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2/29: Victim Of A Snowball Drive-By

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5:15 p.m.


• Snow snow I hate snow. Actually, the drive wasn’t that bad home from work today. It took twice as long, but traffic was slow. Eh, whatever. At least we were moving. Funny thing was some jangala Oryctolagus cuniculus coming home from school hit our car with a snowball. It would have been funny to put it in reverse and plow into the herd, but then I’d be charged with a hate crime.

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You should've called the cops on those bastards. I'm pretty sure they would've been given more than a wristslap for what they did, especially considering you could've wrecked as a result of their hijinx.

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Good point. Although did either one of you have cell phone? Maybe you could have phoned it in to the cops what that group was doing, as something tells me they didn't start and stop with just your car. Although it was Wilkinsburg, so that was probably the least of the cops worries.

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