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10. Damned foreign languages.

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So, it was another routine day of work... me typing up lots of letters and just into pretty databases. Then, in the afternooon, I become like the Spanish specialist. I've always been really against how the US is forcing all of us to learn Spanish. Took about 10 years of it in school, and I only know the most basic words. It feels so unnecessary, and still does, despite me moving to Arizona. So, I have to type up a ton of letters in the afternoon... which took me forever to do. And create stuff in the database, which was even more fun since I was lost on where to sort things. Please, just give me stuff I can read. I type it in 110wpm, and I play online a lot during it. Fin. Next thing I know, I'll be forced to take more Spanish lessons... and answer in Spanish on the phones. Ugh.


I finally joined a tennis league here, this evening at the local pretty club. Was about time. I need to back into better shape. And I miss the competitive feelings I used to have. With being able to play outside here, practically every day of the year... I really miss being a tennis instructor now. Oh well.


Not much else... watched crap on TV...


South Park season opener was one of the worst episodes I've seen in a while. I'm sure many are loving it, because of the shots to Isaac, and Scientology... but they dragged the joke on FOREVER. Wasn't funny. Only decent part was the ending. Quite disappointing, since I was really looking forward to this, after watching nearly every season in the break since Season 9 ended. Watched some of American Idol, too... basically to see Kathi. And the little kid got eliminated, finally. Good for all parties. I really felt bad for the kid, and how they strung him along. I don't care that he played along with it, and maybe even got cocky because of it, it's still cruel.


Might as well respond to some comments here...


To be honest, I really don't like reading them. Especially if they're going to be mean-spirited like I expect some will be.


Aww you just wanted me to comment on your blog, didn't you?


Not really. I know nothing about baseball. I hate it. A lot.


Carlos Delgado should have won the MVP that year.


And the Shitty Leafs should have won the last Stanley Cup!


I'm always looking for "new friends" to chat with on AIM, or AOL, whatever you call it. My sn is TapesMaster04. It does seem that most people dislike you at the Pit, but what does that matter, anyway ? It's just a internet message board. And while I agree with you, about people on the internet, not all people are bad.


How tall are you ? Over six feet ? There's no reason to hate what you look like darlin, and you're definitely not old, if I think I know what your age is, and judging from the pictures I have seen of you. And, in my opinion, you don't look lanky or akward, you're a very attractive woman. You should be proud of that.


Ok, I'll add you. But, before you think I'm rude, I REALLY hate talking on those things. It takes me a long time to warm up. And I will annoy you with my snobbishness.


Most people don't dislike me at The Pit. It's only a handful there that I don't get along with. Plus, I'm far too wiling to get into fights with people. :P


I'm about 6'2. And 22 years old. I'm definitely awkward and uncoordinated. I really wish I wasn't so tall... really think I could have made a decent career out of tennis if I was more athletic. But, such is life.


I'd say she should be proud even if she was ugly. Which she isn't. You jut gotta get through this life yanno? Cheers! I dig the avatar. Keep them coming.


I definitely don't think I'm ugly. I wouldn't show pics of myself if I thought that. But, you know, I constantly worry about that stuff. Like every female. Blah.


Attractive girls watch wrestling, play poker and play video games? That makes me feel somewhat better about things.


I like being tall. In fact, I wish I was taller than I am. Not freakishly tall, just enough to be somewhat impressive and have a naturally stronger golf swing (Yea, I'm a geek or something). I suppose I shouldn't complain though.


I so thought you were going to flame me. I shouldn't be so negative.


Well, I don't really watch wrestling anymore. :( The last thing I watched was Royal Rumble, and Christian's title win. I haven't watched Raw or SD since I can't remember. And I'd rather watch paint dry before watching Impact again. I just like to follow what's going on, so I can bitch about it.


Don't play much video games lately, either. Working full-time has really killed that. Plus, a modded XBox hurts, also. Can get all games for free... but, with it being a huge entertainment system, games become secondary.


This board is pretty bad, but, it's not as bad as a while back.


I never read a full thread anymore, I just skim, and read the posts of people that I know are smart, and will actually contribute something to the discussion.


I shouldn't have said this board is that awful. It's still definitely one of the best boards I visit. But, things just irritate me. Everything irritates me.




Well, I like you, if only you tried to at least help with my WinFixer issue.


<3 x


Just search "WinFixer" on Google. I already found lots of stuff on the first page. It's a fairly well-known adware program, and you should find a fix somewhere.


I'm shocked that I am saying this, but I'm turning around on you. You used to annoy me but others are just increasingly frustrating in their worthless attempts to steal attention away. Sure, you like attention but isn't that the main reason most are here anyways?


You have boobs. This, makes you a target for these kids. Fight the power, sister.


That's sweet of you. But, if people like/dislike me, I don't worry about it. I just like to fight with the people who do dislike me. I have weird ways of having fun.


And every time I say this, people disagree... The last thing I want is attention. If I really wanted everyone to like me, I'd play nice with everyone, and have tons of people messaging me on IM. I talk with just about nobody from this board, which surprises people for some reason.


I have no problem with ya Leena. Granted, you don't acknowledge my existence, but I hav no problem with ya.


Sorry, but I don't know who you are. :( I forget names very easily. But, I'm also psycho! And I love Alexis Laree! We should get along then. :)


There, I think I caught up. This entry will be really long.


I need sleep now... and tomorrow promises to be a crazy day. Ugh.





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I don't know anyone under saay five foot ... nine, who understands what I mean when I repeatly wished, especially back in middle and highschool, that I could be a few inches shorter.


I think it was because I did all my growing quickly in middle school, but I was very clumsy and uncoordinated for many years. I think I *finally* adjusted to my body's height a few years ago, when I hit my twenties.


I'm always hitting my head on shit, I'm all leg, it's not just that the seats are wrong at work, but the DESKS are too low for me.




And short people are like, god I wish I could reach things.


Fool. I'll reach things for you, you won't be there when I lightly concuss myself for the nth time on the cupboard door you left open.

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I so thought you were going to flame me. I shouldn't be so negative.


Yea don't worry, I'm not a big enough prick to flame someone for no reason. Actually, the farther away I get from hardcore wrestling/anime/video games discussion, the nicer I get. Maybe it's because I craze in-depth discussions on those subjects but I'm also super competitive.

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I'm really just posting a comment to see what, if anything, you'll say about me in a future "respond to the comments" section. I guess I should ask a question to give you something to theme your response to:


Do you really think that I'm a kiss-ass, or was that just something that you knew you could say to 'push my button' and trigger a response? I don't deny that there'd been some ass-kissing, but no more than I did for Lushus or Malibu or anyone else that I'm e-friendly.


Dig the blog, btw ... oh, wait, there I go, kissing ass again.

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Just cause your saying nice stuff to Leena doesn't mean your a kiss-ass. Maybe that's why there's so much negativity around here. if we say anything nice about anyone, your a kiss-ass!


I've never had a problem with Leena, so I'm not gonna say anything about her. It's just the 'it' thing to do right now. I've liked the blog so far Leena. One question for ya. How much of the population is Spanish would ya say? The high schoolers are being forced to learn here in West Tennessee and we have about 5% of the people speaking Spanish.


Oh yeah, my AIM is MeanMugginMatt (fear the lame name...) if ya ever wanna chat. I do have some friends that talk about poker... but the only use they have for the Web is bodog.net.



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I tried to PM someone tonight, but their box was full/disabled. Ah well, it wasn't important, just:


"Okay, guess I'll go back to ignoring those things then."

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