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7/31: A-door-ing Job

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8 p.m.


• Wow. Xavier Nady traded to the Yankees earlier this month, now Jason Bay traded to the Sox. Pirate fans are getting the best of both worlds with the YANKS/SOX rivalry. I’m sure Al knows the stats of every new player the Pirates got today, but I don’t care: they’ll still lose now and in the future.


• McCain-ites, I don’t get this ad.



You’re ripping on a guy who is attracting loads of people to hear him bullshit? I don’t care if Osama is talking to Europeans. I don’t care if Bar-ACK’s crowds were helped drawn in by music concerts. This ad makes me want to vote for Hussein more than the candidate who endorsed this message.


Oh, and by “Heussein,” I mean Saddam. Not the other terrorist.


9 p.m.


• Now the biggest attention-getter to this story is probably a person winning a $5 million jackpot and still working as a doorman, but my "WTF?" moment is when I found out how much he made at this profession. I know it's NYC and all, but still. And he's UNIONIZED?


A New York City doorman who kept his day job at an exclusive Park Avenue apartment building after winning a $5 million lottery has been shown the door.


Kate Ferranti, a spokesman for the union representing apartment building workers, said Richie Randazzo notified the union's grievance center on Tuesday that he had been fired.


The building management company, Brown Harris Stevens, did not immediately return a call for comment.


Randazzo's father, who was reached at his son's apartment in Brooklyn, said Wednesday the letter of termination did not specify a reason. He declined to give his name and said his son was not home.


Randazzo made $40,000 a year as a doorman. He began taking in another $65,000 every three months after hitting the jackpot on May 2. According to published reports, his attendance record was spotty after he won the lottery.


The Brooklyn resident said when he won that he had no immediate plans to change his life, but allowed that he might indulge in a motorboat and a Lexus.


Ferranti said the discharge will be investigated by Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union as a routine matter.

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"Our" Pirates?


I hope they never post a winning season again. My wish is that 20 years from now they ask for another new stadium so they can remain "competitive."

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"Our" Pirates?


I hope they never post a winning season again. My wish is that 20 years from now they ask for another new stadium so they can remain "competitive."



I'm guessing you gave up on them after only 10 years of rebuilding? Damn fairweather fan! :lol:

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