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2/23: Donate With Money That's "Not Yours"

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1:15 p.m.


• Well I guess I should be somewhat proud of myself for doing this database shit now rather than waiting until Sunday to hurry up and do this crap. It'd be even better if I knew what I was doing.


2:30 p.m.


• For those of you living single, read onward. For those married, you’ll feel my pain.


So when the better half had her second part-time job, she donated to her local church. No problem with that. That money was hers to do with it what she wanted. Then she got preggers and stopped working the second job. I have told her all along that I don’t want to donate to her church until we get our financial house in order, and for as far as we have come, there is still much work to be done. Of course, with the biggest blights – the credit card bills she racked up over the years – out of the picture there have been times I had to remind her of the other debts such as our school loans, car payment and mortgage. Well today she asked if she could do the giving-to-Jesus thing again, and once again my response was “I don’t want to do this until my school loan and the car get paid off.” The following exchange then took place. You can figure out who is who.


“Well, I really won’t be donating our money.”




“I’ll be using my mom’s money for when she pays for her half of the cell phone bill.” (We’re on some family plan with her parents and we pay the actual bill while her parents give us half in cash.)


“But then who’s paying for their half of the cell phone bill.”




Damn you, Jesus.

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