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4/2: Not Tinkering With The New Job

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8 a.m.


• Well, I'll be getting ready to leave the state in a few hours, which brings me to something I've been meaning to say for a few days. You may have noticed that in the last few months I haven't been blogging as much as I used to. Well, there's a reason for that.


I've been really busy at work and many times the last thing I want to do when I get home is get in front of another computer.


And the sad thing is, there's really not much to complain about. I could gripe about my contractor and how they're putting more and more work on my boss's plate (and in turn, me) that wasn't in the agreed contract, but the great thing about all this is that my new boss has been supportive of me 110 percent. It's a TOTAL night/day switch from the shithole I used to work at. Hell, last week she said that she was going to bring on another person (part-time to start) to help us out. And what did she do? She started interviewing people yesterday! Now some of you may find this "normal," but I came from a place that took two months to find a replacement for me (and from the stories I've been hearing it sounds like my idiot ex-boss picked a real winner, but that's another story for another time). I came from a place that put stuffing envelopes over job duties I was originally hired to perform. I came from a place that wouldn't reimburse our sales manager for ANYTHING he did out on the road. (But my ex-idiot boss would spend thousands on trips to national conventions that did squat for our organization. Shit, there's another story sorta-related to this subject that I could mention, but time forbids it.) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I came from a pretty shitty place.




A group of third-graders plotted to attack their teacher, bringing a broken steak knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other items for the job and assigning children tasks including covering the windows and cleaning up afterward, police said Tuesday.


The plot by as many as nine boys and girls at Center Elementary School in south Georgia was a serious threat, Waycross Police Chief Tony Tanner said.


"We did not hear anybody say they intended to kill her, but could they have accidentally killed her? Absolutely," Tanner said. "We feel like if they weren't interrupted, there would have been an attempt. Would they have been successful? We don't know."


The children, ages 8 and 9, were apparently mad at the teacher because she had scolded one of them for standing on a chair, Tanner said. A prosecutor said they are too young to be charged with a crime under Georgia law.


I remember when I was that age I stood on a bench during lunchtime and made a "Tarzan" yell. Why? Because I was a kid. I was whisked away and had to put my head down on my desk during post-lunch recess. I had no intentions of killing anyone. Actually, the reason I did this was for attention. A little less than a year later I was at a classmate's birthday party when this girl named Tonya called my name from across the table. After she got my attention, she then did a mock of that yell/chest thumping and gave me that look that a grade-schooler gives when they want to bang you (Or whatever they think of when they're that age; hell, now they probably do imagine taking it doggy-style while leaning against the Tinker Toy can. Oh who am I kidding? They don't play with Tinker Toys anymore.)

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