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5/29: It's A Slam Dunkin' This Isn't The Worst Entry In The World

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9 p.m.


• So I'm one of the many who don't watch Keith Olbermann's hippie show, but I did notice this and had to watch. (video -- lol, when is O'Reilly ever NOT on this worst-person list?) Below is the text.


MSNBC's Keith Olbermmann bestowed his "worst person" honors on Wednesday's show to Dunkin' Donuts of Canton, Massachusetts, for pulling an advertisement featuring Rachel Ray because of the "xenophobic paranoia" created by the scarf worn around the celebrity cook's neck.


"We told you yesterday about this, the unbearable Rachel Ray in an ad for the donut and coffee chain, to which the lunatic fringe responded in an apoplexy of xenophobic paranoia, because that, that thing around her neck, that is not just a stupid scarf; they think that is what Yasser Arafat used to wear on his head," Olbermann intoned. "See, it‘s jihadist chic. Having already driven business to Dunkin' Donuts by applauding its supposed stance in favor of tough immigration laws, the right threatened to boycott."


Olbermann added, "So what did Dunkin' Donuts do? They folded. They were as weak as their decaf."


The Dunkin' Donuts statement read, "In a recent online ad, Rachel Ray is wearing a black and white scarf with a paisley design. It was selected by her stylist for the advertising shoot. Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we are no longer using the commercial."


"They pulled the ad because of the possibility of misperception by the right wing equivalents of jihadists, the people in this country who most closely share the mentality of the terrorists, who act the most like Middle Eastern nut jobs, who rail against diversity, try to murder dissent, and care more about flags than about people," Olbermann continued. "You know, the Michelle Malkins of the world. You gave in to them because they merely mentioned the possibility of a boycott?"


Olbermann suggested that the donut franchise might not be "worth the trip" since it caved into "fascists" like Malkin.


"How about this, how about the rest of us boycott Dunkin' Donuts for giving in to fascists like Michelle Malkin and for giving weight to perhaps the most absurd idea the lunatic fringers have ever belched forth, that there are terrorist scarves, terrorist scarves!" Olbermann railed. "Dunkin Donuts, time to stop buying the donuts, today‘s worst persons -terrorist scarves—in the world."


Oy. I'm not even going to bother with the "yeah, well liberal groups boycott stupid shit, too" because, well, this is pretty stupid. HOWEVER, I will say this. At least it got Rachel Ray off the air, at least for a few 30-second bits. Yeah, I know, there are some kooks on my side, but as long as they vote with me in November I'll just pat them on the head and go, "that's nice."


Oh hell, I couldn't resist.


They pulled the ad because of the possibility of misperception by the right wing equivalents of jihadists...


So Pat Robertson was going to pay some poor white trash 10k to blow himself up during the Dunkin' morning rush?

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