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Who's that jumpin' out tha sky? R-E-Y!

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I finally thought of a good topic for my blog! Based off of the following thread:


MOTY 2006


In said thread, a discussion has emerged as to the merits of one Rey Mysterio, and when he had his last ***** match, if any. Now, we as an internet community take for granted that Rey is a good worker, but I've found that often times, we base these opinions on past memories without looking at the situation analytically. For instance, I'll admit to being a huge fan of Chris Jericho, but toward the end of his WWE run, I went back and looked at a lot of his matches, and much of the stuff in 2003 and 2004 seemed sloppy at times, as well as generally uninspired. I'll never stop being a fan and it takes nothing away from all the great things he's done, but looking at it this way made me reconsider where I place Y2J on my "favorite wrestlers of all time" list (#7, BTW).


So, with all of that long-windedness in mind, I have three questions for you all.


1. What do you consider to be Rey Mysterio's best match?


2. They're often harder to remember, but what do you consider to be Rey Mysterio's worst match?


3. Having hopefully called to mind much of Rey's body of work, has your opinion of him changed? Do you find him any less entertaining?



Hopefully this'll spark some discussion. I'll weigh in this weekend with my own thoughts. Until then, take it easy, kids.



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hey Hoffy, here's some thoughts on Rey:


-his best match was either his 96 Bash At The Beach match with Dean Malenko or his Halloween Havoc 97 match with Eddie Guerrero...he hasn't done anything in the WWE to top those. All silliness aside, I dug the ladder match with Guerrero at Summerslam 05.


-I can't think of a definitive worst match for him at the moment, someone else will need to hit that...he's had some stinkers and I'm positive his worst match would be a WWE match.


-overall, I still like Rey, and I've gone on record numerous times saying that I'd like to see him wear one of the World titles at least once in his career...he's over enough and could have a decent 5 to 6 month reign if everything is booked PERFECTLY...however, that being said, he's certainly not the same since bulking up and working more of the WWE style...I'd like to see him get away from the signature spots like the 619 and the West Coast Pop. The setups are getting played out, almost in the same way as Angle's ankle lock spots.

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Rey as WWE champion is a discussion that comes up quite frequently at NMB. I'd love to see it, but I think SS and Armageddon have shown how devoted WWE is to making it happen.

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Yeah, by the way, "retired" doesn't mean the same as "going to another promotion." Congrats on your sour grapes, and I hope the SWF tolerates bullshit a lot better than the OAOAST does.

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Well I am "retired" from writing with the OAOAST. I told you previously the only way I would ever go back is if it was something between you, NYU, and myself. When plans of that fell through I decided to just call it quits from there. I do however still have the urge to write and would like to do so while I'm still around. No sour grapes at all. You did your thing and I'm trying a new thing.


I've also spoken with a couple of the main people running the fed and it seems like a much better enviroment than OAOAST. Feels more like a community rather than a group of mods and a few other people.


I haven't started shit with anybody in months and don't plan on it either. I like this whole flying under the radar and not being bothered thing so I'd rather keep it that way.


Last but not least in my opinion Malibu is slowly running that fed into the ground. His big idea for how to do the InVasion angle correctly ended up being just as bad and people left. Granted I left before that due to getting sick of people saying they wanted to work a program and then leaving me high and dry, but the state of the place is reflected by its leadership and he's the self-proclaimed leader.


In the end all that matters is that we both have fun because that's the reason for doing this...I'm still sad though that this entry wasn't about The 70s Dude. :(

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Well, all right, but if it ends up sucking, come talk to me and we'll do something. You know I always wanted to work together. Rob, if you're lurking...same story.


I'm-a close this thread now, since it's way off-topic. New entries soon.

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