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ROH - Scramble Cage Melee

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Last night I was bored and thought I'd give ROH a little look. The "Scramble Cage - Melee" match was available for download on a forums I'm on so I thought I'd give it a look. Perhaps it was a bad match to choose, perhaps it's not always this bad, but frankly it was awful.


"8. Jack Evans defeated Trent Acid to win Scramble Cage Melee which included Loc & Devito, Maff & Whitmer, The Outcast Killaz, Fast Eddie, Alter Boy Luke, and Dunn & Marcos"


First off the concept of the match is terrible. Lots of people in a cage. Platforms in each corner. All you have to do to eliminate someone is to jump on them off the platform. So, stuff that in any other match would simply be a big move or high spot, becomes an elimination. Terrible. If you chuck 10 decent workers in a big cage they'll give you high spots, you don't need to make it a crap stipulation of the match. Even when it gets down to the final two, there's no pinfalls, just people having to jump on each other off the top of the cage.


Barely any good wrestling in the match, a few sloppy high spots and really only two good moments I can remember. Trent Acid's yakuza kick and the selling from Evans on it, and a high spot where Fast Eddie took out about half the participants in the match by flipping backwards off the platform while holding either Dunn, or Marcus, I think.


The match was awful, the concept was awful, none of the workers really showcased anything all that special. by the time it got down to Acid and Evans they were so sloppy that everything looked botched. Acid, limping away, actually made Evans look like a chump and supposedly Evans is meant to be really special.


Production, look etc was as always terrible. There was one defining moment in the whole match for me, and that was the entrance of, I think, Fast Eddie.


He has Blind by korn as his entrance music. Now if you've heard the song you'll realise it's the absolute PERFECT entrance music for any wrestler with the way it builds up and then explodes. We're sat there, hearing the little guitar riff, it's building up, it's getting boring, we're expecting something big I guess, and out comes some little idiot as the music explodes with "arrrre youuuuu reeeadddyyyy!" and just sort of trots out, not trying to impress himself on the fans, not really showin anything particularly intense at all. Just some little worker who doens't know, or hasn't learnt how to get himself over. To me, that's ROH all over from what I've seen.


Have I just been watching the wrong things? Is the promotion really as bad and dull as I've seen?


I've watched one of the Joe Vs Punk matches and for the most part enjoyed it, but most other stuff I've seen has bored me, or just made me lose interest in the match really quickly.


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You missed the clever part of Fast Eddie using that song as his enterance.


He used it because, he is in fact, BLIND.


Yes you are watching the wrong stuff, That match just for spotfest whores.

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You missed the clever part of Fast Eddie using that song as his enterance.


He used it because, he is in fact, BLIND.


Yes you are watching the wrong stuff, That match just for spotfest whores.


Just how blind is this Eddie dude? I mean, how can he wrestle like that, the idea of some blind guy being up on a platform that high and flipping off it while holding someone else seems a bit sadistic to me. And, how come when he makes his understated entrance does he a couple of times put his hand up to get the light out of his eyes?


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The Scramble Cage Melee would have to be close to the worst match to judge Ring of Honor on, a terrible mess that was only done to stick it to the H2 show that never happened the same night and give an excuse for Evans to do his ultra-flippy 720 Leg Drop or whatever it was. ROH is wisely never doing the match again.


On Fast Eddie, he is legally blind, but i'd imagine he's on the lower end of the 'blindness' spectrum, so he'd be out there wrestling a bunch of blurry shapes.

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yeah, it's a hell of an achievement to do what he does like that. I asumed he couldn't be completely in the dark though, one because it'd be too dangerous for himself and anyone else he's wrestling, surely? and the fact that he's trying to get the light out of his eyes when he comes out for that match.

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