3/9: Life On Other Planets, Molesters On This One
• So today’s red-lettered-headline from Drudge is about NASA and a HUGE ANNOUNCEMET about life on other planets. From the “developing” story: “NASA's Cassini spacecraft may have found evidence of liquid water reservoirs that erupt in Yellowstone-like geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus. The rare occurrence of liquid water so near the surface raises many new questions about the mysterious moon.”
So this is what NASA is pitching in hopes of getting more funding?
I may be ignorant (wait until you get to my take on Ann Richards farther down), but I’m not ignorant enough to think we are the only planet in this universe to have life forms. However, until aliens drop in from the sky, I really don’t care. I will care if/when they arrive in their flying saucers, because I don’t think they would have flown trillions of light years just to mow my lawn or pick my lettuce.
• Looks like the NFL reached a deal with the player’s union. You guys have the most successful league in the country, if not the world. Pay your players and shaddup.
• Oh, and I just had this kid ask me if it was OK for him to park his bike in a handicap parking space.
• Well I guess the bright side of this story is that the Bishop allegedly abused a woman and not some 10-year old boy. You know, this really pisses me off. No, not pedophile priests (well, they do, but not in this instance), but rather people who wait 30+ years to make these rape claims. If someone assaults you, report it to the authorities; don’t wait several generations and go “Father Bob raped me when I was 9.” And just to show that I am consistent on this issue, whenever those Juanita Broderick rape allegations hit the air waves (or at least on FAUX NEWS [lol2006], considering Medium-Large Media avoided this topic) I didn’t care. I’m sure it may be hard for someone to come forth and claim to have been raped, but what makes it any easier 50 years later, other than that there’s a chance the people you’re accusing can’t defend themselves because they are either dead or senile?
• Poor Ann Richards. It’s not her fault she wasn’t born with a silver esophagus in her body. (Sorry, but I couldn't pass that one up.)
• Now here’s a shocker, cigarette sales have dropped to its lowest level since 1951. No shit. I’m surprised it took this long. The only thing that concerns me is once Big Tobacco gets plundered for all their worth, what will the health Nazis focus on next in order to get more money out of us through tax revenue, etc?
• Hahahahahahaha. Fuck you, Barry. Too bad your kid is in school; who are you going to shield yourself with now? There has been some talk that Bonds is being targeted because he’s black, while other athletes who probably roided up in the 1990s, like Mark McGwire, got virtually a free pass. Maybe Bonds was “unfairly” targeted, but it wasn’t because he was black. It was because people outside of San Francisco don’t like him.
• A parent busted a 15-year old babysitter for forcing two eight-year olds to perform oral pleasures on him. Now, if the parent set up a video camera, he or she had to have suspected something was up with the babysitter (in more ways then one). If you were in the parent’s position, would you have done the camera set-up, or would you have fired the babysitter with no physical proof of sexual abuse? And this quote from the county sheriff about this issue is kind of creepy, too: "These type of cases require us to be very meticulous in collecting evidence.” It’s on VIDEO TAPE. Just how many times are you going to watch some teen getting forced hummers from 8-year olds?
And let’s not forget who the real victim is here: the accused, Brandon Jaffe. You know how hard it’s going to be for him to get a date for the next Homecoming dance? Even if he takes a date a few grades below him (like 4th or 5th), that kid’s bedtime will probably be before the dance even starts.
• I tried watching some of this World Baseball Classic yesterday; it wasn’t half bad. I’ll probably watch a few more innings of this tournament, but one thing that I found interesting was how the fans from other countries acted. That’s also one of the reasons I tune into the World Cup every four years. I have no idea who any of the soccer players will be on the field, but it’s entertaining to see the fans do their thing, including their various chants and noise-makers.