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1/26/06: Dictators On Parade; Judges Getting Tough

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• This week Parade Magazine presented us with the World's 10 Worst Dictators. Although a list of the World's 10 Nicest Dictators would have been a more interesting read, I took a look at who made the list this year. The results weren't that surprising: Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and Kim Jong-il of North Korea topped the list, followed by a bunch of people whose countries I've never heard of before and whose country's names will probably change in a week or two after the next "people's uprising" or civil war.


One popular face on this list, Fidel Castro, from everybody's favorite commie island for forbidden cigars, dropped a few spots this year, probably in part to Cuba's improving economy from the hit it took due to the Soviet Union going under. Oh, and big ups to Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan, who leapfrogged from fifteen to the number five spot. I look for him to do even bigger and better things next year. Thank goodness I was recently able to get him in my Fantasy Dictator League, and all I had to give up was some general in the Congo who got killed several revolutions ago (I had him on injured reserve) -- sometimes it pays to be in a league with people who get their news from state-run media agencies.


• Did you know that giving out pork soup is one of the worst things you can do to a homeless Muslim male? Well, it is. Looks like there will be another riot going on in France if the Frenchies don't get their act together and start giving out some inoffensive nourishment. Here's my favorite part of the article:


Small groups linked to the extreme right are ladling pork soup to France's homeless. Critics and some officials denounce the charity as discriminatory: because it contains pork, the soup is off-limits for Muslims.


And here I thought it would be discriminatory to outright refuse to give Ahmed the soup. I'm sure Allah won't be that upset if one of his followers consumes pork soup to stay alive. Well, Allah will probably get a little peeved, but after offing a few infidels, I'm sure the big guy will let it slide, especially if Ahmed gets healthy enough to blow himself up in a nightclub or public square.


• Being the ignorant American that I am, I don't know much about England's politics. However, I must admit to regularly watching video of their Parliament in action on C-Span. For 30 minutes every week, I can see Tony Blair stand up in the middle of a crowded auditorium, holding that huge binder of his, and listen to critics say how much he sucks as a leader. It actually makes for entertaining television, and many times Blair usually slaps back his critics by saying "Yeah, well you suck even more," which usually brings about a bunch of hootin' and hollerin' from the gallery.


Anyway, the reason I brought this up is because the

Liberal Democrat Party looks to be in some trouble. Some bigwig named Simon Hughes recently admitted that he has had homosexual and heterosexual relationships, after initially denying that he was gay. My question here is why did Hughes lie in the first place? I'm sure "liberal" across the Pond might have some differences with the "liberal" over in the States, but wouldn't this sort of acknowledgement make him more popular with his base?


• Remember that red diaper doper baby judge in Vermont who gave a repeated child rapist 60 days in jail? Well, now he's getting tough. He's upped the sentence to at least three years. Easy there big guy. Don't go off the edge just yet. What if this rapist says he's sorry? Then I'll bet you'll feel bad for locking him up until 2009.


Sure I can get pissed off with this shithead judge, but here's something from the first article I linked to that enrages me even more:


Prosecutors argued that confessed child-rapist Mark Hulett, 34, of Williston deserved at least eight years behind bars for repeatedly raping a littler girl countless times starting when she was seven.


At least eight years? This is the prosecutor talking here, not the guy's defense lawyer. How about at least eight bullets to the head? If you think about it, the judge just met the prosecutors halfway on this case.


• And finally, on a somber note, we must say goodbye to adult performer Anna Malle, who recently died in a car accident. For some reason, if she were to die in a vehicle-related incident, I had always pictured her passing away in the middle of a train.

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