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3/17: Band Aid In Speling

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7 p.m.


• So on the drive home from work today we passed up this place that always has politically incorrect stuff on its marquee. I know I talked about this bar/restaurant before, but I can’t find it when I performed a search. Anyway, there is also this listing for upcoming local bands that will be playing there, and with that I give you the latest chat I shared with Mrs. kkk. You can figure out who is who:


“Hey, do you spell ‘Van Halen’ as ‘H-e-l-o-n?”




“Is it ‘H-e-l-e-n’?”




“Yes it is.”


“No, it’s not.”


“Well then what is it?”




“That’s what I said.”


“No. You said ‘H-e-l-e-n.”


“Well you know what I meant.”




Oh, and here’s a video montage of some of this guy’s signs.


• Remember "Wet Back Wednesday"? Here's a

Oddly enough, it was in that little "More From" column next to the first video posted in this entry. And it just wouldn't be a Shittsburgh video without some guy in a Steelers hat.
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