a taste of his own medicine, via a Juvi spin kick. Juvi chops Syxx, but he's given a hard spinning heel kick by Syxx. Right in the fucking mush. It was one of those, "bitch, don't steal my fucking moves" things. Syxx gives him a double chop, and some kicks in the corner, which leads to....THE BRONCO BUSTAHHHHHHH. He gives Juvi a headbutt, and then, a delayed vertical suplex which gets 2. Moveset variation! Syxx gives Juvi a legdrop, and then an elbow to the head off the top rop. For some reason, I don't think that's what was supposed to happen. As evidenced when Syxx goes up top again, and gets crotched by Juvi. See. You can't just yell for a guy to come over to you, unless you're Rico. Juvi tries to spring up to give Syxx a hurricanrana, but botches it. Thankfully, he saves himself from embarassment, by landing on his feet. He climbs up instead, and delivers a rana to Syxx, but he leans back, as if it was going to end up in a rollup for Syxx. I'm just typing what I saw. Juvi springboards in from the apron with a somersault dropkick for 2, but he misses a springboard moonsault block. BUZZKILLER time, and Syxx puts him away at 4:37. Juvi tried his best to fuck shit up here, but it's unnoticeable unless you're really looking for it. Still **, and worthwhile.



On the Road with Lee Marshall in Lakeland, Florida. Ugh, get off my TV.



Scott Hall, Syxx, and Big Kevin Nash make their way to the announce table now. I love, LOVE how the announcers bail like they're legitimately afraid of the NWO. Little things like that really help a segment. Hey yo, Flair and Piper are dinosaurs. As far as the challenge goes, hey, whatever. Hall don't care. He says the crowd is here to see the NWO, and that's it. Nash wants 75% of the gate if he agrees to fight Piper and Flair. Geez, guy, you're not Ted DiBiase. Gimmick infringement. Syxx says that he wants all the LOOT, BRO. Haha.


Following that, we have a paid announcement brought to you by the NWO. YES!!!!! It's Macho and Liz. The MADNESS IS OUT OF CONTROOOLLLLLLL. He's DDP's master, too. The rapid cut promos featured in these videos probably benefit Macho the most. Makes him sound extra cool. Loved it.



It's the French Canadians w/Colonel Robert Parker vs. Lex Luger and THE GIANT.


Luger and Carl Oulette start the match. This'll be simple, short and to the point. Luger gives him a hiptoss, and slams Jacques, but both are dastardly foreign cheaters, so they give Luger a double hotshot onto the top rope. Robert Parker starts kicking Luger, and Luger gets rammed into the guardrail. Move forward about a minute, cause the French Canadians are tagging in back and forth and doing a whole lot of nothing. Oulette misses an elbowdrop from the 2nd rope after a kneedrop from the 2nd by Jacques, and now, the GIANT tags in. GIANT clotheslines both, gives both big boots, and the end is near. CHOKESLAM Jacques, TORTURE RACK Carl, and that's it for the French Canadians at 3:02. Crowd went nuts for the finish. *1/2.



A bit of Reggie White vs. Mongo at Slamboree hype, before Mongo w/Debra vs. the Barbarian. Sounds bad.


Barbarian chokes Mongo, before Mongo gives him a clothesline. Barbarian goes for his finisher early, the piledriver, but he doesn't get it, as Mongo gives him a backdrop. Barb gives Mongo a big boot, and dumps Mongo to the outside. He rams Mongo into the guardrail, and charges into him. The poor family they were fighting next to was sitting down, and the wife looked scared. Legitimately. Barbarian slams Mongo into the post, and throws him back in. Barbarian gives Mongo a piledriver, but it only gets two. I can see where this is going, but I didn't see the way it took to get there. Barbarian gives Mongo some of the 80's OFFENSE(!1!11!1!), which consists of a headbutt, poke in the eye, and a push of the ref. Now, Debra distracts the referee, and Mongo grabs the Haliburton, and in turn, nails Barbarian in the head with it. Yeah, I saw that coming. Mongo picks up the pinfall at 3:04. As bad as it sounds, but short enough to not be a DUD. Just 1/4*.



Flair and Piper come to the ring, with a microphone. All Flair has to say, is that he wants the NWO out here now. He says he knows he can whip Syxx's ass, and that he's been World Champ more times than Syxx has had pieces of ass. Them's fightin' words. The NWO's music begins to blare throughout the arena, but it cuts off. And now, papers come from out of the ceiling. It's propaganda(!), communist style. COOL. The papers say, Tradition Bites! NWO 4 LIFE. NOW, we go to school. Hall, Nash and Syxx make their way out, and Flair attacks Syxx in the aisleway, giving him the figure-four leglock. Piper is seemingly mesmerized by these papers, so he's just standing in the ring. Not watching the fight, or participating at all. Just reading. Flair's getting his ass beaten by Hall and Syxx, as Nash holds him there for his buddies to hit. The crowd is starting to heel on Piper a bit, until he pulls off his belt, and starts beating Nash with it, to end the show.



Rating: Good. Didn't drag like some of the 2 hour shows do, thankfully. And when this show goes to three hours, I'm not going to be able to watch both Nitro and RAW in one sitting. Hopefully they're separated, because I won't be able to handle it. The three hour shows are SO LONG. If you've never seen them before, prepare. You think WrestleMania IV was boring? I'm extremely interested in the ending, and seeing where it goes. Remember, I haven't seen this stuff in forever.


Best Segment: The ending. Yeah, I'm a sucker for the NWO, and Piper's indecisiveness. I have to see what happens.


Worst Segment: Mongo vs. The Barbarian. Save me.


Loudest Sound: Luger and the Giant, and the NWO.


No Sound: Prince Iaukea, and Barbarian. Sorry to name a jobber, but I had to.



I'm typing the RAW review up, starting...now.

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