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Rick Steiner


In his prime, a good worker who could be part of great matches with an opponent who didn't mind taking a pounding. In his later years, he became very bitter and angry and very much a bully.




Has developed into a very well-rounded worker who has shown himself to be a great heel. Managed to turn Cena back into a mostly cheered babyface, which seemed impossible just 18 months ago. Despite being a piece of shit to his 'best friend', which is probably an indication of why he's such a great heel, I'd still plug him into the spot of being the long-term top heel on Raw.


John Cena


Has turned into a capable worker who can be carried to good to great matches by the right opponent. He can't really carry someone unless he's simply bouncing around for the majority of the match. When talking, he has excellent delivery, but he's let down by some terrible material.




I've seen worse.

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Nigel McGuinness


FIP (The promotion, not the stupid internet creation for a ricky morton spot)


ROH-DG-NOAH Partnership and subsequet result of all ROH titles being held by Japanese promotions and ROH carrying a DG belt and briefly, a NOAH title.


Mike Choida (WWE Head Referee)


Death Match Wrestling

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Nigel McGuinness


A great man who will inevitably be picked up by WWE. Great wrestler, fun on the mic, and should be a cornerstone of ROH this year. May even be the one who snags the ROH belt from Morishima.




I've seen very little FIP, which is a shame because I'd probably really like it.


ROH-DG-NOAH Partnership and subsequet result of all ROH titles being held by Japanese promotions and ROH carrying a DG belt and briefly, a NOAH title.


I completely endorse this partnership, and it can only lead to good things for all involved. I'm really looking forward to the ROH/DG and ROH/NOAH shows in Japan, and can't wait to see what matches get put together. It's a shame that Joe couldn't be involved; even if he wasn't pulled from ROH when he was he wouldn't have been able to make it because of TNA.


Mike Choida


He doesn't screw up and is good at his job, which is all you can ask for.


Death Match Wrestling


Not worth wasting time on.

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