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Review: WCW/nWo Starrcade 1998, from Washington, DC, 12/27/1998.

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Ok, I tried, I just can't do the full version. I'm pissed off about it, but what can I do? I took notes, though, so someday, I'll flush this one out and do it the right way.



The usuals are on commentary, Tony, Bobby and Tenay. The Four Horsemen have been banned from the building by Bischoff, and Mean Gene talks about the WCW Hotline. Which isn't active, as the giant black box on the screen says.



The first match was Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Kidman, in a Triangle Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title. It was overly spotty, but that's what I expected. In that context, I was surprised at how slow it seemed. Anyway, the ending went like this. Eddie Guerrero came to the ring, and reversed Kidman's rollup as the referee was distracted. The referee came in, but the count only got two, as Rey dropkicked Juvi in the face, allowing Kidman to retain his Cruiserweight Title, at 14:54. ***1/2, with a very fun ending, which tied into the next match. Anyhow, Eddie tells Rey and Juvi that they suck. They aren't LWO material, and Kidman's a dweeb. So he needs to come out here...



Kidman comes out to the ring, and he's going to face Eddie Guerrero, for Kidman's WCW Cruiserweight Title. More of the same, but with a defined heel and face. See, there are things that people can like about Juvi, but not Eddie. He's a real dickhead. Eddie's bodyguard came out to the ring, so the ref's distracted. Juvi crotches Kidman, but Rey pushes Eddie off the top, crotching him along the top rope. Eddie falls to the canvas and Kidman gives him the SHOOTING STAR PRESS, for 3, at 10:47. ***1/2. The first 30 minutes of the show was great. And now it goes WAY downhill.



Video of Nash/Goldberg confrontations in previous weeks...not much to see.



The next match is Prince Iaukea vs. NORMAN SMILEY!!! I like Smiley, but why? Starrcade's supposed to be a blowoff show. Anyhow, this match is a steaming pile of shit. Iaukea sucks, and Smiley's style doesn't help matters. He's a mat wrestler, and Iaukea is anything but. Norman does the BIG WIGGLE 3 times throughout the match, and once after. Those were 3 of the 4 pops in the match. The 4th was at the finish, because the crowd was glad to see it end. A huge BORING chant got started during the match, but it died down after a while. Smiley won the match, when Iaukea tapped out to the NORMAN CONQUEST, at 11:32. That's a chickenwing, in case you didn't watch WCW back in the day. Entirely too long. 1/2*.



Scott Hall comes to the ring now, with no music. A man without music, and without a group. Or so he says. Hey, yo; 2 SWEET and all that. 1998 hasn't been the best for Hall, but '99 will be great. He only has to prove things to himself. Then he leaves.



Same Nash/Goldberg movie as the last one...



It's Ernest "the Cat" Miller w/Sonny Onoo vs. Perry Saturn. I like Saturn's music. What I don't like is Miller's cheap heat gimmick. That's all it is. Saturn finishes the bout with the Death Valley Driver at 7:06, after Sonny Onoo accidentally kicked Miller in the chest. Good thing it was short. All Miller did during the entire match was kick. *. Afterward, Miller and Onoo argued on their way to the back.



Mean Gene Okerlund's in the aisleway, and he interviews Ric Flair. Flair's not at all worried about the Four Horsemen being banned from the building. Bischoff's going to bleed, too.


Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell encounter Konnan in the back, and tell him that the Red and Black is dead. Lex Luger comes into the room, and keeps Konnan from fighting the other two. Konnan wants to know what's going on. We found out what was going on a few weeks later, didn't we?



We find out that Nash vs. Goldberg later on is going to be No DQ. Well that's great. The next match is Fit Finlay and Jerry Flynn vs. NWO Black and White's Brian Adams and Scott Norton w/Vincent. What's this WCW Saturday Night shit doing on my screen? A way's through, Flynn gets the hot-tag from Fit, kicks Vincent, but gets powerbombed by Norton, giving the NWO B-Teamers the win at 8:55. DUD, just because this shit doesn't belong on PPV. Come on, a JERRY FLYNN PPV match?



Mean Gene's with Eric Bischoff in the aisleway, and Bischoff's promo is ironically funny. All that "Flair didn't save a penny stuff, of course.



Before this match between Chris Jericho w/Ralphus and Konnan for the WCW TV Title, we flashback to Jericho beating up a Konnan impersonator on Nitro two weeks ago. This is the Jericho I like. He's awesome. Jericho comes to the ring wearing Konnan's TV Title. Cause he stole it, or something. Towards the end, we get a beltshot from Jericho to Konnan. The cover gets two, and Konnan comes back with a facebuster and the TEQUILA SUNRISE for the submission at 7:28. It was decent, **. Let's put it this way, there's been so much worse on this show.



From a WCW.com thing earlier in the day, the Giant got mad at Lee Marshall. He didn't hit him or anything.



This is Eric Bischoff vs. Ric Flair. Yeah, Bischoff goes over after Curt Hennig runs in during a ref bump and gives him a foreign object to hit Flair with, at 7:08. The less said, the better. Yes, it really was that bad. Crowd shit all over it, so that backs up my -** rating. This is a blowoff show where the babyfaces are supposed to win. Repeat that.



We're on to Part 2.



It's the "People's Champion" Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Giant. I can't believe they would so blatantly rip off the WWF with that People's Champ nonsense. Wait a minute...of course I believe it. This IS WCW. Every promotion that thinks they're the new WWF does it, with TNA being the worst offender. Page comes through the crowd to the ring, and we begin the match. It's really boring, IMO. The finish is nice, though. Ref bump, and Bret Hart comes to the ring, where he accidentally hits The Giant with a chair. They're both NWO 4 LIFE, see. Page chopblocks Bret, knocking Bret out of the ring. Now, The Giant places Page on the top turnbuckle, and tries to CHOKESLAM him, but Page reverses it to a DIAMOND CUTTER, which picks up the win at 12:45. While it was boring, at least Page went over. Giant's bearhug killed the positive momentum this match had at the beginning, so it's a *1/2 match. Like I said, it was going well until the middle.



The same Goldberg/Nash video precedes...Kevin Nash vs. Goldberg, for the WCW Heavyweight Title, in a match where there are No Disqualifications. Goldberg is 173-0, or so WCW says. Let's skip to the ending. Again, this match was fine until a certain point. Ref bump, and instantly, the entire crowd looks to the entrance way. Every match of importance hasn't ended clean. WCW doesn't care about Jericho, so that's not important. If you have your crowd trained to see interference coming like that, there's a problem. Disco Inferno came to the ring, and got SPEARED by Goldberg. Now Bam Bam Bigelow comes to the ring, and Goldberg clotheslines him over the top rope. But as security comes out to get rid of the hangers-on (Disco, Bam Bam), SCOTT HALL comes out, in a security outfit, and TASERS GOLDBERG. Then Nash gives Goldberg the JACKKNIFE, for 3, at 11:19. NEW CHAMPION, and the streak is OVER. It's a DUD. Just because of the way the entire show has gone. The crowd went apeshit for this, SO...I am unsure of whether or not this was a bad thing. The Fingerpoke was what killed the company. Aside from the overbooking, the match was decent. But you have to give someone the rub of pinning Goldberg clean...and that just didn't happen. You do that, you have a new star. It has to be someone young, not Nash.



Rating: Bad. The first 30 minutes saved this show from being one of the worst I've ever watched. Too much overbooking.


Best Segment: Cruiserweight stuff at the beginning. The matches were equally good, so I'll generalize it.


Worst Segment: Brian Adams and Scott Norton vs. Fit Finlay and Jerry Flynn. Just, no.


Loudest Sound: Nash's pop for winning the Title, Eddie Guerrero's heel heat before the promo he cut on the participants in the Triangle Match, Scott Hall's promo, and Ric Flair, along with Eric Bischoff.


No Sound: Fit Finlay and Jerry Flynn, Norman and Iaukea, and Ernest "the Cat" Miller.



I'm only going to do this for the PPV's and MSG shows that get posted, because my hand isn't holding up too well throughout this. RAW's, Nitro's, and all that other stuff won't get reviewed. I'm disappointed about that, but oh well. I don't know what'll be next, but it'll be a few days.

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This was the last WCW ppv I ever brought. In 1999, WWF was pretty horrid from an in-ring standpoint but they suckered me into buying 3-5 PPVs that year and I always left disapointed. WCW had strong stuff in the ring but the booking and aura of the product was so frustratingly insipid (not unlike TNA), that I refused to order a single PPV from them.


In fact, from this show until its death, I don't think WCW ever produced a quality PPV with the sole exception of Spring Stampede 1999 which had all sorts of kick ass matches (Juventud/Blitz Krieg, Benoit/Melenko-Saturn/Raven, Mysterio/Kidman, a fun hardcore brawl and a intriguing main event). That show was comparable to the WWF 2000 run of shows. Sadly, after this show WCW pissed all that down the drain.

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Oh man that fucking show. It still amazes me how WCW went into the toilet so quick in 1998. I completely understand the meltdown in 1999 and 2000, but in 1998 they still had so much potential. An absolutely loaded roster of talent, wrestlers the fans CARED about, Goldberg's streak, I just can't believe they pissed it away so fucking quickly. Russo fucked up more than humanly possible when his turn came, but god was giving Kevin Nash the book a BAD move. I remember discussing Starcade 98 at a highschool Christmas party with a LOT of people. A year later and I couldn't find a WCW fan if I tried. Despite the fact that it shouldn't have been on the card, there was a lot of anticipation for Goldberg/Nash. I seem to recall more heat being on Bam Bam vs Goldberg, but with the book in Kevin's hand that wasn't going to happen. ANY ending would have been better than Scott Hall using the Mountie's shockstick. Nash going over clean is better than that crap, and that's ignoring the finger poke of doom that followed.


While the cracks were showing before hand, Starcade 98 + the finger poke of doom Nitro (complete with "yeah, that'll put asses in seats") were what really signalled to the world that WCW was failing and not worth your time or money. I still believe that a good Starcade had been a good show and the fingerpoke never happened things would have been a lot different. Of course just not giving Nash booking power probably would have helped a whole hell of a lot. Before ending Goldberg's streak I remember he squashed Wrath pretty quickly and cleanly, after they had been building him up as a beast similar to Goldberg. Thanks Kevin, glad to see you care about the business.

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This was the last WCW ppv I ever brought. In 1999, WWF was pretty horrid from an in-ring standpoint but they suckered me into buying 3-5 PPVs that year and I always left disapointed. WCW had strong stuff in the ring but the booking and aura of the product was so frustratingly insipid (not unlike TNA), that I refused to order a single PPV from them.

I don't remember if I did or didn't buy anymore WCW PPV's afterward. I probably did. I haven't bought hardly any PPV's since '01. Just Mania X8, the weekly TNA PPV's, and the PPV's leading up to Mania XIX. The weekly TNA PPV's don't really count, though.


In fact, from this show until its death, I don't think WCW ever produced a quality PPV with the sole exception of Spring Stampede 1999 which had all sorts of kick ass matches (Juventud/Blitz Krieg, Benoit/Melenko-Saturn/Raven, Mysterio/Kidman, a fun hardcore brawl and a intriguing main event). That show was comparable to the WWF 2000 run of shows. Sadly, after this show WCW pissed all that down the drain.

That's about it, yeah. I got enjoyment out of the other stuff they did, but I can't say it was good. The only good thing at the end was the Cruiserweight Tag stuff. Maybe the Natural Born Thrillers too.


Oh man that fucking show. It still amazes me how WCW went into the toilet so quick in 1998. I completely understand the meltdown in 1999 and 2000, but in 1998 they still had so much potential. An absolutely loaded roster of talent, wrestlers the fans CARED about, Goldberg's streak, I just can't believe they pissed it away so fucking quickly.

I can. Even as a mark, I knew it couldn't last. No promotion can keep that much talent happy.


Russo fucked up more than humanly possible when his turn came, but god was giving Kevin Nash the book a BAD move. I remember discussing Starcade 98 at a highschool Christmas party with a LOT of people. A year later and I couldn't find a WCW fan if I tried. Despite the fact that it shouldn't have been on the card, there was a lot of anticipation for Goldberg/Nash. I seem to recall more heat being on Bam Bam vs Goldberg, but with the book in Kevin's hand that wasn't going to happen. ANY ending would have been better than Scott Hall using the Mountie's shockstick. Nash going over clean is better than that crap, and that's ignoring the finger poke of doom that followed.

Yeah, pretty much. Bam Bam vs. Goldberg was something that DEFINITELY should've been executed, if not at Starrcade '98, then soon after. Truthfully, that main event doesn't set a Starrcade on fire either. I didn't know very many WCW fans. WWF was always where it was at, here. I stuck around until the end. Watched EVERY Thunder. Didn't watch all of Nitro, but during the non-compete hour(s), I did. Some I remember, most I don't. I'm glad I'll be seeing that junk again when the MNW series 24/7 does gets to that point.


What was the reason for giving Nash the book anyway? I can't think of a single viable one.

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