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4/22: PA Primary

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9 p.m.


• So today was primary day for the Keystone State. For a registered Republican there wasn't much to do other than nominate a bunch of people running unopposed in local elections. I was thinking of casting a write-in vote for president, or even throwing Ron Paul a bone for kicks, but then I saw that Mike Hickabee is still in the race. McCain for me and Mrs. kkk.


Sadly there weren't any stories to report. No fights with Democrats at the polling place. No nothing. Oh well.


• I think I'm going to side with the docs on this one.


Suzanne Kreuziger is a registered nurse who uses e-mail almost exclusively to communicate with friends. But when it comes to reaching her doctor, there's a frustrating firewall.


The barrier is her doctor's own reluctance to talk to patients through e-mail.


"It makes sense to me to have the words laid out, to be able to re- read, to go back to it at a convenient time," the 34-year-old Milwaukee woman recently wrote on a social networking site. "If I were able to ask my physician questions this way, it would make my own health care much easier."


Kreuziger's experience is shared by most Americans: They want the convenience of e-mail for non-urgent medical issues, but fewer than a third of U.S. doctors use e-mail to communicate with patients, according to recent physician surveys.


Doctors are busy run late enough as it is -- I don't want to imagine them typing away at some medical issue to a patient. Besides, I'm sure whatever a doctor puts into writing would be red meat for a trial lawyer should something go wrong with said patient.


• Memoirs? How old is she again?


The multi-hyphenate teen star has signed a book deal to tell the story of her young life, it was announced Tuesday. The memoir by Cyrus, who stars in the Disney Channel series "Hannah Montana," is planned for release next spring.


You know, I hate to admit it, but I actually watched part of an episode of "Hannah Montana" while in Buffalo. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The one niece-in-law is a fan of the show, so for the last few years all we have bought for her for holidays and birthdays has been this Montana shit. I can't wait until this phase is over and all that money is wasted.

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I got a disgusting amount of phone calls the last few days, and not just from presidential candidates.




Here's something amusing. Check out the bottom race for State House, 113th district. Note the votes from Republicans and compare them with the votes from Democrats. Obviously greater turnout for the democrats due to their presidential primary. The 10th Congressional race is important, as that region has a democratic incumbent but is primarily republican.

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