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well Myspace has given me more evidence of what a horrible person my girlfriend has become. I was reading her messages which I haven't done in a few weeks, and which she does to mine probably everyday. And she told some guy that he was fine. And she jumped my case months ago for doing the same, so I stopped doing that. Now she is doing it, what a hypocrite. Well it's not like I haven't seen her do it on AIM either. I will give her the benefit of the doubt this time. The guy pulled a classic emo move and said how ugly he was, and she just said "Nah, your fine." so it could have just meant he wasn't ugly. She then pulled the same classic emo move on him, but to no avail. no compliment, he did ask her what she was doing this weekend. Little does he know she is fucking her white trash metal loser friends so she won't have time to fuck him. Only kidding, but not really.


I will update with the complete story of what is going on and ask for some advice later.

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