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3/5: Stars, Bars And Laptops

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7:45 p.m.


• If you can’t find the joke in this one then shame on you.


Birmingham's City Council has approved a $3.5 million plan to provide schoolchildren with 15,000 computers produced by the nonprofit One Laptop Per Child Foundation, which aims to spread laptops to poor children in developing countries.


Actually, I don’t get the whole “Our children NEED laptops.” Then again, I had my school years just before the whole computer thing really took off. I have to laugh because I remember doing a research paper in high school on this piece of shit word processor my mom bought because it was the “latest” thing. My how the times have changed. As I was entering college, the Internet began to emerge. Oh the days of going into chatrooms without web cams or those audio recorders. A much easier time to pretend you were an 18-year-old hottie with a D cup size.


I get that computer skills are more important than ever, but I still have doubts when hearing how it should be mandatory that the State give every kid a laptop. Can we start slow, like say make sure these kids can read?


Oh, and since we’re making fun of one of the more dependable red states out there, here's one of my favorite South Park live-action segments.



Oh, and peep this version.



It's always interesting to see the type of person they hire to do the voices in these situations. Oh, and...



...whoever thinks the above video is funny needs beaten. And beaten hard.


8:15 p.m.


• Yeah, because drug dealers will just stop selling drugs if the State bans little baggies.


Tiny plastic bags used to sell small quantities of heroin, crack cocaine, marijuana and other drugs would be banned in Chicago, under a crackdown advanced Tuesday by a City Council committee.


I can see it now: SUPER-SIZE ME~!

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