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5/31: Do As I Say, Not As I Hire

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5 p.m.


• So about three weeks ago, the better half got the word that she was getting laid off by her idiot boss. Since then she’s been in a state of panic about getting another job. The whole time I’ve been telling her to enjoy this time. After all, she has nearly a month worth of vacation/sick time to use, and her final day of work is August 31. But this is the first time this sort of thing has happened to her, and has been freaking out nonstop. That is until someone she knows within the local university put her C.V. (think resume) on this super-secret list that researchers browse to look for employees. Within ONE MINUTE of Mrs. kkk’s posting, she got a phone call. Right now she’s got three interviews lined up in the next two weeks (one being Monday, one being Tuesday and one being June 13). The one on June 13 e-mailed her yesterday and said that she is in the process of getting a grant out and won’t be available until the 13th but to let her know of any offers she receives before this date (the low-end starting wage for this job is the same as what Mrs. kkk is making now). Christ almighty. This wasn’t quite the same route I took whenever I moved to a location and looked for work. Then again, she’s the one with the Master’s Degree. At least now I can get some peace and quiet – at least about this subject.


While I’m on this subject, I have to point out that her uber-liberal boss is laying her off because said academic no longer wants to publish academic papers, which was a second source of income she was receiving along to the grant that Mrs. kkk is/was a part of. The boss quit working writing papers for this guy and now will focus on the grant full-time, which is a huge clusterfuck waiting to happen because she’s got the work ethic of a slug (see the May 7 entry link above for details). Why did Mrs. kkk get the axe? Because the boss wants to keep the same salary level back when she worked both jobs. Keep in mind this is the same person that espouse liberal cliché after liberal cliché, especially when it comes to how BIG CORPORATIONS treat their employees and how they show no compassion to those worker bees. For as fun as it has been observing the chaos of my former place of employment, when Mrs. kkk leaves her current position, this will be turmoil times 1000.

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